2014 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (Newbie Jam) Saturday 3/15/14

It seemed like more than last year.
yeah thanks to the organizers sorry I didn't stick around too long. very nice program
Just one of the more serious moments at the Newbie Jam!


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Haha I knew that was going to be a good picture. Thanks again Ed and everyone instructing on putting together a great event. I wish I could have got Murph a fish but the conditions weren't the best on the LL. For the first time out he did great and did everything right the fish just didn't cooperate.
Good times. Its great how everyone offers advice or tips to all the newbies. I learn things everytime around another PAFF member and its great how all the vets enjoy passing along the info. Really awesome presentations by the instructors. As long as you gents are around I will always be a newbie, sponging up tips and info! Thanks again!
What a fantastic day! Thanks to all of you who put this together. The amount of information available to us newbies was so appreciated. And the hands on instruction was great, especially considering how many of us were there. I particularly want to thank Lefty, JT and Gencon for the personal instruction casting, tying, and on the water. You guys are all great, and exhibit what makes this community a special place. Way to pay it forward! You set a great precedent we can all follow on here and on the water.
Add my thanks to the list....I had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone. Thanks also to pcray for the ride.

I look forward to getting to know everyone on here more.

I checked the calendar for the may jam date and so far it looks clear so I might try to make it up for that as well.

The gents who were working the station with Pat ... I believe both of ur names were Keith. One worked for P$U in Harrisburg ... if u see it can u both please post a yo?

This way if/when we communicate on the board I can put a face to the name/avatar ..

nice meeting u both and if I got the names wrong my bad ... lots of people met yesterday.
stagger think you mean Kevin. at brookie station w/ pat
Some pictures from yesterday.


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I love the optimism demonstrated by the net in picture 3-jpg.
Stagger, I was the other guy sitting with Pat and Kevin...my name is also Kevin, however I wasn't working it, I'm a newbie. I was just taking a load off and using one of their chairs.
It was great to see so many newbies, young and old, full of enthusiasm and soaking up information. I really love this event and wind up learning something new each year. I even slipped one of Tom's furled leader handouts into my pocket when no one was looking. Perhaps I'll dapple with the dark side ;-)
Thanks to Ed and all the guys that helped make it a fantastic day!
Stagger_Lee wrote:
The gents who were working the station with Pat ... I believe both of ur names were Keith. One worked for P$U in Harrisburg ... if u see it can u both please post a yo?

This way if/when we communicate on the board I can put a face to the name/avatar ..

nice meeting u both and if I got the names wrong my bad ... lots of people met yesterday.

The most common misname I answer to is Keith, but the real name is Kevin. Nice to meet you Stag.
I never had a chance to check Toms station out. I was really looking forward to it. I'll have to pick his brain at the Spring Jam.
by JVenezia on 2014/3/16 12:06:07 Who is in pic. 1 ?

That is Mic and I. He was asking about fishing Wets. I'm the one with the green chest box.
It sounds everyone had a great time yesterday. Sorry I could not make it. Maybe next time. I did see alot of familar faces in the photos. I really like Shane's net! Man that's a big one! LOL
It was great seeing a bunch of you guys yesterday.

It's really hard to sort everyone out trying to remember forum names as well as real names. Maybe we should pass out name tags to fill out.

Anyway, everyone should consider making their way to the Jam in May. You have a chance to meet a lot of members and have a great time.

Everyone should thank Heritage Ed for putting the whole thing together. He did a great job again this year!
I had a great time. It was really good for me to finally meet some of you guys. I also had some very entusiastic anglers with all kinds of great questions about trout food. H-A I would do this again in a heart beat. Thanks for setting this up. Only next time I guess we need to do the whip finish challange. I could be wrong but I think Tyger is rooting for me.
