gfen wrote:
Poorly phrased, there's picking apart and then there's showing the faults.
I know the first time I had some time with him, I can easily say I took it to the next level. I'd like to go back and revisit, although I'm afraid of seeing the failures laid out... you become lazy and compensate for your shortcomings with bad technique, which in turn leads to stress from doing it wrong when you try to push for that last few feet to make a long distance cast.
Watching the dude lay 100' out without seeing any stress of effort is pretty sobering. I know when I've tried to do that sort of thing, I tend to end up waving madly at the end and making that final cast one of minor desperation to keep the whole thing from falling apart.
I also know I need to spend this year's trouts fishing learning to do a little more work on the "fancy" bits, I can do an S cast, but it about ends there. I really, really want to be able to toss out effortless curve casts as easily as I can lay out insults and hyperbole.
'Coz I'm good at that, not so much the former.