2011 PAFF Instructional Mini-Jam 2/26/11

Only took 3 pics, all three in afternoon fishing with k-bob and dluton.


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It was good to see some old friends and make some new ones.
Hope to see many of you on the stream this year. Nice pics Gfen.
Thanks HA for putting together another great fly fishing get together.
High quality event and great way to start the spring, thanks everyone!
Ya, it was pretty awesome and a fun event. Little cold and the stream was pretty muddy, but I still saw a few fish caught. Figured out I need either 1) 400 more hours of casting instruction or 2) sell my stuff.*

*calm down guys, it was a joke. They're not for sale.
Great event everyone! I was really impressed with all the presentations. The knowledge and experience that was shared was truley a unique opportunity for all.
All I know, is I came to the event thinking, for only fly fishing for a couple months, that I was not that bad of a caster. Only to realize, I might be the worst caster in the world LOL Thanks OL 🙂. Can't seem to stop throwing tailing loops, guess I will have to take Ha out to dinner and bribe him to work with me.
Had a great time yesterday. Lots of good people coming together for a good event to share some even better BS! Nice to meet some new people, put some faces to names and hang out with some real "pals" of mine like our friend Mr. Becker above me here. Too bad that Badonkadonk wasn't hammering them bud!

Looking forward to doing this kind of thing again in the future. If you need anything for the next one Ed, just let me know.
jdaddy wrote:
Ya, it was pretty awesome and a fun event. Little cold and the stream was pretty muddy, but I still saw a few fish caught. Figured out I need either 1) 400 more hours of casting instruction or 2) sell my stuff.*

*calm down guys, it was a joke. They're not for sale.

Did Dave pic apart your cast ?

Poorly phrased, there's picking apart and then there's showing the faults.

I know the first time I had some time with him, I can easily say I took it to the next level. I'd like to go back and revisit, although I'm afraid of seeing the failures laid out... you become lazy and compensate for your shortcomings with bad technique, which in turn leads to stress from doing it wrong when you try to push for that last few feet to make a long distance cast.

Watching the dude lay 100' out without seeing any stress of effort is pretty sobering. I know when I've tried to do that sort of thing, I tend to end up waving madly at the end and making that final cast one of minor desperation to keep the whole thing from falling apart.

I also know I need to spend this year's trouts fishing learning to do a little more work on the "fancy" bits, I can do an S cast, but it about ends there. I really, really want to be able to toss out effortless curve casts as easily as I can lay out insults and hyperbole.

'Coz I'm good at that, not so much the former.

gfen wrote:

Poorly phrased, there's picking apart and then there's showing the faults.

I know the first time I had some time with him, I can easily say I took it to the next level. I'd like to go back and revisit, although I'm afraid of seeing the failures laid out... you become lazy and compensate for your shortcomings with bad technique, which in turn leads to stress from doing it wrong when you try to push for that last few feet to make a long distance cast.

Watching the dude lay 100' out without seeing any stress of effort is pretty sobering. I know when I've tried to do that sort of thing, I tend to end up waving madly at the end and making that final cast one of minor desperation to keep the whole thing from falling apart.

I also know I need to spend this year's trouts fishing learning to do a little more work on the "fancy" bits, I can do an S cast, but it about ends there. I really, really want to be able to toss out effortless curve casts as easily as I can lay out insults and hyperbole.

'Coz I'm good at that, not so much the former.

Sounds like someone got thier pride hurt also .
I think the words I picked are just fine IMHO

I had my cast picked apart many times in one weekend but I swallowed my pride and started to pick my own cast apart and work on my faults and it has help make me a better caster.
My biggest fault is my back cast I don't make enough of abrupt stop before my drift .

What is yours

Sounds like you guys had a good time. I wish we could have one closer to home, in the SC area, I always enjoy meeting like this.

Sounds like someone got thier pride hurt also .
I think the words I picked are just fine IMHO

I had my cast picked apart many times in one weekend but I swallowed my pride and started to pick my own cast apart and work on my faults and it has help make me a better caster.
My biggest fault is my back cast I don't make enough of abrupt stop before my drift .

What is yours

Na. Didn't get my pride hurt because of two things. First, I can lay out a nice long accurate cast, obtain a good drift and catch the trouts regularly. Second, I know that while doing that my casting stroke is very labored. I was a lot happier working one on one with Dave instead of having 20 of my peers watching the nightmare, however I am also aware that I wasn't paying for instruction and we were all there to learn.
Fredrick wrote:
Sounds like someone got thier pride hurt also .

I have no pride, I'm humble as they come.

Fredrick wrote:
What is yours

Being awesome, is that a fault?

No, watching him go through and explain the motions helped clarify some things I'd been letting go wrong, I didn't want to be pushy and take up more of his time as there were alot of people who hadn't gotten the benefit of his knowledge before.

I've gotten lazy, recently, and have let bad habits form and learned to cover them up. I've been reminded of that fact, and a desire to learn some of the more advanced casts beyond the simplest four parter.

I would've really liked to get a moment to have him one-on-one the switch cast, though, but just seeing someone go through the motions beats and video or picture sequence.
I drove a little over 3 hours and it was well worth it. I would do it again in a heart beat. All the instructors were great.
Jdaddy, thanks for showing me the difference between a 100.00 rod and a 800.00 rod, still hasn't sunk in yet.... LOL
JayL,you're class was real good too,you took a lot of guess work out of fly selection.
PCray,Hopefully I can put some of you're technics to practice,very well done.
Skiltonian, Indi fish tech was very good I kinda know what to look for when buying and fishing with them.
Fly finger, you're knot class was real good,the perfection loop is coming a long thanks a lot.
Jason, sorry I did'nt get to you're class, I bet it was good
Old Lefty, I did'nt know how bad at casting I was till I met up with you,now that I'am holding the right end hopefully it will come along.LOL.... Thanks for helping my grandson he was amazed after 10 minutes he could cast....well worth it...
Ed, you did great with the hole thing, you deserve a lot of credit.
Thanks again to every body, I meet some nice and really good people....... Thanks again TIG
Big thanks to Ed and all the instructors. Lots of good information to digest. My only reccommendation would be to have this in the fall say September or October as February is generally pretty cold.
WAS KICK ***! THANKS EVERYONE!!!! and very special thanks to H.A!

I second the notion for maybe a little warmer weather. but you LL people like to do stuff when it is cold like the Dec 31 last chance jam..
