WW Jam September 22-24 Juniata River



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
Okay good folks, I am scheduling another WW Jam/Meetup at my family's property on the banks of the Juniata River. I will setup more rain coverage/tents this time. Also, this is the latest into the year that I have ever held the event in the four times that it has happened, but it is really the only time I can seem to fit it in to my schedule. This time on the calendar comes with both positives and negatives. The biggest positives are this: the fishing is usually much improving as cooler weather starts to set in, bigger fish become more active, and they begin putting the serious feedbag on for the upcoming winter. Also, after Labor day the river is much, much less crowded. The downside is the water might be cool enough that you want to wear waders.....but I promise it won't be that cold. Plus, if the big river is a bust there is some reliable BWO hatches on a nearby trout stream that time of year, so bring some trout gear.

Address: 45 Fisher Bee Lane Granville, PA 17029

The details: Arrive any time on Friday that you want, stay until whenever you want on Sunday. There are some nearby hotels if camping isn't your thing, otherwise please feel free to bring your camper/tent. The campsite will be in the same general location as it was in the years past. I will have tents/rain coverage set-up, power ran to the tent, etc. There will be a shower available in the house just like last year and all are welcome to use it. Flush toilets and sinks will also be accessible, and there will most likely still be a port-a-john there for the season as well. I will provide burgers, hot dogs, and chicken thighs and if everyone else wants to chip-in and bring sides and stuff, that would be wonderful. I am sure I will also provide some sort of side dishes as well. Also, please provide your own beverages/drinks of choice.

I think that is pretty much it....I would like to get a head count on those able to attend, so please use this thread as your RSVP. Also, everyone has been great in the past and very respectful, so please lets keep that trend going. It is about sharing stories, ideas, fishing, and just pure relaxation.

Sorry about how late it is in the year, but life is busy this year. The weather should be mild and very comfortable.
Thanks again Josh. Count me in!
A chance to meet Josh and HopBack? Count me in (if I can get the day off, I just put in for the day off today).
I have been hoping for awhile that you would post something on this. Unfortunately I can't make it this year. I'm flying home from Utah from a non-fishing vacation on the 24th. This will be the first one I'll miss. Hopefully I'll get up to fish your section of the river sometime during August. Thanks for hosting it again.

To everyone else,
It has always been a great weekend of fishing, food and tales! Try not to miss it.
Dear Josh,

I'm going to play things by ear, but you are close enough for me that I could come up maybe Friday and stay over until Saturday, or come up either or both Saturday and Sunday. I'll figure something out because I want to put some names and faces together.


Tim Murphy :)
This sounds wonderful. After reading the posts from last year's event I would first, like to thank you for your hospitality. Second, if I can manufacture free time to do this, (and I am sure going to effort this) I am at your service. Let me know if you need any grill or side dish assistance. I will find plenty of time to fish. Count me in.
I have been hoping for awhile that you would post something on this. Unfortunately I can't make it this year. I'm flying home from Utah from a non-fishing vacation on the 24th. This will be the first one I'll miss. Hopefully I'll get up to fish your section of the river sometime during August. Thanks for hosting it again.

To everyone else,
It has always been a great weekend of fishing, food and tales! Try not to miss it.
We will miss ya Ken. You've definitely been a mainstay at the function.

Hope to catch ya next year.
Hoping to make it for at least the day!
Dear Josh,

I'm going to play things by ear, but you are close enough for me that I could come up maybe Friday and stay over until Saturday, or come up either or both Saturday and Sunday. I'll figure something out because I want to put some names and faces together.


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Tim Murphy,

I would love to put a face to your name as well since you are, by the far, the most polite and pleasant poster of old tales, wisdom, and observations from your lifetime. I always enjoy your posts.


Joshua (jifigz)

Definitely, got the date on my calendar. Thank You for hosting the outing again, had a good time last year. I'll be coming in Friday evening. I'll bring some macaroni salad and baked beans. I'll have an extra seat in the raft maybe two to float a section of the river. Looking forward to the weekend and meeting some new anglers from the forum.

Thanks for your invitation and hospitality.

I haven't missed a J-Jam yet, and I'm definitely in again for this year.

September sounds great since it's one of the best months for smallie fishing.

Looking forward to it.
I am going to try to make it again this year Josh, Had a great time last year.
Just one more reminder. For those that want to take a float fishing trip: The Mcveytown launch is about 8 miles up river. A shuttle can be organized to drop you off you can float directly to the property and just get out. This is a lengthy float so be prepared to spend a lot of your day on the water.

The shorter and more easily accessible float is from the property to the PFBC Granville launch that is 3 miles downriver. This is a float that can be done in a couple of hours or be stretched out longer if you stop and fish the likely spots. This is an extremely easy shuttle to put together as it is just a short drive down backroads.

So feel free to bring your kayaks, canoes, jet boats, or rafts.
Sounds great Josh. You sold me on the "just pure relaxation"!

Count me in.
Just one more reminder. For those that want to take a float fishing trip: The Mcveytown launch is about 8 miles up river. A shuttle can be organized to drop you off you can float directly to the property and just get out. This is a lengthy float so be prepared to spend a lot of your day on the water.

The shorter and more easily accessible float is from the property to the PFBC Granville launch that is 3 miles downriver. This is a float that can be done in a couple of hours or be stretched out longer if you stop and fish the likely spots. This is an extremely easy shuttle to put together as it is just a short drive down backroads.

So feel free to bring your kayaks, canoes, jet boats, or rafts.
This sounds great... how rough is that water in Sept?
I'd like to come if I could, can try to help out with something once I'm there.
This sounds great... how rough is that water in Sept?
Dear Jeremy,

So much depends on rainfall, how much, where, and how fast it comes. If you look at the USGS gauges for the Juniata basin most places today are around their historical average flow rate.

The Newport gauge is a good barometer. Right now, it's at 3.75 feet and almost right at its historical average for the day. Wading is fairly easy at that level or below. If it was at 4.5 feet, the river would be huffing along pretty good, and wading would be done at one's own risk. It's not impossible, but it helps to know where you are wading at the higher levels.

Josh may add more to this since his property is well up-river from Newport, but I've given you a good baseline to work with.


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Jeremy,

So much depends on rainfall, how much, where, and how fast it comes. If you look at the USGS gauges for the Juniata basin most places today are around their historical average flow rate.

The Newport gauge is a good barometer. Right now, it's at 3.75 feet and almost right at its historical average for the day. Wading is fairly easy at that level or below. If it was at 4.5 feet, the river would be huffing along pretty good, and wading would be done at one's own risk. It's not impossible, but it helps to know where you are wading at the higher levels.

Josh may add more to this since his property is well up-river from Newport, but I've given you a good baseline to work with.


Tim Murphy :)
I was wondering if I brought a kayak, how rough those 8 miles would be?