How much would I get fined?

evw659 wrote:
I don't really understand why some folks on this site feel the need to repeatedly bludgeon others with their opinion when they think they are unquestionably correct on an issue at hand. There are different points of view on this topic

It's not a question of being correct about the morality of trespassing in this instance. That's for everyone to decide themselves, and as you note is an opinion based concept. My opinion is that it is immoral for the reasons already discussed. Everyone else is free to have their own opinion.

I don't think there's any disagreement however that to fish this section of stream is currently illegal based on the posting, and to do so, you are exposing yourself to a potential trespassing citation. Those are facts.

The point being bludgeoned home is that the OP does not need to expose himself to such a violation to have a quality wild Trout fishing experience near his home. I agree, if he wants to though, that's his deal.
Swattie, I respectfully disagree about the morality aspect. I think there are certain circumstances where illegal trespassing is not morally unclean. I can see your perspective though, I just happen to have a different one here.

Salmoniod, the brownies are in a different spot than the brookies. Brookies in the quarry, brownies in the stream. Also, haven't you ever driven over the speed limit? Everybody does it right?
brookies in a quarry...big browns in the stream....I would of been there already if I knew where it was!

OFF topic if you had privet land that was posted where does the fine money go to-State right? The land owner doesn't get any of that money correct?
And we wonder why landowners get pissed of and restrict access for hunting and fishing. Or why law enforcement isn't as sympathetic as they used to be. Or why employers are more likely to run background checks on prospective employees.

Just a note to what I posted earlier. As a hiring manager in a company that does background checks even a misdemeanor showing up on the record often makes it harder to get an offer. In my company I would have to go to bat with HR to make a case to hire. That's an effort I would often forgo and give the job to someone else. Even minor records can have consequences.
You guys know the stream is listed as a brook trout fishery right?
For those of you who think it only may be posted, that's just not true, it is obviously posted, so if he gets caught he will be cited.
You guys know the stream is listed as a brook trout fishery right?

Yes. I have caught browns in it (above the posted section in question), though it's 95% brookies. I have heard reports of "river browns" in the lower end but never fished down there. I assume those fish are the draw here.

For those of you who think it only may be posted, that's just not true, it is obviously posted, so if he gets caught he will be cited.

Yes, the posting is very obvious. Which isn't surprising since the DCNR is who posts it, and they don't do these things half arsed. You can't get there without passing some very bright new looking signs with about 5 ft spacing. I wouldn't be shocked if, after passing that row of signs, you come across another that says "we really mean it", lol.

I don't think a defense of "I didn't know" will fly.
The world needing to loosen up is NOT what's wrong with the world. A bunch of entitled people who think laws are made to be broken, with no regard for due process, with a mindset that they think they are the ultimate word on what is a just and unjust law...THAT'S what's wrong with the world.

Just stay off the land. Don't even consider it. Just obey the freaking laws, work w/in the parameters to get it changed if you feel that strongly about it, and stop acting like some kind of vigilante with a higher sense of right and wrong than everyone else.

I can't believe this post is even serious. You're all adults, time to act like it.
lets say you woke up tomorrow and every bit of water was posted would you stop fishing? Im sure every one on this forum has broken the law multiple times(speeding, drinking before 21, smoking before 18 or weed, ect)

if someone is willing to do it and pay for it let them need to bash them that's all everyone try's to do these days.
Shaner wrote:
lets say you woke up tomorrow and every bit of water was posted would you stop fishing? Im sure every one on this forum has broken the law multiple times(speeding, drinking before 21, smoking before 18 or weed, ect)

if someone is willing to do it and pay for it let them need to bash them that's all everyone try's to do these days.

Well it's not, and there's a ton of legal, open water to fish. That's the point here. Nothing more.

It's not gonna affect me/Squatch/sal(monoid)/Chaz/whoever at all if the OP fishes the posted area, gets cited, and is sixpence lighter in the wallet because of it. So in that sense, I don't really care if he does. I wouldn't, but again, who cares? Point is, he doesn't have to do that to fish for very nice wild Browns close to his home.

If everything was posted, I would attempt to secure private permission to fish the streams I like to fish. I'd certainly lose access to some, and not fish there anymore.

Clever, Swattie.

Yeah the point is, I don't care if he gets fined, jailed, whatever. It's no skin off my back, ultimately. It's the ATTITUDE behind all this that gets my goat. As sportsmen, we need to be sporting. We need to be respectful. We need to be seen as law abiding citizens who truly do care about protection of resources and responsible use of resources. I'm not saying there's "unethical" angling going on or anything like that, but I wonder what kind of picture it paints when people are just like, "Meh...screw that posted sign. It's stupid. I'm gonna do what I want to do."
Agree with you 100% up and down Squatch. Those are our opinions though. The OP/Shaner/evw/whoever are free to have theirs too...America!

I'd rather argue the facts: This section of this stream is posted against trespassing. You can potentially be cited for trespassing if caught fishing there. There are lots of other streams open to fishing within a reasonable distance that have large wild Browns in them. You will not be cited for trespassing if fishing on those. Simple, clean, and clear. There's no rebuttal to that, other than the "I'm willing to risk it and accept the consequences if I get caught" argument. Not up to us to stop them. We let the OP know there's other legal options nearby that will provide him with the same angling experience. I even offered to share some of my favorites, by name, via PM if he wished. It's up to him now.
nicely put swattie. So where's these GPS cords of these big browns you speak of ;-) JK
Swattie87 wrote:
Agree with you 100% up and down Squatch. Those are our opinions though. The OP/Shaner/evw/whoever are free to have theirs too...America!

I'd rather argue the facts: This section of this stream is posted against trespassing. You can potentially be cited for trespassing if caught fishing there. There are lots of other streams open to fishing within a reasonable distance that have large wild Browns in them. You will not be cited for trespassing if fishing on those. Simple, clean, and clear. There's no rebuttal to that, other than the "I'm willing to risk it and accept the consequences if I get caught" argument. Not up to us to stop them. We let the OP know there's other legal options nearby that will provide him with the same angling experience. I even offered to share some of my favorites, by name, via PM if he wished. It's up to him now.

Yeah yeah guys make the intellectual argument, I'll make the emotional one. We need both ;-)
Just stand at the edge of the posters and cast up in to the private part. i do that all the time.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Just stand at the edge of the posters and cast up in to the private part. i do that all the time.

Stay outta my private part please....... :)
Swattie87 wrote:
I even offered to share some of my favorites, by name, via PM if he wished. It's up to him now.

Hey I'm thinking of trespassing as well, can I get a PM too? :)