Jam food

I'll be def bringing two webers also. So anyone can use mine if they want to.
I can still bring the clam dip. Its a staple at my house for big gatherings. An ancient Logue family recipe, all the way from Donegal Ireland...okay probably not. Probably made by my grandfather in Baltimore.

Sounds like we're going to have a food fest, lots of good stuff, hope my stomach is better by then.

I was thinking about making a pan or two of lasagna, plus the deer bologna.

Now we are getting somewhere!
PaulG wrote:

Sounds like we're going to have a food fest, lots of good stuff, hope my stomach is better by then.

I was thinking about making a pan or two of lasagna, plus the deer bologna.


You bringing the pot again? :)

The_Sasquatch wrote:
Leave the pot at home, Boyer!

What're we gonna make the coffee in, then? ;-)

Chili is one dish that I've failed to master so far...never comes out as good as I think it shoud. My wife's is pretty good, but I think I'd be pushing my luck asking her to make a pot when I'm going to be gone fishing for 3 days. My Sloppy Joe recipe is much better...so I'll bring a batch of that and some rolls...easy to store in the cooler and reheat in the crock pot.

Someone make sure to bump this back up with a master list or something when the time comes closer.
Don't worry swattie, I'll have a complete list of what everyone has posted, that they are going to bring. I may even start a new thread with just a list. I will add to it as people add there dishes.
Quantiy wise I would say, for the chilli at least. You would be good with 2 maybe 3 gallons. Kinda sounds like a lot, but I think it would be a reasonable amount. If you figure there is gunna be, let's say 30 people. This is just an example so bare with me. 30 people eat 6oz of chilli each. That's 180oz. A gallon is 128oz. Two gallons would be 256oz. In my line of work, it's always good to have extra, then not enough. Just some food for thought.
Double post
Thanks for headmanning this Phish...to use a hockey term!

With as many guys that it appears are interested, I doubt everyone will have enough room to sample everyone else's dish...I'm sure guys will eat and sample a variety of whatever catches their eye, but not necessarily everyone's dish, except perhaps for the chili competition entries.

I plan to double or triple my normal SJ recipe which makes 12 normal sized sandwiches. Not sure on how many oz's it yields, but the normal recipe is 1 lb of beef, and an equal amount of veg (bell pepper/celery/onions), along with the sauce. I'll probably also bring "slider" sized rolls so that'll stretch it a bit further, and leave more room to sample other dishes. If guys like them, they can always have two.
Swattie- you would prolly be straight with 2lbs of meat. Serve them on slider rolls like you said. I think that will be enough. But like I said a little bit extra isn't a bad thing.
Yeah and if your dish sucks, don't worry about the quantities. This only applies to the guys who are bringing good food ;-)
My favorite food is something someone else makes. No matter if it's bad or not. It's the thought that counts. I'm not picky when it comes to food. I'll try anything once, twice if it taste good.
You're right of course, I was just being an arse for the sake of it!
Haha I hear ya.
For camp food, I sometimes cut up a roast into kabob sized pcs, pork or beef work fine, have even used sirloin steaks before. Put it in one of those huge glass pickle jar things. Cover it in marinade. I forget the amounts, but the ingredients are as follows:

Soy Sauce
olive oil
brown sugar
tons of diced onions
tons of diced garlic
crushed red pepper

Cook over open fire, using hot dog stick as kabob. Delicious! I may mix a batch up if I have the time, but no promises.