Catskills - float em if you got em JAM 9/19/15

Yeah, a Brittany right? I thought that maybe that was you. I was in the back of the boat & my dad, God love him, was the one flailing away in the front (he flyfishes like once a year then wonders why he can't cast very well or read water, lol.) His hearing aids malfunctioned so he couldn't hear sh%t the entire float and hooked me twice. It was like he forgot I was even back there, lol.

We saw the caddis but they just seemed to be in the air and not really hatching nor did the fish seem to be keying on them. Did you guys get any on caddis? Other than that not much hatched on Tuesday save for trickle of light cahill's or sulphurs as light faded. I used dries all day, my dad swung a wet for a little while.) That's for sure a pretty float.

I'm so hooked now about fishing up there that I'm already trying to see how I can get some time away from homeowner chores this weekend to see if I can get back up there for even half a day!
We caught some on top (iso and caddis patterns), various nymphs and small minnow patterns. Lots of dead time and the fishing went in short bursts. Late summer / early fall is hit or miss.
Like Kray said...this was my first trip to the Delaware, but definitely not my last. This river is great on so many levels. But its very, very difficult and that's the big attraction. If you prefer "stockies" this isn't the place to go fishing. If you like wild browns and bows that are way smarter than you and where a 17" fish is considered average...then go get yourself some.

Managed to bring to hand only one 15-17" brown on a streamer, but had at least 8 more either hook up or violently slash at what I was offering. They are there, you just have to have your "A" game.

I also, once again, got to meet and fish with some great guys. Like I said in my previous post...its about the people and the places...the fish just make it better. Andy did a great job of setting things up and "guiding" us newbies around thru the intricacies that make up this fishery. If you chose to bail out at the last minute, you definitely missed out. My boat sat parked the entire time.

I hope you all enjoy the video when he gets it posted up. It will be great. Especially the footage DaveS took. Great part about it was we were all anchored together and watched it happen. It was pretty cool and a great display of dry fly presentation by Kray.

It was a great trip I only wished I stayed longer.


Here's the video. In spite of poor conditions, we still did OK. One thing that was new for me was a family of river otters floating beside the boat and squeaking. Pretty cool but the vanished before I had the camera ready.

Fish Wagon hit the nail on the head. That was a great group of guys to spend a few days fishing with. I had a blast and will definitely be going back. It always amazes me the place I see and the people I meet through fly fishing. Thanks again to all of the guys who helped me out my first time there.

Nice Vid!
It was a great time, thanks Kray for organizing. I feel like we left it all out there this time...up early and out late. I wouldn't have it any other way but it took a full 2 days to recover. Thanks Mike and FW for putting up with my OCD on the boat and rowing. Thanks Dave for sharing the room and hooking up the grill.
Some highlights:
-As were anchored up in a 3 boat floatilla...Andy spots a rise 50 ft below us launched a cast, feeds line, sets hook (about 4 seconds late since he's blind as a bat) hook up... "You guys aren't doing it right!" Fish in net...
-I hear a kerplunk, look down river...andy's hooked up. Dave takes over, 1st on
-Mike gets a mean swirl....decides to chuck back up over his shoulder to the same spot...smash, fish on!

You forgot the link you knucklehead. You're still not doing it right. LMAO
LMAO...Dave has to post that video of Andy's catch with the commentary. I think its "safe" enough for the forum. Maybe???
great video, I like you guys less now. Sucks I couldn't make it

Start planning for 2016 brother.

99% sure I've got at least one "f bomb" in that video. LOL I thought that you were checking out after the light breeze we got into. 30-40 mph winds is a windy day on that place.
Good to get together with old friends, and also make a few new ones. This trip probably featured the most consistent fishing I've had up there over the last 5-6 years. I'm thankful everybody got into fish, because, believe me, that doesn't always happen.

As far as the video of Andy catching a fish while parked in between two boats; I pulled the infamous " double punch" on the record button.
Guess I won't be quitting my day job...

Nice to meet Fishwagon and mkerr. Hope to see you both on the water soon.
That's too bad. It was such an Epic hookup. Oh well, I'm glad we all had the chance to watch it happen and share a few laughs.
Very nice, guys. Looks like a great trip and a good time had by all. The D some river...