2017 PAFF Jam: Seven Mountains Campground, 19-21 May

FlyGuyGlen wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:

Yea, it's pretty open. There are some large trees, but not spaced closely.

I lifted this from google maps. Tent sights are behind the small cabins and I think extend to the left. You might get lucky.

Avoid the low areas in the event of rain, or sleep with your wading staff.


I think I could make that work. I'll give them a call and see what their rules are. Still waiting for the green light from the boss. Apparently thinking of leaving her alone for the weekend with a 2.5 yo and a 5 month old isn't giving me any bonus points.

Glen, it sounds like she is the one who needs a weekend in a hammock! LOL.
I got the "Let's see how I feel after I go back to work" response. This doesn't bode well for this years Jam. Count me in for next year, but don't count me out for this year just yet! :lol:
tomgamber wrote:
i'll have my box full of buggers. we're good.

I'll add a box of the Magic Flies so we are really good.
I thought buggers were magic flies....
JVenezia wrote:
What is a Magic Fly ?

Evan knows how to tie it. I hope he comes to the Jam this year.
Well now I want one or two..... LOL
Evan what do they cost to ship to lancaster?
I'm new to the board but have fly fished Pa. for 36+ years and looking forward to meeting yinz! I'll be at my cabin in Hemlock Acres sometime that weekend so I'll stop in to say HI!

I fish with and restore split cane rods, mostly for the Project Healing Waters' wounded veterans around the country, to help them enjoy the sport by giving them a more forgiving rod b/c of their injuries. IF anyone has any old beater bamboo rods or parts for me to use on the rods I have here in disrepair, please bring them if you care to donate to this great effort! I can provide an In-Kind donation form for you to use for IRS tax purposes.

Joe Pacacha
That's awesome Joe. Not sure I can make it, but I'm certainly going to try. If I do, I may have some stuff for you.

I used to rebuild cane production rods for use, but got away from it after buying the farm. Too many hobbies.

I'll have to go through my inventory.

Send me a PM as the time approaches.

Did you hear Farmer Dave bought the farm. May he rest in peace...
AnglersCane wrote:
I'm new to the board but have fly fished Pa. for 36+ years and looking forward to meeting yinz! I'll be at my cabin in Hemlock Acres sometime that weekend so I'll stop in to say HI!

Joe Pacacha

Hello Joe,

I also have a cabin at hemlock Acres; we'll have to meet up one of these days.


that would be awesome! Google my name to read articles that further explain what we do and how we're helping them cope, but most of all, enjoy themselves again!

JF, rear left corner of Rudy's property, S-12, at the very end of Delaware Rd, behind the pavilion. An old greenheart rod hangs outside above 1 of the windows should tip you off that I like fishing neat stuff! I'd be glad to meet ya, and the others at the Jam!


Joe Pacacha
Dug up some footage from one of the prior fly fishing jams...

krayfish2 wrote:
Dug up some footage from one of the prior fly fishing jams...

I guess I'm going to need a new hat. :lol:
And a Jamaican accent. Lol
OMG that was funny. It was probably even funnier for me as I am drinking a wee dram of whiskey. I'm laughing and my wife is listening across the room to the dialogue and "music" and looking at me like I've got two heads.

I'm definitely working on my Jamaican accent.
AnglersCane wrote:
that would be awesome! Google my name to read articles that further explain what we do and how we're helping them cope, but most of all, enjoy themselves again!

Do you honestly think I hadn't already done that? :lol:

I can't promise if I will make it, but if I do, I'll bring some stuff. Right now it is only probable, not definite. Not sure how much I will bring. Heck, I'm not even sure what I have. We can talk through PM some time next month after I go through what I have and by then I should know if I am going to be able to make it or not.

I haven't touched the stuff in over 10 years, so I'll probably let a bunch of it go. I can't think of a better use for it.

Most of it will be parts and pieces, some new, some old.

I plan to be there so lv2nymph I'll take that balsa wood.
I want to go. I'll see if any cabins are still available. Anybody looking for a bunk?