2017 PAFF Jam: Seven Mountains Campground, 19-21 May

I have 3 spots open trapshooter. Send me a message if you want some more info
I already have a cabin if you just want to bunk with us. I have been looking for people. I'm really excited to go and meet some new people like last year.
TigerTrout4wt, I sent you a PM.
TigerTrout4 wt I too have PM'ed u.

I made a call today.

Wednesday May 17th, there is the Park Model a two bedroom, a Deluxe and at least one or two rustic cabins available. Also:

18th, same

19th (Friday): only Park Model and two bedroom (one Q and 4 singles);

20th (Saturday): same

21st (Sunday): Rustics, Deluxe, Efficiency, Park Model and Primitives.
It will not be a problem to move your base between available accommodations. Just book it all up front. They are looking forward to our business.
Jamboree Memories:

At Hemlock Acres. Me, young son and nephews (2). In a tent. In the hollow (we were). Thanks to the Lord for Paul G's hospitality for coffee and donuts. Saturday AM. and Sunday AM. I fished only with my crew, but I met at least a dozen fellow fly anglers, with whom 50% of which I still fraternize.

[ -- Winston Churchfield (2017)]
Jamboree Memories II:

Went up to Cedar Run CG. First cabin for me with John and Chaz and Gino and JOhn's buddy and son the Reges.

I was so excited for another rainy Jam that I brought a 30x20 new tarp and when I arrived, I garnered assistance to erect an " entertainment tent" of sorts, using a large fallen branch and a coffee cup and ropes near the largest cabin.
Sadly I have to say that I'm out this year. Things just didn't work out and will break my record as the oldest fart in attendance. GG
Say it isn't so, GG.
Jack, you can blame GG's non participation on me, I apologize for that
No blame is needed. Things just don't work out some times . A lot going on in my house that needs attention. GG
You'll be missed Art. I was looking forward to you showing me how they fish the cicada down under.
Albie, their irresistable ifdipped in local beer. GG
Well, you can blame Art and Norm on me not going!

Tony, too.

Lots of stuff going on here as well. Not likely to make it at this point.

gulfgreyhound wrote:
Sadly I have to say that I'm out this year. Things just didn't work out and will break my record as the oldest fart in attendance. GG

Well, one could still be lingering in that cabin.
Wait, so now Norm, Art, Tony, and FD aren't going? What's happening to this world....

I booked my cabin and my brother Mark (a member here but not sure he's ever posted), is coming as well....
Dan, I haven't completely crossed it off, yet. I'm still hoping to make it. If I can and you'd have me it would be much appreciated.
My son has invites to 2 different ecellent hockey tryouts and the schedule isn't known yet.
I likely won't make it at this point. But if I do, it will likely be a last minute decision.

Say hi for me to the lady who runs the place. She's nice. She has to be to put up with some of you nut jobs.