Catskills - float em if you got em JAM 9/19/15

Just saw how high the temps are on the Yough. The north branch of the Potomac looks much better. Temps are barley breaking 59. Headed down there for a float on Saturday. Flows areba little lower than ideal but manageable.
Well, what are your guys plans for this?
Fishing, beer and BS sessions. The usual. Might be too low, too high ..... Who knows?

Impossible to predict weather, temps and flows. Pull the pin on the grenade and see what happens.

If it all falls apart, there's always the option for bass here in central PA or various wading opopportunities up in the NE corner of the state. We need a good tropical depression to roll over the area about 5-6 days before the scheduled dates.
Well i know the fishing and beer part. I meant when guys are arriving, leaving and where everyone is staying. You know where im staying Andy
Couple staying at Capra, couple at WBA, one staying at guide house and you at Ben's. I keep my dogs at Ben's neighbrs place.

If conditions are decent, I hope to be there Saturday morning the 19th and leaving town on Friday morning the 25th. I believe some will be there early on the 19th and others showing up on 23rd. A little hodgepodge of anglers and boats.

I'd expect to see olives 16-24, remainder of steno species including peach fly sizes 14-16, hebe 16-18, tan caddis 16, iso 12-14 and a few October caddis in the evenings. Nymphs and streamers should be in the box as well.
I think I am there Sat thru Monday. I'll have the boat, the beer, the bourbon, and a charcoal grill. If by chance, the fishing is awesome, I could get sick and miss a day or two of work...
So where could we all meet up at if everyone if staying at different places?
In the past, the parking lot at the Capra has served as the HQ. Kray is usually up early, scopes out the flow/ weather then sends us out on a 13 mile float.
Lol the capra sounds good. Ill be staying very close to that. Im hoping the lower east will be somewhat fishable
13 mile float? That if we have seniors in the group. LOL. Some might get up early and do a short streamer float, some might just hit the evening rise and some tools might go dawn til dusk. I'm guessing I'll be in for at least one of each.
I would love to do one of each. I have yet to streamer fish the Delaware. Me making it will all depend on a possible job. Should know for certain at the end of the week.
Ill be the tool going dawn to dusk....
Good luck with the job Shane. But if you don't get it, you have fishing with me as a consolation prize. LOL.
Fishing with you is not that bad of a consolation prize! However, fishing with Andy kinda defeats that.
Hey meathead, I'll be in my own boat.....far away from you. LOL. Just listen for 'fish on' if you want to find us.
Well I got the job, so I will only be able to make it up early Saturday morning and possibly Sunday.
I'd like to go to the weekend part of this, but am not able to commit yet (depends on work and the conditions of the catt). I make the switch to steelhead for Sept and Oct and have never fished the system this late in the year, but would definitely like to.

I don't have a boat or pontoon but at a minimum it would be nice to meet some of you guys and pick your brains. Not sure where I'd stay, but it would be near hancock. If I can swing it I'll be sure to meet up.
Congrats on new job.


Fishing in the fall is typically better than it is right now. During the dog days, the hatches seem to thin out and become more spotty. In the fall, the days are usually perfect (cool mornings), the woods are lit up and the hatches start to make their last push for the year. Caddis, olives, ISO and a some stenos is what you'd see.

Is it "on fire" like for the spring hatches? Nah. We have done quite well late in the season though. The fish start to strap on the feed bag before winter hits. Lots of the browns are already starting to color up at that time. The bows seem to spread out and feed after spending a good portion of the summer hunkered down. Some of the fish that had to endure long periods of warm water might look sickly skinny but are still spunky.

If the people interested actually show..... we'll have enough boats to seat double the number of people showing. So, there's a good very good chance you can introduce yourself, make some new friends and get some floats in.

There be some seasoned fisherman attending. Pick brains, shoot the shiit, learn or share a technique, etc. Should be a good time.
Fishing right now is actually pretty good. Caught fish on nymphs throughout the day and early mornings fish on tiny spinners and tiny olive emergers. In the evenings fish would be eating spinners, whether it was cahills, psuedos or isos. Tossing dries in the riffles like a big iso during the time we will be there is sctually pretty effective.
If it doesn't rain soon, it will be a boat dragging jam.