Did I hear flip say 2010 Steelhead swap?

afishinado wrote:

Ed is Da Man! Welcome to the world of fly tying. In your area Mainstream Outfitters has some tying stuff. You mentioned TCO in Bryn Mawr for tying materials. TCO in Reading is a larger store and has a whole bunch of fly tying stuff there. It might even be closer to you.

I advise you pick a few patterns you fish a lot and you want to tie (simpler patterns are best to start with) and just buy the materials and hooks to tie them. Master them and move on to a few other patterns. You will accumulate USEFUL tying materials that way without all the frilly fluff found in most tying kits.

Ask questions, post pictures, have fun. Good luck.

Thank you Afish, your right Ed is Da Man! Reading is closer, but I have a friend that works at the shop down in Bryn Mawr and is dieing to meet the mythical Ed lol Thanks again for the advice and I am sure you will be giving me more of it as I progress with this disease I call fly fishing.
Sound like a date :pint:
jayL wrote:
If you got to TCO bryn mawr, let me know and we can grab a beer. Ed has my number.

BTW, that vise is WAY nicer than anything I have ever had. You'll love it.
jayL wrote:
If you got to TCO bryn mawr, let me know and we can grab a beer. Ed has my number.

BTW, that vise is WAY nicer than anything I have ever had. You'll love it.

You're telling me Jay. Paint me jealous. I'm currently tying on some 1970's ish vise that probably is worth about $2 right now lol. Just hit my bonus at work though so some new FF toys might be in my future!

Can we be friends?
You know the thing that speaks volumes about Ed, is that he offered me that vise earlier this year before the LV tying jam. I had never meet him, never really spoke with him, just out of pure kindness and love of the sport. I lucked into a good deal on a Regal, so I did not have to take him up on his kind offer. I do use the bodkin cleaner daily though.
Ummm...guys....I hate to break up the little luv fest...anyone signing up for the swap...Ry...you in...

Boss ties a really nice Slump Buster. Here's the photo from last year's swap.

I am tempted, but this is my busy time of year and tying just isn't in the cards right now. Sorry Boss.

HA, that's a stand up move on your part. What a nice starter vise that is and a fine display of sportsmanship as well as generosity. Kudos!


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I'm in. I post a pattern later this weekend.

I will tie what fly ever I catch my first fish tomorrow with.
Thanks for the kind words on the slumpbusters...I couldn't believe all the campers I saw going north towards Erie last night...Just a few words of advice if you are traveling from the Burgh to Erie...79 is under full blown construction season...I sat in a long back up at the I80 interchange last night...heading north bound...

I hope there are some reports on water and fish...still need some major raindances in Southwest PA...

Any idea how many so far so I can get an idea of how much material to buy?
jaybo41 wrote:
Boss ties a really nice Slump Buster. Here's the photo from last year's swap.

What is that material/colour called?
Louks like natoural pine squiorrel.

They are basically mini zonker strips.
My pattern will be similar to these....
jayL wrote:
Louks like natoural pine squiorrel.
They are basically mini zonker strips.

Except it appears to be pine coloured, too.
I'm a fan. I want some.
Actually, it looks like the brown dyed stuff. The underbody is something else.
Oh, that's right. Click and it gets bigger.

Still greenish, but that's probably the flash.. the underbody looks like peacock ice dubbing.
The original pattern calls for crystal braid. I forget what boss used, but it's all the same.
Is there still time for me to join in on the steely swap??? Always wanted to do a swap and been tying a good bit of steely flies this year.
im in but have no idea what to tie i think ill tie a streamer of some sort..... put me down for a bunny leech whit e and gray which should i tie?