2012 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree, 12/15/12

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
Volksnurse wrote:
Could ya put me down as a spectator...and a maybe? Hope to but not sure...

Hope you can make it - you'd really enjoy this. If you can make it, think about tying something. You can do this!

Updated attendance list:

Eunanhendron - Special Guest Tyer

gaeronf - TBD
SBecker - Dronestone
Frequent Tyer - Quill Gordon
Foxgap239 - Hi Vis Parachute Adams
delta_dog - GT Caddis
Surveyor06 - Hare's Ear Nymph
whheff - zebra midge
gfen - flymph
PhilC - TBD
OldLefty - Isonychia nymph
Volksnurse - spectator/maybe

Hey Heritage, hows it going? I'd be willing to tye something if you'd like. I'll think about something other than last years. By the way, I'd like to second the request from Delta Dog about those sticky buns!! Come on Dave, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Oh if you remember right, I think that Delta should be tying some of those awesome sulpher drys that he was using on Spring!!! OMG!!

Cant wait, it was such a great time last year I can taste the Blue Moons now!!
You have no streamers represented here yet, that's a shame. Put me down for a slumpbuster.
Hey Rich! It'll be great to see you again. We need to get out and fish together again.

I'll add you with a TBD - just let me know when you decide on your pattern.

I'm trying to stay clear of the sticky bun issue, 'cause I don't want to make more work for Mrs Lefty. I believe the reason Dave's such a good tyer and fisherman is that he's trying to do something that will compare to the quality of his wife's baking skills. He's got a lot of work to do. ;-)

Hi Bill - Glad to add you to the list, and great choice on the slumpbuster.

Two more very talented tyers added to the list - we're looking really good!

Updated attendance list:

Eunanhendron - Special Guest Tyer

gaeronf - TBD
SBecker - Dronestone
Frequent Tyer - Quill Gordon
Foxgap239 - Hi Vis Parachute Adams
delta_dog - GT Caddis
Surveyor06 - Hare's Ear Nymph
whheff - zebra midge
gfen - flymph
PhilC - TBD
OldLefty - Isonychia nymph
Volksnurse - spectator/maybe
mooney4 - TBD
beeber2 - Slumpbuster streamer
Beeber you beat me to the streamer idea! I meant to make this one last year...count me in if you've still got room.

I'll tie a streamer as well...pattern TBD.
jay348 wrote:
Beeber you beat me to the streamer idea! I meant to make this one last year...count me in if you've still got room.

I'll tie a streamer as well...pattern TBD.

Glad to include you!

Updated attendance list:

Eunanhendron - Special Guest Tyer

gaeronf - TBD
SBecker - Dronestone
Frequent Tyer - Quill Gordon
Foxgap239 - Hi Vis Parachute Adams
delta_dog - GT Caddis
Surveyor06 - Hare's Ear Nymph
whheff - zebra midge
gfen - flymph
PhilC - TBD
OldLefty - Isonychia nymph
Volksnurse - spectator/maybe
mooney4 - TBD
beeber2 - Slumpbuster streamer
jay348 - TBD streamer
Oh ED, I happily volunteer to sit next to Lefty!! Im not scared!! Hahaha!! Besides I take advantage of every moment to learn from the best!! I want first dibs on the book!! Did he write it yet??? If you want I can make a couple batches of brownies for anyone that wants something sweet. Just let me know.
Hi Rich - Delta is gonna be sitting at the same table as the Southpaw, but I'll put you next to him on the other side. Just remind me.

No book........yet. Poke him with your bodkin, and tell him to get moving on that.

Re - food: We're asking folks not to bring food inside. Remember how beautiful that place was? I don't want to wear out our welcome by making a mess on the carpet. I'm even thinking about skipping the coffee, for just that reason. Outside is fair game - there's that nice deck just outside the hall.....
Ok, I'll remind you a couple of times before the day. I'll make the brownies and we can decide about the location. Brownies go good with coffee!!
I failed miserably to make it last year so I'd like to attend this year. If you're short on tyers, I'll be happy to whip up some euro-nymphs or a hopper pattern.
Hi dub - Welcome aboard. I'll list you as a TBD - just pick something, and I'll change it.

