2011 PAFF Instructional Mini-Jam 2/26/11

Cousin is up for it, so hopefully it releives some of the financial aspect from the trip for OL.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Other than gas money, I don't think there's gonna be a big expense involved (that I know of).

The only costs involve coffee & donuts - which I'll happily provide.

If you want to set up a donation bucket for PATU, that's fine with me, but all the money should go to PATU. I personally don't want to get involved with dividing up anything for expenses, and I certainly don't want our students to feel pressured to pay anything.

Just sayin' ;-)

Completely agree. Just didn't want costs to stop the main man from coming, after all it's what he does for a living. Now that he has a ride share it appears we are good.
Folks, it's o.k., really. I appreciate the concern: however, I have to agree with HA on this. No "donation bucket." I really appreciate the thought but we must recognize that some others are travelling a fair distance, as well. We're all doing this because we care about helping others. That's where our focus should be.

LRSA, I'll p.m. you.

Dave R.

I will accept donations. They will go to the preservation of local performing arts.
I'm going to try to be there, planning on it, but things have a tendancy to just come up. I might not be there at 9am...depends if I goto a friends friday night or not. If I do, it will probably be a late night of sampling fine german beers and general mischeif etc. I definatly want to come and meet the faces behind the names and maybe learn a bit as well.
If anyone is going to this event from the Marietta/Mount Joy
area let me know. Maybe we can share a ride. :-D :-D

What time are you planning on getting there saturday morning? Also, let me know if you need me to bring anything.
Been thinking all week about some type of heater, but the Parks Department would frown on my solution. :lol:

Jason - I'd like to get there @8AM. Not much setup, other than the canopy and maybe moving some tables around. My arrival depends on the speed of the local donut shop, and I'm gonna put the order in tomorrow morning to give them a little advanced warning (mainly for the coffee).

Old Lefty will be well fed - he knows the drill. Bring an appetite, Dave!
I'll be there. I wish I had something to offer. However, I am looking forward to learning a lot from all of you. I will have one or two other new guys with me as well. Should I bring something to contribute?

On a side note: In the short time that I have been involved in this, I have met some of the nicest, most genuinely altruistic bunch of guys I have ever met. I, as well as other newbies, are truly grateful.
Zen, I completely agree. Met some really nice and generous people through the site.
Really guys, the only contributions we'll be accepting is flies. They'll be distributed before lunch by Andy (surveyor06), as a gift for our newcomers. This allows all the "senior members" in attendance to help out the newbies as well.

Our newer PAFF members, families, and friends won't have to pay a dime, except for their own lunches. This event is all about you guys. One day, you will be the ones helping out the newcomers, and you'll have many chances to pass on things you've learned.

Enjoy yourselves, learn all you can, make new friends and fishing buddies, and pass on your knowledge to others - it's how we roll here at PAFF.
I am in no matter what as well. I'm one of the "newbies", well be working on my own for about 2 years but still need the experiance you will all bring especially knots! I know the weather is bad but to me this is about meeting a bunch of guys from the forum and learning. Catching fish in the afternoon would be nothing more than a bonus. See u all tomorrow! Heritage Angler, did anyone commit to bring the rope. I believe I have plenty and it can all be disposable. Let me know.
Feel free to bring it along. I'll have mono for everyone to use for practicing their knots. I'll be using rope to demonstrate the knots but it's only because it will be easier for you guys to see what's happening. I think using mono and fly line to practice will be better for those trying to learn the knots because those materials will be what you are using, not rope. But again, feel free to bring it along.

BTflyman wrote:
I am in no matter what as well. I'm one of the "newbies", well be working on my own for about 2 years but still need the experiance you will all bring especially knots! I know the weather is bad but to me this is about meeting a bunch of guys from the forum and learning. Catching fish in the afternoon would be nothing more than a bonus. See u all tomorrow! Heritage Angler, did anyone commit to bring the rope. I believe I have plenty and it can all be disposable. Let me know.
its not the rain so much that concerns me as the predicted very heavy winds, gonna be tough to do anything outside in the wind like its predicted...
The winds are supposed to lay down tonight. Tomorrow should be relatively calm, just chilly.
Yeah, after a second look at the weather it seems it should be alright, just cold. I'm still going to head up I think, bringing my old man.

Valley was choc milk this morning on the way to work at the 23 bridge but I think most of the rain has fallen and the LL should be somewhat fishable but just high tomorrow you think Jay?

I'll be sure to bring my 6 wt so I can swing a streamer in the afternoon...need a lot of help with that anyway! (streamer fishing that is )
I'll defer to the lehigh valley guys on how quickly the LL clears. Valley drops within a few hours, and it fishes best blown out anyway. Not sure on the LL.
The rain is just about finished.I live in the Valley but not near the LL,but from the amount of rain I got at my house I would say the LL will be prime for streamers and nympths in slightly larger sizes than what was needed in the clear winter water.Size 10-12 streamers and 14-16 nympths and maybe slightly larger glo bugs.
I plan on being there.