Fly Fishing Elitism (from an outsiders perspective)

Y'all had me second guessing the population of Lancaster City! I THOUGHT it was relatively the same size as Charleston WV. Our population is under 50K, spread out over 30 sq miles.

Yeah the New Holland area is great. I do miss that area. When I worked for PNC I worked at the Leola branch. My dad's family is all from Martindale/Terre Hill/Weaverland. Big metropolises of course!
I believe there are between 500 and 600k people in all of Lancaster county with around 50-60k in the Lancaster City limits.
Ol' HopBack and my brother-in-law were pointing out my excessive PA Dutch usage of the word "once." I mean, I am from Mifflin County.

Did you all know that Big Valley is a unique and rather famous place in the Amish world? Amish from other areas of the country actually come to Big Valley to observe the Nebraska, Byler, and Renno Amish groups living in such close proximity to one another. That is a UNIQUE thing among the Amish world. Also, we have the Amish and Mennonite Heritage Museum in Belleville.

The Lancaster affiliations are more liberal and they have spread to something like 38 states. They are the Amish most think of. The Byler, Renno, and Nebraska, however, are quite a bit different and fascinating.

It only makes sense that I speak in some Dutch phrases...
Are on of those Amish groups the ones we saw out there with the white tops on their buggies? We were told the white top Amish are much stricter than our Lancaster county Amish with black top buggies.
I am afraid Cz is correct about leader length. I just looked it up, and the regs do not specify a length, only that it must be attached to a fly line. I suppose you actually could be legal with only one foot of fly line on the reel being attached to however long a piece of monofilament you choose to use. I believe leader length was, at one time, limited to 18' and shorter.