Article from the New York Times.

TimRobinsin wrote:
I agree with that ^

We should have 365 day licenses from date of purchase

Dear Tim,

In the literal sense I agree with the point that licenses should be a 365 day cycle. NY licenses are valid for 365 days from date of purchase. It looks like PA may be going to not having to display a license, they may have already done so, but that's not important.

What is important is that since an angler will have to be physically checked by a WCO, there is no logical reason why they couldn't amend the license rules to be valid for 365 days. Keep in mind, we are talking about PA though, so change comes hard.

Despite that, at $ 35.00 for license and a trout stamp what person with even the slightest bit of interest in fishing couldn't recoup that cost in 6 months?

To me at least, the bigger problem is that far too many people have lost interest in outdoor pursuits and I don't see any reasonably easy way to change that?

So as long as a new angler comes on board and displays common courtesy I'm OK with that. The courtesy is something that needs to be stressed though. It's not like courtesy is different in different situations. If you are courteous in the line at McDonalds, or the Sheetz store, you should be courteous everywhere you go.

That's how this old fart sees things.


Tim Murphy :)
BrookieChaser wrote:
maxima12 wrote:

Here is the selling point--- "hey, why don't you get a license and come along. xxxxxxxxxx No problem I have all that stuff you can use. xxxxxxxxxxx be a lot of fun".

I've tried that selling point. Even to somebody who had their own gear. The answer was - "The year is half over, why would I buy a fishing license now? I only can use it for 6 months.".

Yeah, but he probably wasn't going to use it Jan thru mid April anyway. :-D
Another article telling us how we all are trend setters by participating in the "fastest growing fishing category" right now....

Best line in the article---

“The fishing community on Instagram is amazing,” said Jessica McKay, a Gen Zer who touts the social media app as a helpful resource (she applied for, and got, a job as a fly fishing guide without previous experience).
Nothing I'd like more than spending money on a guided trip with a guide that has no experience. Enthusiasm =/ Experience
everyone who guides for the first time has no experience.

but if were going to hire one, it might be question i'd ask up front. so if you hired her, that's on you.
In posts 84 and 85, i may be wrong, i think i read some negativity here! No prior experience, spending money on a non experienced guide. I always wondered if you are experienced, why use a guide. If using a guide, maybe you are not as experienced as you think you are

My witnessed thoughts are, "Most fun fishing, I saw, was when all were inexperienced. The level playing field, all equal, trying their best and having a great time doing it". Sometimes, experience ruins the fun

I am happy to experience the experience of the inexperienced! Now, that's fun! Cold hands, full boots of water and a smile from ear to ear "FISH ON". Sure am glad I am a fisherman of 50 years with no previous experience! I am all in on this Gal! Let's have fun and have a experience of a lifetime! Maybe we can sit on a big rock and become lifetime friends. Who Knows? Now, wouldn't that be an experience.

And another thing, I do not classify a great fishing trip by the total weight of the fish. Fish are forgotten in time! A great trip is the "total weight of a friendship". Seems this weight "lasts forever".

Hire a guide, you do not know or take a friend and say, "you be the guide today". I will follow you. Could turn out better than you imagine!

So with this in mind, Newbies, guide your friends. Mistakes made and lessons learned. This is what the sport of fishing is all about!

How difficult is it to become a guide? You just can't decide one day to be one. I assume some kind of certification is required?
New York Times, I really think a bigger, better article can be written. Written on the sweat and blood of the true believers! "LOts of them here". When you talk to Joe Fox, I feel it is conveinient! To you! You see a picture that is painted New York Style! I love the New Yorkers but also the Yorkers, love the Max12, so do the Texans, so with the "Blow to the wild", I feel you really missed out on "The Story". It is deeper than just fishing. From Joe, you got the "deal". But like any deal, there is always a deal before the deal. As would be called the "Real Deal".

Your story "lays here", "Freedom", Iron, Blood and Tears here"! If you ever wanted the "Truth", is here in all the brothers and sisters, but we can work on the sisters! They are just waiting for the right time. Stop around New York Times, we will give you a chance, a chance to do "Good". May be a poll joined in a article with many pictures of a "true to life experience". New Yorkers want it, You, me, everyone! Do the story, with a research, pride and some dedication!

Well it is here! Please contact: PAFLYFISH The story can be as big as you want but believe me "outdoorsmen, outdoorswomen" are ready to yell, "HEY, RIGHT HERE!" We have a big story here and a platform for all to see worldwide! I do not sell myself short, ever, none do here! Remember, we were here first, before the westward move! Simple, we know more!

Why write it here, I could send it to New York for 2 eyes, here, million eyes! Yep, been forgetting my meds! But at least I feel better! Guess, I will go back to natural healing! No doubt, be cured!

with love and kisses,

Salvinus, I have been a guide all my life and i think you too! Tell me "brother", how diffucult was it for you. You will show your scars on the outside, But the sneaky Max, wants to know the scars inside!

Millennials ruined fly fishing! Nope! We did! Mills will change the scene, Hope so! I call them the "BREED"! ! I bred a couple! Son 41, 36 and daughter 16! All beautiful but astray to me in belief! I still hold!

Hold, Why?, Where can I go, Prisoned! The new mind! I have the old mind! Holding!
Old mind, old body, old looks but handsome in my own way! That's cool! If I do not have trust in what's coming, how can I trust myself! I think a push and a slap is all needed! I will push and slap myself for ever doubting Mills. As always said, a beginner, inexperience, starter, regular! Polar and Bi Polar, I guess, north and south! Mills, take a shadow and paint the wall! Is it bad to state my mind! I have faith, problem, elders will not let go!

When you blow up the outside world, come see Maxima12! We got a lot to talk about! Fishing, it will never be how it was, only, how it is and how it will be! Now, if you want a button to put on your shirt, they are cheap! Membership! Mills how about a membership with no dues! Just a plan!

Yeah Baby, It's me, full throttle, full to life and full of flavor! I enjoy everyday and I enjoy Pa. and all the beautiful people, places and things! Snap, snap, tap, tap, a new code. I was just thinking, " how it can be". Just think, "flavor of a fresh piece of Trout", Small, hot, spicy and tender! Maybe on a cracker! Isn't that enough!


best get your fishing license now, ice fishing, who cares you don't get any! Done that! It is about "Going". Ice fishing, the next step of a fly fisher, See how it can be a method of development and happiness!
Today, I rule, tomorrow I can be ruined! So! Rejoice, a new life begins! Been ruined more times than ruling! I AINT quitting!

Anticpating, two favorable outcomes of temporary interest, no three;
1. Better revenue for fly fishing shops.
2. Better revenue for DNR's
3. More high end equipment in garage sales.
A possible negative;
1. A shortage of hackle, resulting in higher prices and well shortages.
Now, last part of New York Times and America Fishing Organization briefs, Non whites fishing, you got it "Someone that doesn't look or talk like you! Teach me your language! I want to fish with you!
