Green Weenie

There is a big free-living caddis nymph, Rhyacophila fuscula, which is bright green underneath and has very large populations in some PA streams. A lot of people refer to the green weenie as an inchworm pattern, but my guess is that fish see a lot more of these big caddis nymphs. Other caddis are bright green as well, but in my experience if you can find Rhyacophila fuscula you will catch fish on the weenie.

I think midnightangler is on to something. I only use the GW in chartruse. Have tried other colors without success.
this fly sounds interesting i may have to try it.
Grease it, sink it, suspend it... It's almost akin to the venerable wooly bugger in that there is no wrong way to fish it.
I'm certain Midnightangler is right. Every stream that I've had mondo success on w/ the green weenie are streams where emerald and olive beadheads work just as good.

That being said, I've been fishing a northern Lancaster brookie stream these past two weeks and having killer success on the GW. I usually drop it behind a big white wulff (bobber?). This set up is working great for me lately. Been taking big natives on both the WW and the GW.

I've also taken several SMB on it! Great little fly!
With the GW, beadheads, no beads, doesn't seem to matter when the fish are keyed into them. As others have said, usually I get a take when the plop onto the water, however, I've caught some just letting it drift along in the current. Even caught them stripping it in.
I tie extra small bead chain eyes on mine. Seems to give it just a little bit more wiggle. I catch a ton of fish on them every year. Give me that and a Griffiths Gnat and I'm covered for the year.
so what is the deal with light and and the fly and whem it work and if there is something you know can you tell please so i can learn.

i fish hickory creek today again and have been doing good but today fish the green weeny fly and got nothing so i do not know why some people say it is is good all the time and catch fish and some say it depends on the light i so not understand. i fish it under bobber thing and pull in like streamer but nothing.

what do you think i like to know
I think everyone should quit fishing the Green Weenie! Seriously they do work. I sight fish to the banks in mid day. Last week I caught an 18" wild brown from Spring Creek. He was tight against the bank and jumped the fly as soon as it hit the water. Drift it like a nymph, either high stick or with an indicator and be prepared to be impressed. I was years ago and still am.
When I fished the Shenandoah National Park for brookies, a lot of locals tie the weenie in pink...can't explain it, but it works there. For you guys on the board that fish brookie streams in PA a lot, I would be interested to know if it works.
I have fished the Green Weenie successfully for years. I haven't seen any difference in fishing it in any type of weather. I generally fish it with a dropper but I've had luck fishing it by itself. The droppers I generally use are the Zug Bug, Pheasant Tail, Hares Ear, and Cocky Knight. All have worked equally well.
PJHarrington wrote:
so what is the deal with light and and the fly and whem it work and if there is something you know can you tell please so i can learn.

Here is a pretty good article on the subject.
the color thing make sense and i always use chartruse when smallie fishing in day time and at nite time i use black and now it makes sense why this works and same should work for trout.
Maurice won't let me use them anymore. Says it's like using woims. However when he is working and I'm fishing......
Went out for a little while Monday morning, and I had to try one after reading this thread. (My usual go-to being a Woolly Bugger)

Didn't catch much, but caught more than last time out, so it was a winner for me. Drifted below a small indicator through the like spots.

Went home and the boy and I each tied a couple for next time. :)
Other caddis are bright green as well, but in my experience if you can find Rhyacophila fuscula you will catch fish on the weenie.

That's my theory as well. The sure work well in some streams (Clark's was mentioned; the Gunpowder in MD is another) and not at all in others. I've always attributed the difference to the relative abundance of Rhycophila caddis.
yea................CC trout learn quickly about what hangs from those hemlocks , hypnotizes and obsesses them.
For those of you who don't catch fish on the weenie, the problem is confidence. If your not confident in it, it will not work. If you don't like it because its too easy to tie it wont work. Its all about confidence, confidence, confidence. If you don't like it you also won't fish it properly, proper depth, speed, drift etc. I've caught fish on that stupid easy fly also. When the fish are on it they are usually hot on it. In the summer it works great on spring and BFC.

Case in point, on another fly. Rainbow warrior, everyone says its a awesome fly, well I didn't buy it , hardly ever worked for me. So one day I tied double RW on a nymph rig and said to myself I'm going to get this fly to work. So I exclusively used that fly that one day and caught me lots of fish. So now I use it a little more than I used to. It still is not my favorite.

It's all about confidence, and your always going to have your favorite flys that get tied on first. However though if your buddy is busting fish on the fly you hate, you may want give it a honest try and you may change your mind.
This is what every serious trout fisherman needs
I just got some Vladi style green weenies online. Haven't had the opportunity to fish them yet, but I think they'll be great.

Source is YellowCreekFlies

+1 on th Tungstem Rainbow Warrior. This fly and the Frenchie just should not catch fish, but they do.