Blue Wing Olive Swap 2011

BelAirSteve, did my flys arrive? How many sets are you waiting on now?
I have not sent mine out, because I have not heard from BAS yet. I am afraid to send them. He has not responded to any of my requests for address. Mine are finished and waiting to go.
Becker, pm sent. Sorry, I missed your last request. For the record, I sent a group PM early on, but I guess I did something wrong.

I have 7 sets of flies including mine. Those who have not sent them, you know who you are, right?

I just started a new job last week, so my time has been limited. I SWEAR I will get an update out in detail in the next day or two.

Thanks guys,

Any updates yet?
Any news...I am only at a 50% success rate for swaps and hope this does not get worse.
Is anyone in touch with Steve? I understand that he is busy, but it would be nice to know if he is okay and if the swap is on track.
looks like this isn't happening huh...
That's a real shame. I have participated in a few swaps, and have basically stopped because I only use my own flies. (yeah I'm a snob)

I look forward to seeing a few different patterns out there and copy a few here and there. I know a lot of members of this board enjoy the swaps and it's a fun way to try something new. The bad success and lack of organization from a few of the swaps is not good and a bad mark on future swaps, even organized by other board members.

I hope this one gets fixed.
I wouldn't give up yet. Steve has been around for a while and has been involved in other swaps. Life gets complicated, and we know he just started a new job etc.
Good news. I heard from BelAirSteve today and he let me know that he has been really tied up between starting a new job and going back to school. Since he just has no spare time to deal with the swap right now, he is going to send everything that he has to me, and if the rest of you are okay with this, I will take over and finish out the swap. As soon as I get the flys from Steve I'll post an update to the thread letting you know what we have and who we are still waiting for. At that point, anyone who has not yet sent their flys should pm me for my address and get them in the mail quickly. I'll turn this around and get the flys back out to all the participants as soon as possible.
Steve apologized to the group for the delay and said that he hopes to get back on the board once things settle down. I'm sure we can all relate to plans getting derailed by life's surprises.
I received the flys from Steve today and figured out who sent what (I really wish you guys would use toetags). Here is the current status:

FrequentTyer CDC split wing Done
Sniperfreak223 Classic BWO and Parachute BWO Arrived
RowJimmy Hackle Stacker Arrived
FlyfishingNZ BWO emerger Arrived
Turkey Soft Hackles #14 and 18 Arrived
FlyfishermanJ Soft Hackle Arrived
Sbecker Spicy Baetis Nymph Address sent
Wsender CDC/Deer hair comparadun and CDC DelaDun ??

I sent a PM to Wsender, and as soon as I get his and Sbecker's flys I'll get the sets back out to you.
Since we are down to 8 participants, there will be some extras. If everyone agrees, I'm planning to put together a set for each of the mods, and will randomize the rest and distribute them so that no one gets their own flys back. Let me know if that is reasonable.
Sounds good and thanks Frequent for taking this over. I was very leery sending my flies out, because it just had the vibe of falling apart. Glad everything worked out! You should receive mine in a couple days.
sounds good to me, thanks for rescuing!!
Got the PM, I'll be sending my flies out early next week.

I'm now only tying the CDC/Deer Comparadun.
Send Money, Trey is sik
What's the final count of this swap?
The final count is 8, so you could send 7, or 7+4 for the mods if you like.
wsender wrote:
What's the final count of this swap?
Hey guys. I wanted to take a moment to thank Mike for stepping up and grabbing this from me. I have never had a bad experience with a swap, so I am disappointed in myself that I let it get to this point. I will not make excuses, and just use a quote from a friend a while back, when I was going through some tough times with my Mom. "Sometimes life can get in the way of a good time." In this case, it was not bad things that got in the way, but good things...a new, and very overwhelming job, and going back to school. It's been 25 years since I have been in a classroom (virtual or otherwise) and it got to be a little more than I could handle. I literally have zero time for fun stuff. That will change, I'm sure of it.

A little reflection leads me to one of my weaknesses...I tend to wait a little too long before I ask for help. I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding, and for not busting my ba**s too much. When things settle down, I will definitely be back. I have said this before, and I will say it again, this is one of the best forums I have had the pleasure to participate in, and I hope to do so again soon.

Thanks again to everyone, and be well.


No problem BAS, I fully understand and was in the same situation as you. Best of luck, no hard feelings.