Yellow breaches fly shop!?!?

If I opened a fly shop, I would combine it with a 6-pack shop. Instant profit, and you save the labor-rate.
and an adult bookstore in the back with rubber dollies wearing vests. Only-
Just hope the dollies won't cost as much as the dog beds ;)
Question: Why does TCO NOT put price tags on many items?

Answer: 1.) Laid back hipster salesmen didn't get around to it.
2.)If you have to ask what it cost, you can't afford it.
3.) The items desirability is less than the price
so hiding that price tag is the stores way of telling you
they are ashamed to be charging so much.

Question: How many pairs of Cabelas waders can you buy for the
price of one pair of Simms?

Answer: It doesn't matter because fly fishing is like a fashion show
and wearing Simms is a status symbol.

foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Question: Why does TCO NOT put price tags on many items?

Answer: 1.) Laid back hipster salesmen didn't get around to it.
2.)If you have to ask what it cost, you can't afford it.
3.) The items desirability is less than the price
so hiding that price tag is the stores way of telling you
they are ashamed to be charging so much.

Question: How many pairs of Cabelas waders can you buy for the
price of one pair of Simms?

Answer: It doesn't matter because fly fishing is like a fashion show
and wearing Simms is a status symbol.

We all get it, you don't like TCO. You seem like a hipster though so I am sure everyone is surprised.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Question: Why does TCO NOT put price tags on many items?

Answer: 1.) Laid back hipster salesmen didn't get around to it.
2.)If you have to ask what it cost, you can't afford it.
3.) The items desirability is less than the price
so hiding that price tag is the stores way of telling you
they are ashamed to be charging so much.

Question: How many pairs of Cabelas waders can you buy for the
price of one pair of Simms?

Answer: It doesn't matter because fly fishing is like a fashion show
and wearing Simms is a status symbol.
don't worry FT. When your socialist idol Bernie Sanders gets elected he'll make sure you never have to pay too much for your waders again.
My thoughts are that you make your customers feel part of the shop. Take their ideas and run with them, be flexible to demand and be fair on pricing. I have no intentions on getting rich from running a fly fishing and traditional archery shop however if you treat the customer right the wealth could materialize over time.

Matter of fact the shop will cater to more fly fishing but tradition archery is lacking in so many areas that there is a small demand for that. Besides there is already a good modern archery shop in Benton so no need to compete. Fly Fishing guiding will also be part of the business.

Fly fishing does not need to be expensive but there are those that want the higher end equipment. Just need to find the right balance for the local economy and also the folks that come to fish from outside of the area. I can tell you that the fly shop in Benton was once very profitable, but different time and maybe different economy. I plan on staying flexible to understand what my customers want in a fly shop. I have seen the different side of fly shops....the good, bad and the ugly.

I was a customer when TCO started in West Lawn in the tiny shop, now expanded, they had great service then and now. If you ask they can get it. its the only place I shop these days, as they have everything I need and don't need. Your mileage may vary but I always stick with what works for me.
I just checked my receipt from the other day. The spool of wire, that didn't hve a sticker on it, was the same price that Basspro shows on their website.

To try and say that Cabelas waders are on par with Simms goes to show how delusional you must be. Please seek professional help.
There is a town in North Ontario,

With dream comfort memory to spare...

And in my mind I still need a place to go

All my changes were there
Thank you Jack. A balm for my deranged, delusional heart and mind.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Question: Why does TCO NOT put price tags on many items?

Answer: 1.) Laid back hipster salesmen didn't get around to it.
2.)If you have to ask what it cost, you can't afford it.
3.) The items desirability is less than the price
so hiding that price tag is the stores way of telling you
they are ashamed to be charging so much.

Question: How many pairs of Cabelas waders can you buy for the
price of one pair of Simms?

Answer: It doesn't matter because fly fishing is like a fashion show
and wearing Simms is a status symbol.

Hmmmm..... Cabelas huh, what brick and mortar shop did you get those from, let me guess not tco. I don't currently wear simms waders but another pair that are on the expensive side. That being said the reliability, comfort and fit of better waders are worth it when fishing difficult to wade areas. The boots are probably the same I'm sure i could get quite a few of Cabelas for my one pair of Korkers. Good equipment is like a divorce, its expensive because it's worth it.
I will say this. If any brick and mortar fly shop desires ANY chance of survival it requires the location of regular customers. Boiling Springs and the YB/SCPA Limestoner fits that profile. The fact that its TCO or that it sells dogbeds doesn't surprise me. I am just glad its reopened. I have not been there tho so I can't judge. But it coulda turned into an antique shop, or another restaurant. I wish them the best.

