2015 North Central PA Jam 9/11-9/13

Andy, I am not travelling well nowadays, but I appreciate you keeping me in mind. I am certain it would be a blast. You are very generous to host this thing.
Squatchy, as much as I'd like to be there, it's likely not in the cards this year. But if anything changes, I'll be sure to let you know ASAP.

Just keep the pickle juice away from Jared when he's near the stove!
Bummer, man. But hey, if you want to show up for Friday night to drink beer and eat food, then take off the next day for the Upper D, there will be a bed for you and a place at the table.
with the demise of the awesome griddle, I have another plan for at least one or two breakfasts, we do this for bigger crowds at the ski house in the winter, breakfast casseroles. Eggs, bread, sausage, veggies, cheese, etc. I do another with eggs, bread, maple syrup, cream cheese, then pour syrup over to eat it. Mix, put in foil pans, put in oven, 45 min later, awesomeness. AND, no pots or pans to clean!
once we have a head count, I'll grab some ingredients. Yeah, I dig the breakfast thing!
maybe a southwest version as well.
now I'm hungry.
Hey fellas. My girlfriend and I are hoping to come up Friday. Not sure what time. We still have to put the request in at work. I'll confirm whether we're going or not once I know for sure. Really hopin' the boss is cool with it. Had a lot of fun last time.

Might have to equip Jared with some sort of tracking devise this time.

Wetfly might need a radar detector since the police don't like that heavy foot of his. Lol

I'll be in touch once I know if we can go.
Man we never had a woman at fly fishing camp! First time for everything haha! Hey, she can't possibly hog the bathroom half as much as Jared...
For peace-of-mind I have to say, if we make it everyone better behave themselves. :) Being a woman hangin' out with a bunch of fisherman she's been made to feel uncomfortable a few times which is really unfortunate. She's just trying to enjoy it like we are. I told her you're all a bunch of really great people and she's excited to go. I'd hate to see her lose interest in participating in things like this and miss out on some really awesome times.

If we make it there we'll be sure to bring some food to contribute to dinner. She'll be surprised to see how well we actually eat. I imagine she pictures a bunch of helpless guys crowded around a can of spaghettios asking ourselves 'what do we do now?' lol

Really hoping we can make it. It was awesome last time and I'm looking forward to the good company, amazing scenery, and hopefully a few fish willing to go along with the plan.
I'm sure she will appreciate the "dueling toilets"!!
LOL! Bathroom remodel is in the talks, just so you know!
And Artifishal, I don't think your lady will have any problems. This will be our 4th Potter-Jam, and so far everyone has been true gentlemen, even without a lady around.
We both have our request in at work to take off that Friday. Now we wait. Shouldn't be an issue. Our only concern was that we have off Monday for Labor Day so we weren't sure if they would let us get away with a 3 day week. We both work together so it can be a little tricky taking off at the same time.
I will spend some evening time around the stove, Potter County-Gods County special jalapeno burgers -you know. Should I have a special menu for woman? :-o :-o :-o


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haha No special menu. She's an outdoors girl, not a sweater knittin', flower in the hair, "oh no, my nails are dirty" girl. lol
Jared, BEHAVE!

I'm really looking forward to this. It's going to be very green, and hopefully August continues the patterns of June and July (a bit dry so far, but a lot can happen between now and Sept. 11)

Hey if anyone needs directions/addy to the cabin, please PM me!
"squeeze me- stomp me" !!!!!!!
it's gonna be great!
Jared, just an FYI-there's been a tragedy at the cabin, and the wonderful flat top griddle is now gone (don't ask...I don't want to go into it, I'm still bitter about it, but I got outvoted at a hunting club meeting to try and keep the thing!). So now it's just a conventional oven w/ 4 large burners on top. Lame.

The upshot is, if its nice weather, we can fire up the outdoor hibachi!
It's killing me but I'm gonna have to miss this. Promised my daughter I'd take her to a 21 pilots concert.
tragedy, hmmm top griddle , don't ask :-(
can we fix it? :roll: :roll: :roll:


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don't forget your oil...


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