2014 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (Newbie Jam) Saturday 3/15/14

When you catch fish the size I do, you need a net like that. ;-)
Oh, here we go... ;]
afishinado wrote:
It's really hard to sort everyone out trying to remember forum names as well as real names. Maybe we should pass out name tags to fill out.

I'm working on name tags. I was supposed to have them but failed.. :-(
SBecker wrote:
When you catch fish the size I do, you need a net like that. ;-)


That one's a little small for the Lackawanna, don't ya think? :)

What a great day!

I'd just like to thank the instructors that showed up to help our newbies and the many newcomers we added to our membership this weekend.

My game plan was to not commit to any one station, but pitch in on those that needed some help. I finally found something to make myself useful - refilling the water cooler and coffee cups. :lol:

The skill level of our instructors was just incredible, and they really brought their "A" game. We actually had a few experienced members show up to help instruct, and there was no room for them! They got to pitch in with the on-stream session, so everyone got a chance to help out.

This speaks volumes about our members here on PAFF. So many highly skilled people, and everyone pitches in to help others. If anyone needs or wants help with anything flyfishing related, this is THE place to be!

Our local outdoor columnist (Gary Blockus) was able to make it this year, and he was astonished at what he found. I really feel that for a one day event, there is no better opportunity to get quality instruction anywhere else, with a broad base of topics. All this is made possible through the vast knowledge and generosity of the members we have here on PAFF. You guys are simply the best!

This was easily the most heavily attended instructional event we've had yet. When I walked out to the casting station, there was easily 40 or 50 people out there, and when I went back inside, the classroom was still packed. There had to be well over a hundred attendees that came and went throughout the morning. Just too tough to keep track of.

We had by far the largest group of newbies show up for this. From what I saw, and the ones I spoke with, they won't be newbies for long! They were as intense as our enthusiastic instructors, and were soaking up information the whole time.

Some things I learned:

We're gonna need a bigger classroom! We can expand our space to include the whole right side of the building. We'll be able to then include slide shows, individual presentations, and classes. Lots of possibilities. Gotta sit down with pcray and do some brainstorming.

The word is gonna be out about this event for next year. PAFF isn't flying under the radar anymore. We're becoming known as THE best forum for flyfishing - of course, we already knew this here. :)

Tyger is the first person to find out it's raining. He was our photographer for the day, and we'll get the photos he took into an easily viewable format ASAP. Thanks Tyger - it was a real pleasure to finally meet you.

GenCon is the real deal. Highly knowledgeable, and a great teacher. You've got a friend and fishing buddy here, Mike.

I won't have any difficulties reserving the Party Room at our lunch spot next year. The owner thanked me profusely, and said "You come back any time!"

k-bob wrote:

stagger think you mean Kevin. at brookie station w/ pat

Ahhh I see that … thanks Bob. Nice shooting the shinola w/ya ystrday

Salmonoid wrote:

The most common misname I answer to is Keith, but the real name is Kevin. Nice to meet you Stag.

Well now I don’t feel so bad but I do think we have a Keith floating arnd the board. Was nice meeting both Kevin's yesterday. Hope to see u guys in the future.

Did we get an estimated count? I got there abt 8 and was pleasantly surprised with how many cars were in the lot. Wasn't there last year but compared 2012 ... i think we had more.
It looks like y'all had a good event.
Ed, this is very impressive, the news is inspiring. Hopefully our little community will stay the same even when it hits the big time. :)
"The most common misname I answer to is Keith, but the real name is Kevin. Nice to meet you Stag."

Keith is never a misname.
Nice job, Ed and Pat. It was good to see all of you yesterday..
Thanks kray and Shane. It was really was enlightening casting with you guys yesterday.
DD, we didn't argue. We spent some time clarifying communications, is all ;-)
DD, we didn't argue. We spent some time clarifying communications, is all

:-D..... It's always a pleasure Dave.
I would like to echo what other's have already said and once again thank all the organizers and instructors! My 12 year old son Ryan wasn't quite sure about coming with me on the trip but he quickly changed his mind once we arrived. He had a great time and spent most of the day fishing on the LL. Although he did not catch a fish he said on the way home "Dad I'm glad I came that was time well spent! Next time we will catch some fish". If he keeps this up I'll have pick up a rod for him so I can have mine back!

