

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
So I am thinking about hosting a warm water jam and I'd like to see who would be interested/willing to come. My brother and I are opening a winery here very, very soon so I cannot give exact dates that will work for me yet, but I still want to see what the response may be like. I live in Mifflin County right along the Juniata River and have ample space for tents and campers (no hookup services) and we also have a nice little cottage for rent. The property is 100 acres and has fire pits, plenty of space, picnic tables, etc. Anyone who is interested please start throwing out some dates that you will think work well and we will try to put something together. This stretch of river has great wading opportunities throughout the warmer months and good trout water is always close by too.
It's a great idea.
We're due for a warm water jam as it has been a few years. Our last couple WW jams were poor fishing so it's time for a new one to break the slump. :)

For what it's worth, I would suggest sometime in late summer or perhaps a weekend in Sept. This will fall between trout fishing and steelhead/saltwater. The upper Juniata is perfect for a jam and will suit both floaters and waders. It's also centrally located in a good location for folks from around the state.

As far as specific dates, I'd recommend that you give it a think and then just pick a date that works for you. As I've said before, no date will suit everyone and you will have to pick the date anyway - might as well do it early.

You can make it a weekend with, perhaps, a get together at a local restaurant, or maybe just have it be a single day (maybe with a breakfast meet-up). Again, it's up to you. I'll certainly attend if I can.

This thread will be moved to the Events forum shortly - thanks, DW.
Dave, I knew you'd be the first to respond. I will set the date, but I am usually (although this may change) very flexible. I would like to try to work around as many folks as possible. And I absolutely want it to be an overnight/two day event. The evenings and campfire time are often the best part of a get together.
I'm interested. Late summer would probably be good for me.
Good luck with the winery venture!!!!
I'm very interested in the WW Jam .
Anytime in August is good for me.
As we get close to whatever date,I'd be happy to help you set up,etc.

I can also make up a batch of my " #Three Chili",once you get an estimate of the size of the group.

My wife,Barbara, is a big time event planner
(www.penncora.com),but she also has a site with tons of theme based props and stuff(www.epropsource.com).

So if you need anything for the event or even for the winery,check out her prop site.and we'll be happy to get you what you need,and I'll take care of it:Just ask me;she's crazy busy.
Depending on the date and work and wife and other factors, I'm in, at least in spirit! The Big J is on my SMB list and I've been looking for an excuse to attend a jam.

If you pick it they will come :pint:
Sounds like a great idea. I have reservations for the PAFF Jam at Seven Mountains, which is also close to the date of my 35th reunion at Juniata College(first weekend in June), which I really want to attend.

I am also working on a canoe trip with fellow board member, mkerr, on the Appomattox River southwest of Richmond, VA around the same time of year. This will be the fist time on that river for both of us and we may have to make that tripe later in June.

I live close enough since I am in Lancaster County and have canoed the Juniata River many times.
Sounds like a fun time just pick a date and we'll make it.
I will come if the date is good for me.
count me in, can bring generator if needed
Anymore thought on setting a date
Thanks to Hopback for putting me onto this thread (I always forget to check this forum). I would love to do a WW jam. Late summer would be good for me. School starts back for me in late August, but I could at least get out for a day/night over a weekend.

Also, I can make a mean fried egg and bagel sandwich...
i'd be interested in this - is there enough water to swing a 6wt Switch rod ?

what will the bugs be like at night in August ?
Sounds great.....looking forward to the date !!
Are we any closer to making this a reality?