Fly Patches

Nevermind maybe the cabelas box for $9.99 does suck. I'm back in HA's corner
Yeah, but you can order a Streamworks box in less than 5 minutes.

There is another alternative - Finsport

Some friends of mine swear by these things. I'll probably grab one if I see it in person. Unless I get really lucky, and find another Fly Trap or two. I'm an anodized aluminum kind of guy, vs a ripstop nylon/velcro kinda guy.
I think I have one of those Streamworks things laying around somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it up.
I have a couple of Fly Traps which I have also used for about 15 years and have been very happy with them. Recently, I wanted a third fly patch and went with the C&F. It has worked well, but I have only been using it for 6 months.

The only problem I have encountered with these two products is storing large deerhair flies. While their ability to enclose the flies and allow them to dry is a big plus for me, the lids limit the height of the flies that can be stowed.