2017 PAFF Jam: Seven Mountains Campground, 19-21 May

Another alert, Brownies tavern is closed, not sure where 2nd closest beer joint is. Guess 322 is going be 4 lanes all the way down the hill
8 miles to Milroy is probably your best bet.
Cora's in Burnham. Best food in Mifflin County.

However, if Iwas driving across the state and want a unique experience I would make the trip to Otto's or Happy Valley Brewing in State College. Can never go wrong with Otto's.
I have loft space available for an Individual. Preferred non-smoker. PM me if interested.
it's getting to be about "Long range weather forcast" time
I just got the unfortunate news that one of my buck mates had to back out last minute. I have one opening in the deluxe cabin i have rented thursday night to sunday morning. If anyone wants to join please let me know on a message.

I hope that it wont rain the whole time like last year!
You have a cabin. What matters if it rains?
true Jack I have a cabin haha. When you're right you're right!

I have not been out fishing much this year. what hatches are going on at the moment? I hope to tie up a few flies to maybe improve my luck if one happens.
Be prepared for March Browns, sulfurs, caddis and BWO of some sort. Maybe a stimulator hatch.
I saw a crazy MB hatch in the high muddy water on FBook shared by Penn's Creek Angler. If u are on FB, do a search for Penn's Creek Angler and scroll down and take a watch. Let's hope it's not in the bushes for the Jam.
If one happens?? Lol. It's central PA in mid May.

The questions are more about if it starts early or relegated to the last half hour. If things are blown out and the bugs don't much matter. That's how it gets screwed up. But the bugs will hatch.

Sulphers, pretty much everywhere is the mainstay. Have nymphs, floating nymphs, emergers, duns, and spinners. The streams with March Browns will also have March Browns.

That's the basics, and probably all you'll "need" from a hatch perspective. It'll be early for green drakes and late for olives, but they have been known to appear, if you wanna be ready for every potential curve ball. There are always a handful of caddis fluttering about as well. Midges, craneflies can be fodder as well.

But if you go in ready for sulphers and March Browns, you'll be fine.
Thanks Maurice! I will be sure to check them out and follow them to be up to date.

pcray1231, I meant if I would be out when one started to happen. not if one would be going on. haha. thanks for the great information. looks like i will need to get sulphers and march browns tied up. i think I have 2 of each... My hatch and dry fly skills are not very good at all.
I heard Maurice is bringing PAFF hats
Yes Brownies is closed, so instead we go to Smitty's in Milroy. Right behind the Dollar General, same parking lot. Good wings, burgers and beer selection and no smoke like Brownies. If you like smoke, then there is the Milroy hotel.
Tiger, if, like many, you stay out till after dark, it's almost assured.

The disappointing part is that a warm, low humidity, bluebird day means it's all concentrated to that last 15 minutes, and right as things get good it also gets hard to see. Cool, clouds, drizzle, etc. will make it start earlier and get fish rising earlier.

If you aren't used to the hatch chasing game the timing of it all is the biggest adjustment. That's not to say you do nothing all day. But in May, you're planning your day around evenings.
I'm still trying to make it to the jam for the weekend. Does anyone have a cheaper (tent campsite) that they would be willing to share and split the cost of? 7two4-eighteight4-5onesix5 to contact me faster. Thanks!
Pcray posted this a week ago. Not sure if he filled his tent. PM him if your interested. In spite of Pat moving "air" fore and aft, he's a real good guy. :lol:
Didn't see Pcray's. I sent you a PM Pcray.
Fredrick wrote:
I heard Maurice is bringing PAFF hats

The hat order fell through, I do have a couple left from last year though and will bring them.
Anyone want to do some mousing on Spring Creek a night or two?