Annual Spring Jamboree - May 18-20, 2012 - Seven Mountains Campground

Gonna be a lot of blown out waders.
I'm still in the "planning" stage. GG
On camping trips, I often take some beef and/or pork loin, cut it into smallish, skewer sized squares, throw it in one of those huge pickle jars, and cover it in marinade. Soy sauce, olive oil, brown sugar, and LOADS of diced onion and garlic, topped off with a touch of crushed red pepper. Mmmm, so good.

It cooks really well on a fire, kabob style, using the hot-dog stick as a skewer.

I usually skip it on dedicated fishing trips, though. I don't spend enough time in camp to deal with making fires and such. Fishing is the priority, good food takes a backseat to quickness and convenience. Sandwich materials rule. Scrambled eggs, cheese, and salsa with bacon on the propane stove for the mornings.
+1 on the marinated meats for camping. Easy to store, and prep ahead of time with a full kitchen and its conveniences at your disposal. My fav is beef (strip preferably) or chicken marinated in Gazebo Room Greek dressing...can't beat it with a homemade marinade, so I've stopped trying. Each night's sample gets better as the weekend goes on and it marinates longer.

Most likely going to have to sit this year out, boys. Haven't missed one since 05 or 6 I think. There's an off chance that I'll make a surprise appearance.
I am going to come up, gonna try to bring a friend with me.
i am actually going to try and make this one....I now live about 20 min from there and want to meet some of you guys on here
Did someone say chili cook off?
I'll enter, but I'll be more exited to be a taster!
I'm with you David, I selflessly(selfishly!) volunteer to be a judge.
I've just finished a batch of green pork chili and built a fire. Life is good.

Finally winter has come.
Clif bars. The whole weekend. Portability at its best!
Bruno wrote:
I've just finished a batch of green pork chili and built a fire. Life is good.

Finally winter has come.

green chili rocks!!!
there is a possibility this will be the best jam ever.

i hope jayl can make it!!
Only if you make it Shakey. I may even try to moderate my own behavior and not sleep through the Saturday night affair.
ok I haven't been here in months, this thread is a mile long and I'm at work and don't have time to read the entire thing. So my questions are:

A) what's the odds of the campground selling out ? I've never been to this one and am not sure how big it is.

B) if we all join together and try our best what's the odds of us spot burning the Little J, Penns and Spring ?

if there are campsites available I and few others will probably be there
A) prolly get a tent site

B) lets burn the hell out of it (reference to all the recent "spot burning" threads these days) hahaha
Maurice wrote:
Only if you make it Shakey. I may even try to moderate my own behavior and not sleep through the Saturday night affair.

That's a laugh :lol:

Seven Mountains is not an extraordinarily large CG. Tenting sites are limited. Trailer sites more plentiful. If you don't want to pay a premium for tent camping, I recommend reserving the tent site early. If you would be content or happy to have a water nozzle and electric outlet for twice the price, I think you could book on day of arrival.

Southward on Rte 322 in Millroy, I believe, there is lodging at a reasonable price as well. The old Jamboree location, Hemlock Acres also has lodging about 25 minutes drive from 7 Mountains. Looking westward, State College itself is no more than 25 minutes and if you can't find lodging there, sneak into a fraternity house, make a couple loud Weeee-hooo's and crash on the couch. :cool:
I think it would be cheaper to hold "occupy coburn", personally.