Heritage-Angler wrote:
Other than gas money, I don't think there's gonna be a big expense involved (that I know of).
The only costs involve coffee & donuts - which I'll happily provide.
If you want to set up a donation bucket for PATU, that's fine with me, but all the money should go to PATU. I personally don't want to get involved with dividing up anything for expenses, and I certainly don't want our students to feel pressured to pay anything.
Just sayin' ;-)
JasonS wrote:
What time are you planning on getting there saturday morning? Also, let me know if you need me to bring anything.
BTflyman wrote:
I am in no matter what as well. I'm one of the "newbies", well be working on my own for about 2 years but still need the experiance you will all bring especially knots! I know the weather is bad but to me this is about meeting a bunch of guys from the forum and learning. Catching fish in the afternoon would be nothing more than a bonus. See u all tomorrow! Heritage Angler, did anyone commit to bring the rope. I believe I have plenty and it can all be disposable. Let me know.