Annual Spring Jamboree - May 18-20, 2012 - Seven Mountains Campground

TimRobinsin wrote:

I'm dialing up the Martin! look out, I should be good for one round of the Johnny Jump Up!

Oh yeah.

So if ever you go down to Cork by the sea
Stay out of the ale house and take it from me
If you want to stay sane don't you dare take a sup
Of that devil drink cider called Johnny Jump Up.

I gotta print out lyric sheets. I forget 90% of the ditties I used to know.

Ok, so whats happening with the "chili" things for the trip? I need to start preparing.

Wow. I know chili gets better and better the longer you cook it. But 2+ months is a little over the top. :)
I hate to rush the Jam, but this warm weather sure has me thinking ahead! Keep your fingers crossed for good weather and no rain!
In regard to the Great PAFF Chili Cookoff, please check with your cabinmates to determine the level of grief you will get or give if you sample too many.

I think this would be best for Saturday night. I suggest letting the cooks charge a couple quarters for a styrofoam cup full. This way, they can pay back some of their cost. I know everyone won't cook, but we all will/may eat. Thoughts?

If we have 4-5 entries, it should work fine. We may even vote on "best of" and give a reward. What say ye?
Jack, its just a thought, but if there is a chili competition. Voters could cast there ballot with a fly. One fly, one vote. The greatest chilli chef could get nice little collection for his fly box!
that's an excellent idea!
DaveS wrote:
Jack, its just a thought, but if there is a chili competition. Voters could cast there ballot with a fly. One fly, one vote. The greatest chilli chef could get nice little collection for his fly box!

I think voting with flies is a great idea! Now the question is do I make the chili onsite and miss out on some good fishing or do I make it before I leave and try to hold it that long? If it's the option of holding it in a cooler for 2 days I don't think anyone will be giving me any flies!

In all seriousness though, how will the cooking arrangements be made? I know there is a grill under the pavilion and if it is a matter of calling dibs on it, then "DIBS". Do any of the participants or bystanders have turkey fryers or butane/propane stoves that are big enough for a stock pot? To make enough chili for everyone we are talking at least 2 gallons of chili per participant. Dudes, beer and chili = a lot of chili eaten! Regardless of the arrangements I am in. I will do a trial run on my camp stove and see if I can cook the necessary volume on it. If not I'm up for borrowing a turkey fryer or a large burner.

Should we start a separate thread about this topic to get an idea of who is in and what equipment is needed and/or loaned? I think I may be more excited about this than the fishing. The fishing has really sucked the last 2 years!
make it before hand then warm it up in crock pot. most chili I've ever had was always better after sitting a day or two anyways!
mushumatt wrote:
Do you guys recommend staying at 7 mtns with you guys or just staying with some friends at PSU?


Last year I stay at my place at Hemlock acres CG's and I missed alot of the activities, I don't drink so driving was no problem. I'll be staying at 7 Mountains CG's this year.

If I were you I'd try to stay at the CG's

I already started a 'jam food' thread. I belive it's on the second page of the general forum. But it has a little list of what some people are going to bring. I'll pull up the thread.
'Jam food' thread is back to the top of the general forum. I could help organize the food for Saturday night. I plan on bringing enough tenderloin to feed a small army, or a bunch of hungry fisherman. Also planning on doin some smoked salmon bellies, if I get some time before the jam.
I would love to attend. I may try to grab a tent site.....
This should be epic. Do we have a ballpark count on attendance yet?
lol. Perhaps we'll be needing to rent out Beaver Stadium before long.
I'm ready for this. I'll be here before we know it. just about 6 weeks left.

I'd say there's a good chance we'll see the Drakes again this year.
you may be right Ryan. I hope to get out that way at least a couple times beforehand to do some brookie scouting and hit penns a couple times.