Yellow breaches fly shop!?!?

foxtrapper1972 wrote:.
I have to laugh when I see a guy on Spring Cr. wearing an entire Simms outfit, head to toe, and I will assume even underwear, carrying a multi thousand dollar rod/reel and seeking a few 8" fish..
Should I not wear and use my gear because of the stream I am fishing? It's ok to have good gear on some streams but not others? I fish the equipment I have come to like the best over 30 years, don't really care if you're laughing. Other than hating tco I am having a hard time following any logic you're using.
BrookieChaser wrote:
Fox, the fly fisher stereotype, especially the Subaru comment, made me laugh. If it ain't a lesbian limo packed with stickers it's a Toyota Tacoma with the same stickers.

People drive Subies and Toyotas probably because they are reliable, fairly priced, good on gas, decent all-terrain, and can also function as a daily commuter. You guys sound a lil' jaded, maybe spend less time looking at people's stickers.

The broader point is that fly fishing is a hobby, both on and off the stream. Some people view buying and talking about gear as half the fun... it's no different than golf.
ryansheehan wrote:
foxtrapper1972 wrote:.
I have to laugh when I see a guy on Spring Cr. wearing an entire Simms outfit, head to toe, and I will assume even underwear, carrying a multi thousand dollar rod/reel and seeking a few 8" fish..
Should I not wear and use my gear because of the stream I am fishing? It's ok to have good gear on some streams but not others? I fish the equipment I have come to like the best over 30 years, don't really care if you're laughing. Other than hating tco I am having a hard time following any logic you're using.

That's because logic hasn't been used once. I feel like tco stole his girl, kicked his dog and put sugar in his gas tank. Then drove off laughing in their Subaru.
To try and say that Cabelas waders are on par with Simms goes to show how delusional you must be. Please seek professional help.

Cabelas quality is rather broad. They have some crap. They have some real good stuff. It's priced that way too. Mostly they have other makers in the industry make their stuff and brand it Cabelas, then sell it a few bucks cheaper. The maker then is offered goodies for the name brand stuff, like a slightly higher margin, or prime location placement in the store.

So Cabelas wading boots, for instance, will be made by Chota, Simms, and the rest of the usual suspects who make wading boots. Usually it's pretty apparent as it very closely resembles a model already made by those companies. And the quality is only slightly less than that same model as well, and the price slightly less.

Yes, Simms stuff is nice. Is it $700.00 wader nice....maybe. If they REALLY hold up yes. If it is another example of being fooled again by marketing and trends then NO.

I'm currently a walking Simms factory and I AGREE with you, lol. I'm not impressed with my boots and will likely go back to Chota or someone like that. Construction is great but the tread just wears down too fast. It's my first lug pair of wading boots so maybe they're all like that. With felt, the felt always lasted forever, and the uppers would be the first to go. With the Simms I'll be flat soled before the uppers go, but that happens pretty quick.

The waders are the best waders I've ever had, but I paid $400 and change for them. Are they TWICE as good as all the $200 waders out there? We'll find out I guess. I've never noticed much of a comfort difference in waders, provided your staying within the "decent" quality breathable category. The difference is longevity. So in regards to cost, if it costs twice as much, it better last twice as long. My experience among a number of brands of waders says it'll last nearly EXACTLY twice as long. Which makes it neither a bad nor a good buy to go with the expensive stuff. I'll let ya know in 2 years whether the Simms G3's hold serve on that. But in hindsight, with invasives and all that, if I were starting anew I'd probably get 2 cheaper pairs. As it is, once a pair gets "semi-leaky", they become the "invasive stream" pair.

I do just love their ebbtide shirts though, and have a bunch of them and wear them all the time. They aren't expensive.
Just in case we meet stream side Fox, I didn't pay anywhere near list for any of the name brand gear I have. I'm a cheap bugger but not too cheap to pick up SIMMs boots at 75% off when they switched away from felt soles. Or buy that discounted, discontinued, model Sage rod at FFP. Except the PSUFF hat. I admit paying full price for that.
I care little about what others wear, what brand or type of tackle they fish, or what vehicle they drive....I just like to fish.

Get out and do some fishing. It clears the mind and cleanses the soul.
word afish....unfortunately there wasn't another soul around on Saturday for me to impress with my fancy shmancy tackle and kit...oh well.


these guys don't really care how you're dressed either...




^Very nice!.....that's what I 'm talking about....clean air, clean water = clear mind, cleansed soul.

(The royal wulff hatch should be happening soon on those brookie streams.)

Hey Fox I just saw these new waders. Thought you'd be interested.

Seeing how you like the top end gear. ;-)
Yeah. That guide sure looks the part.

Funny my brothers very old Orvis Green Mountain boots are still going strong. He doesn't look hip on the stream but he manages to wade comfortably and catch a few.

Just got off the phone with some hot shot at Simms. (They must create these flyfishing industry clones in a factory someplace.) ( I'm sure he looks like that douche in the Orvis ad) He barely listened to my complaint about their shoddy repairs and then started in with some scripted nonsense... I finally interrupted to say "Yeah but they came back still leaking"...

Tight Lines- Ronnie Kittredge TROUT PRO
I have a feeling that your the type of guy foxtrapper, that complains about customer service everywhere you go. Instead of just picking out the one pickle on your hamburger at mcdonalds that you ordered "no pickles", youll stand in line for 5 minutes and then make a big deal about them screwing up your order and then demand a new hamburger and then post about how crappy the customer service is at mcdonalds and how your never shopping there again...
franklin wrote:
Hey Fox I just saw these new waders. Thought you'd be interested.

Seeing how you like the top end gear. ;-)

I really wanted to get one of those Sporrans but the buy link is broken. Bummer.

I happen to know that foxtrapper is deathly allergic to pickles.
That Sporrans thing is really sweet. What the hell is it?

Tight Lines- Ronnie Kittredge TROUT PRO
Its an ultra exclusive product from Orvis - Only available to the most hipster fishing elitist
salmonoid wrote:
franklin wrote:
Hey Fox I just saw these new waders. Thought you'd be interested.

Seeing how you like the top end gear. ;-)

I really wanted to get one of those Sporrans but the buy link is broken. Bummer.


They were only accepting orders last Friday. :)
franklin wrote:
salmonoid wrote:
franklin wrote:
Hey Fox I just saw these new waders. Thought you'd be interested.

Seeing how you like the top end gear. ;-)

I really wanted to get one of those Sporrans but the buy link is broken. Bummer.


They were only accepting orders last Friday. :)

I know. That is why I am bummed. There's nothing more 1337 than a piece of gear that is only available for sale one day. And I missed it.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
That Sporrans thing is really sweet. What the hell is it?

Tight Lines- Ronnie Kittredge TROUT PRO

Ronnie Kittredge TROUT PRO! LOL! You got me there.