2012 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree, 12/15/12

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
Hey Ed, I might have to revert back to last years pattern, the Prince if you remember. I wont know till the morning. I was having a problem getting the right materials. Either way its all good. I'll be bringing the pretzels too!!. See you all in the AM.
Hey Ed and all... I had some things come up this morning and won't be able to get there until around noon...
Sorry I didn't make this, shift ran longer than expected. Was to tired to make the drive. Looking forward to a report and pics.
I was able to meet a few tyers at the show, I got there a little late on my bike. Wish I made it there sooner, people were very friendly. I was Welcomed at door by heritage, cool group.
This was an excellent event Thanks
Heartfelt thanks to Ed and Mike for organizing this! And thanks as well to all the tyers who contributed. he amount of skill and experience in the room was just amazing! I know I learned alot. Thanks!
I had a great day yesterday at the tying jam. A huge thanks to Ed and Mike for all of their time and effort in organizing the event. A few highlights for me were: Mike explaining the preparation of the peacock quill for the body of his Quill Gordon - this is something I knew absolutely nothing about - very informative. The woven body flies tied by George Maciag and Shane were cool. The realism of Old Lefty's iso nymph was simply amazing! All the tyers did a great job. I enjoyed meeting many new folks - I know I missed introducing myself to everybody who was there, but there is always next year. Thanks again, Ed and Mike, for a job very well done.
What a wonderful event yesterday was. Thank you to Ed and Mike for an excellent job. The venue is great, thank you to Lehigh Gap Nature Preserve for letting us use the room. I'm already thinking about what pattern I can share next year!
As one of the tiers at yesterday's event, I'd like to say thank you to all the members that came out either to watch or came out to demonstrate their skills. We have some great members on the website that are always willing to help others. I'd especially like to thank Ed for another great tying Jam. Ed puts a lot of time and effort into getting us all together. It was an honor to be able to tie with the other members and to be able to sit next to Old Lefty!!!!!
GRP wrote:
The venue is great...

Though the security was lacking! :cool:

Yesterday was a great time, and I owe a big thanks to everyone that helped out, tied, or made it happen in general. Looking forward to doing it again next year.
Good Job on the show. I have a few new Ideas to work with after watching some of the great tiers.
Thank you
I would be negligent to not mention the most gracious act of the whole tying jam by Blues Sky. Rick won the coveted hand made tying bench and instantly gave it to Hack's son!!! The entire room was speechless!!!! This is just proof of one of our members to help further the sport and to encourage our younger members to tie!!

Thank you Rick!!


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First of course, I would like to thank Ed and Mike for putting in the time and effort to get this type of thing together. I would like to thank everybody that came out. It was a great day to sit around and bullshit while tying flies. It helped me stock my box up with a fly I love to carry and use. It was nice meeting some new people from the board. Thanks to Dave Weaver for the donation. It will hang nicely in my tying area.

I will also second what Mooney said.


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That was lots of fun. Thanks to HA Ed for a job well done. The tying was very inspiring.
What a fantastic event! I learned so much I couldn't wait to get to the vise this morning!
It was a lot of fun working with Ed on this, and getting the chance to seem PAFF friends and make some new friends. A big thanks to all that made this possible. None of it would have happened with the hard work put in by Ed, the generosity of the folks at the Nature Center and all of the fantastic sponsors, and most importantly the generosity of the tyers and all in the PAFF community that came out and made the Tying Jam a success!
Thanks Ed and Mike. I really had a great time yesterday. Met some old friends and made some new one. Don't get any better than that.
I can't wait till the next one.
This was my first time to this event. I agree Ed and Mike did a fine job putting this all together. I had a great time and really enjoyed meeting and talking to other PAFF members. I was a little apprehensive at first on whether to tie or not. Old Lefty talked me into it and I'm glad he did. It was really enjoyable after I got over the nervous jitters. I look forward to the next tying jam. I will try to select a more complicated but more than likely less effective fly next time.( it's hard beat a hi-vis foam beetle for summer trout ) In the meantime I need to teach S. Becker how to fish a green weenie! :-o
Thanks to all who attended and made this a really fun day!

The two highlights of the day for me were watching ebroesecke's daughter Marren tie a wooly bugger, and witnessing SkyBlue's act of generosity when he won the tying bench in the raffle.

Still lots of work to do, but I'll be writing up a more formal recap of this event for dkile to add to the front page blog.

Here's the slideshow for the event, but I'm missing most of the close up shots of the flies tied (gfen - need some help, buddy).

Ok thier was a tier from Jim Thorpe there tying emergers (sorry I forgot your name) Can you send me a list of what you used to make them,and a picture of one if you have one.

Thanks Dewey
guys, i had a blast yesterday.
thanks to everyone who stopped by and said hi, or watched me marrying wings!
Wish i could have finished that fly yesterday, and if i'd done a simpler wing, it would have been no problem.

Anyways. It was a great event, very well supported by the members of the forum and also the sponsors of the raffle. Great prizes!

So, as promised, here is the salmon fly which Gaeron won in the raffle; finished it today.

Green Highlander from Sir Hebert Maxwell.

