2017 PAFF Jam: Seven Mountains Campground, 19-21 May

Maurice, I want a hat. Green would be good.
DE-JA-VUE ....I think the last time I was there about 3 years ago it was the same concerning the hats.
Chuckyblack09, i'd be interested in giving some nighttime mousing a try! I'll be up on thursday. Let me know.
Chuckyblack09, i'd be interested in giving some nighttime mousing a try! I'll be up on thursday. Let me know

Alright, sounds good! Tigertrout said he's down as well. I'll be there Wednesday to Sunday so we can Thursday night and if it works out well even a second night.
So far it looks like it's going to be warm next week. Lower chance of rain. Maybe cloudy some days. The stream flow numbers are coming down too from last weeks big rain.
I'll be donating an original painting finished on-site (as usual) for our Saturday night raffle. This piece will have a mat shadow box and I'm looking for four or five wet flies from forum members that will be attending the jam. Ideally, I'd like four or five flies from four or five PAFF "regulars." I'll then mount the flies in the mat and have the tiers sign the forum name by the fly.

Flies submitted should be around size #12 and can be any pattern. Bring the fly to the jam and hand it off to me on Friday evening or Saturday morning.

Please reply to this thread if you can donate a fly with a description of the pattern.

Never fished state college and this is my first jam. I'm reading sulphurs, march browns, caddis, and BWO. Thanks for the info. Will be there Thursday after lunch and looking to hit the stream after setting up camp. Seeing as I've never been, I'm looking for something relatively close to camp with easier access. I have no problem with remote access as long as I can find it with some directions. I just don't want to be walking around in the woods for an hour wondering where I'm at. Can someone recommend a stream and a section? Also wouldn't mind tagging along with someone. Looking forward to meeting you all.
You'll find someone to go with. The camp is on top of a mountain. It's rather centrally located to the famous waters, but all are drives. The famous waters (Penns, Spring, Little Juniata) are generally between a half hour to an hour's drive. There's a few less famous ones closer.

Penn's best section is between Coburn and cherry run. That's like 13 miles of water. Can access from Coburn, cherry run, or smack in the middle at Poe Paddy.

Spring is good everywhere. The most popular stretches are at the Brenner springs hatchery, and along spring creek road below fisherman's paradise. But other areas are awfully good too and most popular can be a bad thing.

The LJR I don't know as well.
Thanks! I see a bunch of class a on the map, might check out one of those and/or try to find some runs with brook trout in addition to Penns or spring. Should be fun
This is also my first Jam. I don't know anyone who will be there either. I've fished Spring Creek and Big Fishing Creek(the trout laughed at me there). Those two fishing trips were with Squaretail.

I am probably going to make the drive over to the Little Juniata River and fish there because the very next weekend will be my 35th reunion at Juniata College.
When you get there you'll be surprised at how many people you will "know". When you leave you'll be even more surprised how many people you'll know.
Thank you tomgamber,

Your post is the reason why I signed up and want to attend the jam. I know that nobody is going to care that I am an average fly fisherman at best.

I just want to get better and the Jam is as good a place as any to get better.
Thursday night sounds good! I'll be there on thursday. Im staying over in the deluxe cabins but I'm not sure which one. I have a silver CRV. See you then!
Sounds good Mooney! I'm sure we'll get a few guys at the Jam Friday or Saturday night that want to go also.

Creeks are looking like they'll be in good shape for next week fellas! Let's hope the weather forecast doesn't? change!
I see Potter run right next to the campground is class A with brown and brook trout. Is it worth fishing or should I not waste my time and just fish Penns, Spring, and/or LJR?
It's a tiny stream.
paparise I'd be interested in fishing Potter maybe for a few hours or something. I like small streams.
chuckyblack09 wrote:
paparise I'd be interested in fishing Potter maybe for a few hours or something. I like small streams.

While must folks prefer to target the big name streams where hatches are likely to be strongest, there are usually some folks at every Jam that head out to fish the many small local brookie streams in the region. This is particularly common in the morning as folks can combine brookie fishing in the mountains for half a day and then hit Spring/Penns/LJ etc for hatches in the evening. It's a standard game plan.

Some folks are tight lipped about the brookie streams here on the forums, but if you actually chat folks up at the jam in the evening, you can get some good intel on the brookie streams for the next day. Some PAFF Jam regulars are very familiar with the local brookie streams.

I'll even target bass and panfish in rivers and lakes, usually on the way home from the jam. You can fish however and wherever you want.
countless brookie waters within an hour drive, lot's of them within 30 min. Just got back from the area, Penns was fishable, couldn't wade too far out, but most fish were along the banks anyways, usually the OPPOSITE bank, out of reach! It was coming down nicely today, hovered around 1010-1050 CFS, and will be in damn near perfect by wed or thurs, hopefully no big rain event, thunderstorms forecast thurs. Brookie streams were about perfect, if not flowing a bit strong, they should still be in good shape for next week, lot's of water up in those hills.
March Browns, crane flies, BWO's, and some grey foxes were coming off in the cherry run section. Most action was mid-late afternoon, evenings were dead, hopefully that changes as the creek comes down and the sun comes out this week. Just keep an eye on what the birds are doing, they know where the bugs are.
See you all next weekend!
Are there any breakfast restaurants nearby?