Updated attendance list:

Eunanhendron - Special Guest Tyer

gaeronf - TBD
SBecker - Dronestone
Frequent Tyer - Quill Gordon
Foxgap239 - Hi Vis Parachute Adams
delta_dog - GT Caddis
Surveyor06 - Hare's Ear Nymph
whheff - zebra midge
gfen - flymph
PhilC - TBD
OldLefty - Isonychia nymph
Volksnurse - spectator/maybe
mooney4 - TBD
beeber2 - Slumpbuster streamer
jay348 - TBD streamer
dubthethorax - TBD
I'll go with a jiggy as my pattern. Been tying them for saltwater, but they're easy and can be modified for trout as well.
jay348 wrote:
I'll go with a jiggy as my pattern. Been tying them for saltwater, but they're easy and can be modified for trout as well.

Have to admit, I had to google the jiggy. Looks good!

Updated attendance list:

Eunanhendron - Special Guest Tyer

gaeronf - TBD
SBecker - Dronestone
Frequent Tyer - Quill Gordon
Foxgap239 - Hi Vis Parachute Adams
delta_dog - GT Caddis
Surveyor06 - Hare's Ear Nymph
whheff - zebra midge
gfen - flymph
PhilC - TBD
OldLefty - Isonychia nymph
Volksnurse - spectator/maybe
mooney4 - TBD
beeber2 - Slumpbuster streamer
jay348 - Jiggy streamer
dubthethorax - TBD


This event sounds like a good time. I am very interested in attending. I am not an expert at tying but I have been tying for many years and would possibly be interested in tying at the event as well. Being my first time I have a few questions. Are c-clamp vises ok? I don't own a portable tying light, is this an issue, or may I possibly be able to borrow one from one of the other tyers if one is needed. If either of these things are not a problem I would be glad to be added to your list of tyers. I have a pattern in mind that I tie basically as a streamer scaled down to be fished mainly for native Brookies. Let me know if you are interested in having me tie and I will get back to you with the name and a few more details of the pattern. Looking forward to meeting you folks!

Hi dc - Glad to add you to the list.

No problem with clamp vises. As far as lighting, the hall we're in has pretty decent overhead lighting. Last year, some guys still used their own lights - no problem, as there's lots of receptacles around the perimeter of the room.

I'm sure it won't be a problem borrowing a light - I'll bring a couple, as well as a spare vise and pedestal. We'll make sure you're comfortable, and despite downplaying your tying skills, I'm sure you've got something valuable to share.

I'll put you down as a TBD until you provide more details. Looking forward to meeting you, and seeing you tie!

Updated attendance list:

Eunanhendron - Special Guest Tyer

gaeronf - TBD
SBecker - Dronestone
Frequent Tyer - Quill Gordon
Foxgap239 - Hi Vis Parachute Adams
delta_dog - GT Caddis
Surveyor06 - Hare's Ear Nymph
whheff - zebra midge
gfen - flymph
PhilC - TBD
OldLefty - Isonychia nymph
Volksnurse - spectator/maybe
mooney4 - TBD
beeber2 - Slumpbuster streamer
jay348 - Jiggy streamer
dubthethorax - TBD
dc410 - TBD

Thanks HA,

The pattern I will tie is called the "Pick Pocket", one of many different styles of flies given this name over the years. I tie this pattern scaled down in hook size but on a longer shank streamer hook. It is a variation of the famous Picket Pin and was featured by Mike O'Brien in an issue of the Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide magazine many, many years ago. I appreciate the invite and am really looking forward to the event. Thanks again!
Sounds good dc. The Picket Pin is a fly that not a lot of people use much today. Works as good now, as "back in the day".

Great fly choice!

Updated attendance list:

Eunanhendron - Special Guest Tyer

gaeronf - TBD
SBecker - Dronestone
Frequent Tyer - Quill Gordon
Foxgap239 - Hi Vis Parachute Adams
delta_dog - GT Caddis
Surveyor06 - Hare's Ear Nymph
whheff - zebra midge
gfen - flymph
PhilC - TBD
OldLefty - Isonychia nymph
Volksnurse - spectator/maybe
mooney4 - TBD
beeber2 - Slumpbuster streamer
jay348 - Jiggy streamer
dubthethorax - TBD
dc410 - "Pick Pocket"

Heritage Angler, I guess you can add me to the list. I talked it over with Old Lefty and we will ride down together. I see no one has signed up to tie a terrestrial so I will tie my Foam Beetle. Never did anything like this but sounds like a good time. If you can will you put me on the seating chart next to FoxGap239. Thanks. That way we can pick on each other without yelling across the room. :p
Yelling is fun.
SBecker wrote:
Yelling is fun.
But isn't flyfishing known as "The Quiet Sport"? Would'nt fly tying be the same?