Annual Spring Jamboree - May 18-20, 2012 - Seven Mountains Campground

when I mentioned sharing someone else's site or sleeping in the car, I didn't mean not paying. no matter where I would sleep(pass out!) I will still gladly pay the required fee.
just that for some of us, we can't commit quite yet, so don't want to make a reservation, and from the sould of it, all the sites just might be taken by the time some of us know if we can attend or not. just nice to know there would be a spot to crash if attending at the last minute.
anyways, just wanted to clarify my statement.
as this event grows, with attendance near 100 or so, just a thought for the future would be try to get a group rate for tenting, and possibly the use a group area or field or whatever. I know with the motorcycle events I attend and have helped plan, lots of campgrounds are very willing to do that if they have the room, also leaves the individual sites open for regular campers. maybe 7 mountains doesn't have space for that, I haven't been there yet, but hopefully I'll be there in may!
don't worry, not telling the mods how to do anything (I was the one bitching about that very thing earlier!) just wanted to share how I"ve seen group events handled differently and seems to be less work for everyone involved.
What you're saying makes sense and could very well be the direction we move in in the future.
fishidiot, I'm gonna print out your response and show it to my girlfriend as proof that once in a while I actually do make some sense!LOL

it might work good that way or it might not, but I though it would be a good suggestion. Always something to think about for the future.
Seven Mountains is great for its cabin space availability and, imo, not so great for tenting. The majority of people who stay the whole weekend seem to prefer to get a roof over their heads, not necessarily enough to plan in advance, but when it rains all dang night long, they really wish they had done so. As was noted, last year because of soggy tenting areas, I think they let some folks set up on camper sites that remained empty.
JackM wrote:
As was noted, last year because of soggy tenting areas, I think they let some folks set up on camper sites that remained empty.
Yep I was one of those.
I got word from an inside source that this year the rain will not make an appearance. Shhhh keep it on the down low.
As was I. Brought my tent but was even kinda wet where our spot was. Ended up not sleeping at all the first night. To many good stories an beer drinkin goin down. Slept in my van Saturday night.

I think I have one more opening in the cabin. I will be more then happy to hold it for you. the required fee for the weekend is a bottle of the micheal collins...even thought that'll only last the first night!
Tim, I'm in! I'll gladly share the expense with you as well as bring along some of the good stuff!
hell, I'll sleep on the floor or where ever, don't need a bed.

you'll have to deal with me and Sas' chopping down the forest...then again, I sleep pretty well after going a few rounds with ol' mike!
ha ha! shouldn't be a problem!
just booked a log cabin for the weekend....
Oh hell yeah Biker! We got a full cabin now, Timmay!
You can count on me and my son Ken to attend. Last year was our first time and both had a blast in spite of the little rain we got.

Looking forward to meeting you all again.


Since I'll be staying at the CG's this year, I'll be glad to make the coffee in the morning. IM Sorry I don't remember his name brings his pot, we should be good to go.

PaulG wrote:

IM Sorry I don't remember his name brings his pot, we should be good to go.


Yeah we should. ;-)

Seth is coming?
That guy would be my buddy Greg. He's planning on coming so I'll make sure he brings his "pot".