Blue Wing Olive Swap 2011

Could the last 2 guys give an update on when they will be mailing their flys? I would really like to bring this to a close soon.
Flies were sent earlier in the week, I forget specifically which day. They're coming from NY so they might take a minute, plus the USPS sucks something awful.
Sent earlier in the week as well
Thanks Guys. I'll let you know as soon as they arrive.
Sbecker, your flys arrived today.
Just bumping the thread to let you all know that I am still waiting on on more set of flys. Given the way the post office has been functioning lately, we should probably give it another week or so before getting worried.
I believe you were waiting for mine. They were returned to me yesterday looking like the box had been shipped to indo-China 49 times.

I'll resend them Monday with priority delivery confirmation, because the USPS blows.
wsender wrote:
I believe you were waiting for mine. They were returned to me yesterday looking like the box had been shipped to indo-China 49 times.

I'll resend them Monday with priority delivery confirmation, because the USPS blows.

Thanks Wsender. I'll let you know as soon as they arrive.
It has been over a month now and I am still waiting for the last set of flys to come in from Wsender. No offense Wsender, I know you have had trouble with the post office, but this is getting to be too long. I am going to be traveling a lot next week so the earliest I will be able to get the flys in the mail will probably be next Friday. If Wsender's flys arrive by then all will be good. If not, I say we just cut our losses and I'll send what we have. If Wsender's show up after that I'll eat the cost of sending each of you one of his flys and will send the spare set back to Wsender.
If anyone disagrees let me know before next Friday.
Update. Flys went in the mail this morning. I tried my best to divide up the extras so everyone got something extra without getting their own flys back. I held back one set in case Wsender's ever arrive, and 4 sets for the mods and I will PM them and send out as soon as I get addresses.
I'm glad that we could finally bring this one limping over the finish line. A big thanks to Steve for starting the swap and to all of the contributors.

Thanks for taking over and putting up with everyones non sense.
Received! Nice ties guys, hope you catch some fish with my pattern.
SBecker wrote:
Received! Nice ties guys, hope you catch some fish with my pattern.

Wow! That might be a new USPO record.
Does not work the other way though, lol.
FrequentTyer wrote:
It has been over a month now and I am still waiting for the last set of flys to come in from Wsender. No offense Wsender, I know you have had trouble with the post office, but this is getting to be too long. I am going to be traveling a lot next week so the earliest I will be able to get the flys in the mail will probably be next Friday. If Wsender's flys arrive by then all will be good. If not, I say we just cut our losses and I'll send what we have. If Wsender's show up after that I'll eat the cost of sending each of you one of his flys and will send the spare set back to Wsender.
If anyone disagrees let me know before next Friday.

No offense taken, USPS sucks. I resent the flies and it appears you never got them, no surprise there. Enjoy the swap everyone!
Nice flies guys, got mine yesterday. Thanks

Hi Guys,

Thanks for sharing all your wonderful flies with me. YOu guys do some amazing work. Looking forward to doing a post on your swap!

Thanks as always!

I located the flies from this swap and put an image at BWO fly swap images if you were interested in seeing the flies.