It’s just fishing.

I was once one of those that thought Duct Tape fixes everything.

When I go outside I wear a mask. The mask is not to keep me from getting it, it is there so that if I have it I don't pass it on to another person whom this virus decides to kill. I could be a carrier and not even know it. Do I want someone's death on my hands just because I wanted to catch a couple of trout! If I sneeze or cough and you are down wind of me what's to keep you from being a carrier or becoming a victim?

I pray to GOD that we (family, neighbors, friends) do not have to FACE an at home tragedy just because we felt that the virus would not effect us. I asks for God's blessings to keep us all safe. AMEN.
My concern and it might be far fetched but we all wet our knots with our saliva and than tighten them down. Next we start false casting where are our germs going. Yes I might be out there but the problem seems to be nobody knows. Its a new virus and we nothing about it.
PennypackFlyer wrote:

When I go outside I wear a mask. The mask is not to keep me from getting it, it is there so that if I have it I don't pass it on to another person whom this virus decides to kill. I could be a carrier and not even know it. Do I want someone's death on my hands just because I wanted to catch a couple of trout! If I sneeze or cough and you are down wind of me what's to keep you from being a carrier or becoming a victim.

+1. That's the mentality we should all have right now...We SHOULD be thinking about what we do in terms of its impact to OTHERS, and count on everyone else to do the same.

There is too much of a prevailing attitude in America however that says, I'm going to do what I think is best for ME, and count on everyone else to do the same. Most of the time, it can go relatively unnoticed or at least without consequence. Sometimes, it may even be a good thing, but in times like this, it's a problem.
What Swattie87 says. Too many people think they are entitled to do what they and whenever they want regardless of how it may affect others.

If they and their families are healthy they should thank God for that and spend this time enjoying your family. Tie some flies, do some spring yard cleaning, help your spouse clean the house, wash the windows, cook some interesting dinners. There are a bunch of projects people can do now besides fishing and either getting sick or spreading germs and getting your neighbor sick.
1. That's the mentality we should all have right now...We SHOULD be thinking about what we do in terms of its impact to OTHERS, and count on everyone else to do the same.

There is too much of a prevailing attitude in America however that says, I'm going to do what I think is best for ME, and count on everyone else to do the same. Most of the time, it can go relatively unnoticed or at least without consequence. Sometimes, it may even be a good thing, but in times like this, it's a problem.

I did agree with this last week but dont anymore.

My job is considered life essential. My step child is extremely high risk to this virus. At work i was wearing gloves, a mask, cleaning often. I stopped going and getting a redbull or coffee before work too. I practiced social distancing at work with strict rules.

Last week i came to find out that a engineer we have won a trip to VA six months ago. She didnt want to give it up and traveled there. She came back sick and they took half a day to send her home, but didnt inform anyone.

Christ sake she always has her hands in my tool box. No one knew for 2 days. Once i found out i made a huge stink. They didnt even clean her desk at this point.

I run a machine that is worth about 5 million dollars and currently iam the only one in the plant that can run it. The company is trying to transition into an electronics contract manufacture, which i was hired to help them with. This whole thing pissed me off so i threatened taking emergency FMLA due to my stepson being high risk. Instead of them understanding, admitting they were wrong and correcting it, they doubled down and told me they handled the situation well.
To add insult to injury, they offered me the raise ive been working on to NOT take it. If i do i dont get it.

Well they reaped what they sowed. Now im on FMLA and self quarantined. The jerks put my entire family at risk by simpily not informing us someone in the plant was sick so we could take immediate precautions.

Co workers are now telling me they are struggling bad. I really dont care at this point.
They have no ethics at all and ill be job hunting. Im sure they will be looking to fire me but again i no longer care about the consequences. I guess its a good thing i got enough money to last years now.

In the end my point of this whole story is, dont expect others to do the right thing for you or your family. They arent.
Take care of your family and yourself the best way you can.

Im sure you knew this already.
It was just a massive shock and disappointment to me. They better hope i dont get sick and give it to my stepson.
I've been staying at my girlfriends in Cambria Co, not too many cases there, but alot of folks are taking it seriously. The ones that don't seem to understand are the twenty somethings that run around all day crowded into side by sides, and now they are crowding along the streams to catch the lightning trouts.
we did get out on a local stream this past sunday, some fishing, some hiking, only saw 4 other people, we all stayed well clear of one another, but chatted a bit, The other people were just as concerned as us, but also understood the need to get out for some air, to clear your head, and try to make sense of this insanity.
I caught some trout, drank a couple beers beside the creek, and really enjoyed the day out.
We have passed the time working on her garden, her garage, and doing some projects to her house she always wanted to do. I'm thankful for that work, she has been paying my bills since I'm not allowed to work elsewhere. I'm still waiting to hear anything about the self employed unemployment that is supposed to be coming, but I guess I better not hold my breath.
In the end, I think it's important to get outside, get fresh air, turn off the TV, the internet, and all the doomsday news we have been bombarded with. Stay safe, avoid others, and take the recommended precautions.
I do agree that this is not simply going to go away, it's going to linger until a vaccine is developed, and then it will still take months, if not years, to eradicate it.
And yes, I will go fishing again, on a little out of the way stream, with nobody around.
SAL: You and your family are in my prayers.

