It’s just fishing.

Someone said the media only reports what they are given.
You dont say.
Good one Sal,
Your example is a news promo by every station owned by Sinclair Broadcasting. They are not relaying any false information here. Its conveying their owners philosophy. Period. (With Sinclair your source is suspect and has been publicly expressed for some time.) YOU are the one suggesting anything else is going on in this video. YOU are the fake news in this situation. :lol: But since you just posted a video and didn't actually say anything we're all left to decide exactly what you mean to convey here. Its not even a news story and they did what I said. They were given this statement (not news) to read and that what they did.

Specifically what I am referring to is your accusation that the "media" is changing causes of death. False. A lie. All causes of death, determined by Doctors and only doctors, in my county are generated through an electronic death certificate and forwarded to the state. The state reports these to the media who merely passes along the numbers. As to them being "over-reported", our county coroner is suggesting these are being UNDER-reported. I think the coroner might have a pretty good lock on this.

Feel free to post some other unrelated youtube video in response. :roll:
That was a neat fit.
Ill be sure never to agree with you again.
So touchy. :lol:

The news only reports what they are given.
In other news, water is wet.

Feel free to respond like a petulant child.:lol:
The PA Dept of Health updates the number of Covid cases in PA every day.

Are there news media who are reporting numbers that are higher than those?

If not, then they aren't exaggerating.

Tom went off , admitted i didnt provide context but rather than ask me to provided it just continued to go off, so ididnt feel the need to explain.

Ill explain to you.

There have been multiple reports given on HOW they are calculating those numbers. Some of which is why i posted what i said.
Im not the only one either. My Amish neigherbors and I have discussed it using their own example.

Iam not suggesting the media is manipulating numbers, i do however think they may be reporting misleading numbers given to them.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I do find it humorous some think theirs are more valuable than others:lol:

Carry on.

Numbers from the government showing how bad the government is doing.

Sal hates truth. Truth makes you a child.
I hate truth?:lol:

I just hate when someone cant converse in a reasonable manner.
See above as exibit B
Exibit A is on the other page.
Do you really believe the government has handled this poorly Tom?

I feel bad for you if you do.
Please do tell how this could have been handled better.
I like to hear.

This has been coming since December. Government did nothing until March. They were protecting the economy. How's that working out. Economy is crap and we now have more deaths than any other country. Congratulations.
Ah yes.
You mean the fact the World Health Organization was using Chinas numbers and data to convey to us what to do?

I think they dropped the ball more than the government.
It has been stated here and other places to wash you hands and never touch you face and to limit your social circle. Well in the early 1950s, when I was kid, my parents taught me that I should wash my hands, so that’s covered, I’m so ugly, that even I don’t want to touch my face and it is easy for me to limit my social circle as no one likes me. Also, the wife won’t let me go out a play even if I ask with a pretty please. So, I guess I will go out and cut the grass as I’m being told. Stay safe.
For the first time in history you can save humanity by doing nothing and lying in front of the TV.
Lets not screw this up.
I believe it all started in 2017 and on into 2018. I love history.GG