Annual Spring Jamboree - May 18-20, 2012 - Seven Mountains Campground

I think I'm in on this. Should be a great way to start the summer.
We still call that Spring. Summer is for terrestrials.
Very true. I still have that school mentality where "summer" is the period of time when you don't have any real obligations.
Maurice has also contended, for similar reasons, that Summer begins June 1, when Green Drakes hatch---shhhhh!
JackM wrote:
Maurice has also contended, for similar reasons, that Summer begins June 1, when Green Drakes hatch---shhhhh!

Hatch burner.....

For anyone who hasn't come to this event, it is nothing short of fantastic. Great people, good conversation, a place to learn, and you can witness a monsoon first hand every year. If I fished 1 weekend a year, it would be this event.
I wish I could come for the whole weekend. Maybe I'll stay till Monday since I'll be missing Friday night and Saturday morning.
I may stay for a couple days after as long as "tim" doesn't toss me out of the cabin.
Hi everybody, I haven't been on for a few days so I've missed all the excitement about this weekend. I'll assume there's no spots open With anyone that already has a cabin? Is there anybody that might be ok sharing a camping site? I'll check the campground to see what's available.
I'd really like to make the jam this year since I've never made before.
There might be tent sites still available. Call and ask.

Even if there isn't, we'll fit you in somewhere. Last year, with half the place flooded, we ended up doubling up tent sites out of necessity. We would do so again, the goal of the group will be to get whoever wants in, in. I'm certainly willing to share my site if space allows. Betting everyone else thinking the same. And someone's space will allow.

you'll only get tossed if April Vokey shows up needing a place to stay, and even then I think I'd have a hard time prying becker off her so I think you're safe!
TimRobinsin wrote:

you'll only get tossed if April Vokey shows up needing a place to stay, and even then I think I'd have a hard time prying becker off her so I think you're safe!

She should do a centerfold in a fish mag. My guess it would be the highest selling fish mag ever.
TimRobinsin wrote:

you'll only get tossed if April Vokey shows up needing a place to stay, and even then I think I'd have a hard time prying becker off her so I think you're safe!

If I can't make it Tim, I give you first dibs on her, with my blessing. I expect pictures though lol
Chili cook off ?
Chili cook off???!! Im in on that one if it takes off.
I might be on for that...hope you like it hot!
mooney4 wrote:
Chili cook off???!! Im in on that one if it takes off.

Funny - I was planning on making two batches of chili on Friday night. One slightly spicy, the other 5 alarm hot. Ya gotta sign a waiver for the hot sauce when you buy it. We'll collaborate on this project, OK Rich?

Sure hope it's warm enough to leave the windows open. :-o
Well that is three takers on a chili cook off . Lets do it.
get ready for "creole em' in" ....someone remind me before the jam to get it ready!
I was thinkin bout bringin some tenderloin. Owning a resturant you get a lot of 'head stash' meat that you save for a special occasion. An I think this will be it!
Owning a resturant you get a lot of 'head stash' meat

Phish On, so you own a restaurant? Way to go!
How is the 4wt Orvis rod workin' out for you?

the Light Weight