I was always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. I carried a burden on my shoulders for a long time because someone did me wrong. It caused me more problems than what it was worth because of my hatred and the stress it caused.

Once I learned that the Serenity Prayer includes Aholes and stupids, I was truly able to move on.
Keep in mind, as more things close and more restrictions are implemented, it is because people just won't listen and social distance.

Right now, a lot of county & municipal parks are COMPLETELY closed which at least in the case a few means you are NOT allowed to fish the waters that flow through them which includes stocked sections that just opened up yesterday!!

The fallout from this will be more closures and more crowding as people that can't fish where they want, go to other places where they can.

Another reason why the whole Opening Day thing was bungled badly.
If only somebody who has been through this specific situation before would step forward and let us know what worked last time, we'd have a better chance at getting it right this time...


I implore anyone who thinks this is overblown to travel to NYC and volunteer in a poor minority neighborhood in any of the boroughs. You will quickly see just how fake this is.

There is a much more to the world than suburban PA...
Define overblown.

The virus is real and it can be deadly.
I do believe however the media numbers are inflated and the hysteria is also overblown.

I say this only because i know of a few people that died. Those that did die, died from something else.
Labeled as coronavirus though.

Its pretty bad when your Amish landlord expresses the same thoughts and witness to the same thing.

If you die in a car accident and the accident kills you but you had coronavirus, you didnt die from the virus , no matter what the paper says.
SAL: What if the numbers are under in flated? Are we GOD to know who has died from the virus or something else. Man has many faults and one of them is labeling.

I wore my mask down to the creek as I have for the last two weeks and approached a person fishing. They still wanted me to stay 6' away even though they did not have a mask on.

If you die from my farting on you does it mean I suffocated you?
PennypackFlyer wrote:
If you die from my farting on you does it mean I suffocated you?
It depends on what you ate, in which case it could be chemical poisoning... ;-)
LMAO Bamboozle.....
moon1284 wrote:
I implore anyone who thinks this is overblown to travel to NYC and volunteer in a poor minority neighborhood in any of the boroughs. You will quickly see just how fake this is.

There is a much more to the world than suburban PA...

I implore everybody to stop watching the fear mongering taking place on the television and perpetuating that fear through Facebook and other reckless social media sites. I implore everybody to understand those on TV are pandering for money, votes and/or fame. These people are peddling in fear and profiting or gaining in some way while us dumbasses are taking it in the shorts.

Here's a great video of a NYC hospital pulmonary doctor who is the front line. He is addressing the concerns of his family and friends. He is not mugging for the camera nor is he trying to gain anything. So you can continue saying all the things popular on social media (and garner lots of likes), you can echo all the other fear mongers with ulterior motives and profiteers of death counts or you can listen to this guy who is a true American hero. Let's all be part of the solution and get this country back to work and back to kicking the virus in its ***. The choice is yours and despite the crys of the enlightened, whatever your choice is, your choice is not stupid. My choice is to end the insanity, restore peace of mind and let's all get back to work.

A very very good video. Its must watch, very enlightening and captivating.
Call it fear mongering, paranoia or what ever you want to call it, 88,000 people have died. That's probably 40,000 more dead than the last time you told us all it was overblown and not to worry about it...

The only insanity is coming from people that for some INSANE reason are in denial, think they're invincible, are so self absorbed in their own aggravation at having to do something they don't want to, or just don't give a $#!+.

To them I say, go out, do what you want to do, (poor babies), lick a few shopping cart handles and try your luck.

But if you get the disease...STAY THE F HOME AND AWAY FROM THE REST OF US!!
Actually what is frustrating is being locked down when there is no reason for it. While some believe I'm responsible for you not getting sick, I believe you are responsible for not getting sick. Again, this thing is simple to live with, simple to work with and simple not to get if you follow two very simple rules. It really doesn't matter what the next guy is doing as long as you follow two simple rules you will be safe and everybody will benefit. Of course one has to believe a guy who works every minute of every day with COVID19 patients but what does he know that the average facebooker doesn't.

Nobody is in denial here. How about you access your risks and act accordingly and I'll do the same. I've about had it with others determining my risks and how I should proceed. If you don't want to go to work stay home. If you don't want to go fishing stay home, if you are in a high risk group stay home but please stop mandating to the rest of us to follow your plan because of your personal risk assessment.

My risks are low. I follow the two very simple rules. I don't have a single fear of this virus because of two very simple rules coming from a guy who lives it everyday. If I get sick I'll stay home in bed for a week. Making an entire nation stay home for months on end when perfectly healthy is pure insanity and does nothing to alleviate anything. Social distancing has its place but closing everything down is simply not necessary if we individually follow two simple rules.

Based on your level of panic I guess you didn't watch the video. You should.
Based on fear I initially thought it would probably be the end of May when we opened up for business but now I’m thinking it’ll be May 1 yes May 1 America will be open for business. We are not curing the disease we are flattening the curve.

It’s funny no one else answers the question.
Poopdeck.... You are a voice of sanity. Thank you.