I am guessing that Fox spent a ton in the Roland model, or perhaps the Bill and Emily model of the shop and feels slighted because his investment in the local culture and his own interest didn't pan out. (sour grapes).

Otherwise, Its jealousy toward the younger generation taking over the reigns of carrying forward the flyfishing industry in his back yard and a resentment toward missed opportunities perhaps. Who knows.

We all have to come to grips with our own place in a particular social dynamic. Am I the Leader, a follower, Should I get out of the way?

Take your pick Fox. You have the same opportunities to change things the way you would like them to be. Or you can puke up sour grapes on those making their effort. Its your choice. But I have not seen anything that the new shop representing our passion has done to to disenfranchise anyone or be disingenuine. Other than not putting price tags on some items, or having an expensive dog bed in the window makes your argument pretty weak.

Find another hill to die on.
The price tag thing (State College, haven't been to YB's yet) really bothers me. Otherwise I have no issue.
PALongbow wrote:
My thoughts are that you make your customers feel part of the shop. Take their ideas and run with them, be flexible to demand and be fair on pricing. I have no intentions on getting rich from running a fly fishing and traditional archery shop however if you treat the customer right the wealth could materialize over time.

Matter of fact the shop will cater to more fly fishing but tradition archery is lacking in so many areas that there is a small demand for that. Besides there is already a good modern archery shop in Benton so no need to compete. Fly Fishing guiding will also be part of the business.

Fly fishing does not need to be expensive but there are those that want the higher end equipment. Just need to find the right balance for the local economy and also the folks that come to fish from outside of the area. I can tell you that the fly shop in Benton was once very profitable, but different time and maybe different economy. I plan on staying flexible to understand what my customers want in a fly shop. I have seen the different side of fly shops....the good, bad and the ugly.


You seem to have put a lot of thought into it. What is your time line?
Maurice and others- Just to clarify. My beef with TCO has nothing to do with jealousy. I enjoyed their shop until several incidents happened. Without going into lengthy detail here is my problem with TCO (Reading). I bought plenty there until these things occurred. (Many $thousands spent). NO follow through on taking care of warranty issues as promised and NO return calls when promised repeatedly. Now I sit with the expensive junk I was sold and no recourse. This is what I am getting at when I say "style over content". When you are ripped off you start noticing things that don't add up. TCO creates an image of a warm and customer oriented place but in my experience was just the opposite. They dropped the ball big time.

The rest of my rant(s) are just an observation about fishing culture specifically. Yes, Simms stuff is nice. Is it $700.00 wader nice....maybe. If they REALLY hold up yes. If it is another example of being fooled again by marketing and trends then NO. (My personal experience so far says NO). I have to laugh when I see a guy on Spring Cr. wearing an entire Simms outfit, head to toe, and I will assume even underwear, carrying a multi thousand dollar rod/reel and seeking a few 8" fish. Oh yeah and driving a very "unique" Suburu. I mean there is something funny there and even ironic maybe. if you look close there will likely be a Grateful Dead sticker somewhere among all the sticker collection (corporate "brand" names) on their car window. I would just say there is something hypocritical about presenting a counter corporate culture image but using the same tactics (or worse) to make a buck. Yes the times they are a changin'... I see that trend with TCO and the flyfishing industry in general. Pretending to be pro environment, pro individual, concerned with quality, local issues, small towns...all as a promotional tool and without substance. All they can do is "smile, smile, smile" all the way to the bank.
If you don't like it shop somewhere else or on the internet.
Some things you can't find in shops located in PA and the internet has saved me a lot of gas money.
The internet is here and hand size.
It will only become more prevalent in the future.
Even my work purchases over the internet and it can be in shop the next day by 10AM.
Franklin - Still going through everything but my guess is in the next few years. I need some things to fall into place first and yes I am thinking things through to make sure my customers and I are both happy and successful.


Why not give the details of how TCO didnt take care of a warranty and left you with expensive junk? I would think the manufacturer would be able to cover a warranty if TCO is unwilling.

Good luck, Tony
Fox, the fly fisher stereotype, especially the Subaru comment, made me laugh. If it ain't a lesbian limo packed with stickers it's a Toyota Tacoma with the same stickers.

Now on to TCO. I've dealt with the shop in State College for a while now. I'd like to support Flyfisher's Paradise more often, but most times they don't carry the big ticket items (Simms, Sage, Galvan) that I'm buying. I like the fact they tie their own flies they sell and will give you tying tips at the vice. But I don't buy flies.

I had one problem with an item I bought from TCO. But I didn't even contact them. I contacted the manufacturer and the manufacturer made it right.