2017 PAFF Jam: Seven Mountains Campground, 19-21 May

Norm, i can let you know. if my brother brings my nephew, would be pretty cramped to have 4 guys in an efficiency cabin. Should know in a few weeks...
dan , it's no problem. I won't know any schedules for a bit. If I can make it it will be a last minute decision. I have a tent I can bring too.
by gulfgreyhound on 2017/3/27 17:57:34

Sadly I have to say that I'm out this year. Things just didn't work out and will break my record as the oldest fart in attendance. GG


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It's killing me as well!! GG

Wet wading is not for the fashion mavens.
Art, I watched the movie, nice.
This must be you wading around boulder?
Seriously thinking I can attend. This would be my 2nd PAFF Spring Jam. Does anyone have a spare bunk for Wed., Thur., Fri., and/or Sat?
Be great to see you again Barry...hope you find a bunk.

While I will be Wednesday-Sunday, I do have guests.

Scott will be coming. Not a board member as he's just not a computer guy. But he's been to a lot of jams. Arrival day uncertain as he'll be at Harmans cabins early week, though he is retired now, so minimizing vacation days isn't an issue.

My brother and my nephew may come saturday. They are maybes as my brother coaches and nephew plays little league baseball. Schedule isn't out yet. Both are fishermen, but not fly fishermen. My nephew expressed interest and I said it was a good time and place to get him on some hatch action, and perhaps some casting instruction. Basically no better time or place to get the whole experience. If they come I will be in teacher/guide mode Saturday, of course.
There is no better teacher in my opinion! Hope he can make it and has a blast!
Relatively new to the site and to fly fishing for that matter and would love to come out and stay a few nights. I'm just graduating college so I'm pretty broke at them moment. Does anyone have any openings in a cabin? If not I'll probably make it out at least one day regardless. Sounds fun!
I'm in! Can't wait. Thursday thru Sunday mimimum. May be there earlier if the weather is right.
I've got tent room. It's a reasonably big tent and usually has two guys with plenty of room, but my buddy will be staying in a trailer with another buddy. 10x10 floor space, vertical walls so it's all full height edge to edge.

Of course, I do snore, and after some camp food, potentially other unpleasant things. Perhaps that's why my buddy moved to the trailer, lol.

Probably not your ideal but it's available.
Just an FYI, up past the campground this morning, construction on 322 right at the campground, single lane both directions, and what was left of the trees between the campground and the highway are gone, new road goes up alongside the campground to a new bridge that crosses 322, not open yet though.
Just wanted to let folks know, traffic may be tied up at times along that stretch.
Pretty soon we should be able to get a weather prediction :)
Im surprised there has not be any long range predictions !!! what ever happens, happens!!
haha!!! it will be rain, sun, wind, hot, and cold.
there will also be periods of daylight and darkness.

I also think we will see some drakes, hatches seem to be early, along with everything else this spring. I'll be fishing out there the weekend before as well, and will post a report.
Accuweather gives a month in advance. Been watching it. But not trusting it yet. Too good to be true. Deluge. Week and a half to come down with not much of anything but a passing shower. Then Thursday through Sunday of jam time, cloudy and drizzly but not amounting to enough to affect streams.

At least that's what it said yesterday. Haven't checked today.
PPF will be there!