How much would I get fined?

phiendWMD wrote:
Swattie87 wrote:
I even offered to share some of my favorites, by name, via PM if he wished. It's up to him now.

Hey I'm thinking of trespassing as well, can I get a PM too? :)

It's 40.851132,-77.776798. :)
I can't believe this has gone on this long.

Some things to consider:

I agree that part of growing up is doing things you shouldn't, get away with it, get caught on others, it's part of living and learning. Still, I snuck out of the house, I trespassed, I've toilet papered stuff....
I expect my kids to do the same they just better hope I don't catch them!. I only hope they don't make choices so bad the get in major trouble, hurt someone else or themselves. That's where parenting comes in and you do your best. As adults we must give the advice that is honest, in their best interest and wholesome. Lead by example as much as you can. It takes a village to raise a child, villages also have idiots and unfortunately as evidenced in this thread, sometimes the idiot is helping your child make choices.

That said, I can think of one instance where my own trespassing has also saved a very popular watershed from dewatering itself into nothingness.
Sometimes, it actually isn't all bad.
Just food for thought.
franklin wrote:
phiendWMD wrote:
Swattie87 wrote:
I even offered to share some of my favorites, by name, via PM if he wished. It's up to him now.

Hey I'm thinking of trespassing as well, can I get a PM too? :)

It's 40.851132,-77.776798. :)

I'm sure there is some of Spring Creek underground there :)
The_Sasquatch wrote:
The world needing to loosen up is NOT what's wrong with the world. A bunch of entitled people who think laws are made to be broken, with no regard for due process, with a mindset that they think they are the ultimate word on what is a just and unjust law...THAT'S what's wrong with the world.

Just stay off the land. Don't even consider it. Just obey the freaking laws, work w/in the parameters to get it changed if you feel that strongly about it, and stop acting like some kind of vigilante with a higher sense of right and wrong than everyone else.

I can't believe this post is even serious. You're all adults, time to act like it. [/quote

Yes Mom.
What if, instead of asking about if trespassing is okay, the OP asked if it's okay to keep fish caught in a C&R stream, or take more fish than the limit, or maybe bait fish in a FFO section, etc.

Which laws are the ones we should obey?...and which laws are okay to break?
so, I was out fishing last night, and found this really awesome stick.

Anybody have a dead horse I could use it on?
afishinado wrote:
What if, instead of asking about if trespassing is okay, the OP asked if it's okay to keep fish caught in a C&R stream, or take more fish than the limit, or maybe bait fish in a FFO section, etc.

Which laws are the ones we should obey?...and which laws are okay to break?

The ones we want to...and the ones we want to. Duh!!!
tomitrout wrote:
so, I was out fishing last night, and found this really awesome stick.

Anybody have a dead horse I could use it on?
Yep, it certainly seems like this one has run it's course. Unless a few select members choose to keep going. lol
This topic has run its course. Everyone has an opinion. Kids should be able to be kids and make dumb decisions if they want. This idea is one of those times when a dumb decision won't harm anyone and a lesson could be learned if he does get caught. If this is the worst kids do while being young I think this world is in pretty good shape.

I'm done.
wildtrout2 wrote:
tomitrout wrote:
so, I was out fishing last night, and found this really awesome stick.

Anybody have a dead horse I could use it on?
Yep, it certainly seems like this one has run it's course. Unless a few select members choose to keep going. lol

I only signed up on PAFF to catch some Gemmies and debate trespassing laws. Looks like we're almost outta Gemmies.
This was an enjoyable read. Thank you to all participants
I've seen fewer tools at the Home Depot.
If the land was owned by the beav would it be OK to try and sneak on...
Well, this thread just wasted an hour of my time.
He'd probably hit his siren out on 345 before driving back in.
Funny how more people get angry that I want to just go fishing in a restricted area and catch and release than people poaching/ destroying creeks.
Great job not poaching and polluting any creeks Jessed. Now if you could only accept the fact that you can not legally go everywhere you want, any time you want, no matter how many ways you try and justify it.

Good luck, Tony
What did you say?

gerund or present participle: poaching
illegally hunt or catch (game or fish) on land that is not one's own, or in contravention of official protection.
synonyms: hunt illegally, catch illegally, jacklight, jack; steal
"he's been poaching salmon"

Hey let's face it some laws are silly, should we abide them? of course, do we always? Probably not.

Speed limits, jay walking, heck we all break those rules. I remember in highschool getting fined a pretty penny for camping in a state park without a permit. We knew we were breaking the law, we just wanted to be out side in nature and decided on a last minute camping trip. Did a couple guys sleeping under the stars hurt anything that night.. Nope but we still broke the law.

I guess my point is or maybe question is why is this area even posted? And as mentioned earlier maybe it's worth trying to get this area opened to fiishing.. Certainly a lot easier said than done.