Thanks to all.

Dennis and Ryan
Just had to add a Thank You to everyone from my friend, Patrick. He is not yet a forum member, but made the long ride down from NEPA to be at the Newbie Jam with me.

As we were driving home he commented on what a great bunch of people we have on this forum and how much knowledge was so freely shared. I've personally been impressed with the same characteristics and hope I am now contributing in my own small way,

In the meantime, I am still learning a lot!

Final laugh of the day came from Pat as we were on our way home. He said it was a great day and that he had a good time fishing even with out any moving rocks. (see my signature line for explanation)

Thanks to all!
martin0206 wrote:
Haha I knew that was going to be a good picture. Thanks again Ed and everyone instructing on putting together a great event. I wish I could have got Murph a fish but the conditions weren't the best on the LL. For the first time out he did great and did everything right the fish just didn't cooperate.

Hey Martin thanks for all the help yesterday. I learned a lot in just a couple hours on the water with you. My first fish on a fly would've been nice but I'm more than happy with the experience. Shoot me a pm sometime if you ever feel like coming up this way.
Was a good event, wish the fishing were a little better. Can't win em all I guess. I can vouch that Becker and his son teamed up for at least 1 fish.

Thanks Ed for setting this up and all you do. It was good to see everyone.

Always interesting to see the range of attendees. From beginners to intermediates to the highly experienced looking to mine a few stream names. :) Forestry researchers. Experienced parents with newbie kids. All walks of life.

Hmm. Growing attendance. That's a good problem to have. And we don't seem to lack in # of quality instructors nor space, so whatever we decide I'm confident we can handle it.

3 ideas come to mind.

1. Just spread em out and do the same. You could add a station or two if people have ideas but I'm not sure it's absolutely necessary. Just put half in one room and half in the other, and if you got the guys (it looks like we do), on the instructor side add an extra head to each station. More space, less crowding, more talking on a comfortable level without anyone rushing or anything like that. You could even split up the general themes. Gear on one side, tactics on another, or whatever.

2. Do the same on the side we got. On the other side, do a more formal presentation like the original format. i.e. each instructor team has a 20 or 30 minute presentation, and spends the rest of the time at their station answering individual questions and talking with newbs.

3. Make one side geared towards "true beginners" and the other towards "intermediate". While we have a lot of true beginners and that is our focus (which is good), there's a fair number of intermediate guys that attend. Heck, the instructors can use a brush up in certain aspects of our game.

In the end, I'd like to hear from the newbies on what THEY'D like to see.
Good stuff Pat. I've thought about the same things, and have a few more.

I thought about inviting some flyfishing "celebrities" to do a presentation. Guys that do this kind of presentation usually get paid to do so, but I've got some connections. ;-)

That'd certainly help draw more attendees.

Another thing I've thought about is to have a tying class in it's own room. Encourage people to bring their own tying gear, and we'd supply the materials. I've got a few people in mind to run that, and I'm sure I could get at least one to do it.

Last, but not least is this idea - we could set up a room for the kids of the attendees. Kind of like flyfishing daycare. We could get Fox to run it, and do "Pin the Tail on the Fox". We could use a real foxtail, and REALLY long pins. :cool:
I think the tying station idea is a good one. The day care, eh. I think it'd be good to add a kids station, or kids centered activity, or something like that.

But we only have a few kids. I don't think parents are gonna leave those kids with a bunch of strangers and go off and do their own thing. And having been involved with stuff like this, do you have any clue what you're getting yourself into regarding legalities? If you intend to actually take over care of a child, even for a short time, you gotta get state police, FBI and child abuse clearances, insurance, etc.
I neglected to thank Volksnurse for the sculpin. Sorry.
I was just kidding about the daycare thing.

However, I DO like the idea of "Pin the Tail on the Fox".

Hey, I've got an electric staple gun! :lol:

*All this is to let Fox know we haven't forgotten about him. He'll have plenty of chances to do his part in the upcoming "brush up" days.