How much would I get fined?

Wow almost 3 years ago this was active. I must say, it’s AMAZING how you can gain permission to fish certain places. If you just take the time and talk to the proper authorities about it, and not avoid them like the plague, you’d be surprised. Best stretch of stream and so close to home. I’ll just leave this here... :)
Swattie87 wrote:
I was hoping this thread would come back.

I was hoping this thread would come back.
jessed wrote;

No guilt. Just wonder if I WAS going to get caught how much I'd have to pay

You consider yourself a sportsman? You shouldn't be allowed to get a fishing license with an attitude like that.

Moderator; I'm kind of surprised you have allowed this OP to continue posting.
WBT, no way can you leave us hanging like that, You fished it, I know you did. How did you do it?, how many did you catch? Were the browns really 22 inches? Or were there brookie monsters? After all its been almost 3 years and this haunting post is BAAAAAAACK!!!
Haha wow that was fast. Sorry if this stirs more up. I talked to the head ranger at the park office about a year ago, and she said if you aren’t on the right hand side of the creek (facing downstream), you are NOT in the posted section, (the signs turn at 345 and run along the creek about 10 feet away from the right bank). The fishing is good. Holes are nice. Have yet to get a brown and sure there’s a couple brookies that are 9-10” but nothing extremely special. She mentioned that you must still obey the signs that say “no parking” in front of the gate, but simply moving up the road and folding your mirrors in works just as good. Some people’s dreams in a previous “What stream do you wish wasn’t posted” thread may come true.

Speaking of the older posts, not the recent.
Jessed wrote:
The close it of right at the tree line because it's easier to monitor that way. There just worried about people cliff diving.

I read an article about an abandoned quarry in England that had dangerous high walls, like many quarries do.

But they made a park out of the quarry. They laid back the highwalls using explosives to an angle low enough that people can't fall or dive off the sides. They created paths and planted ornamental shrubs. From the photos it looked like a very enjoyable landscape.

They could do something similar at French Creek State Park.
