Winter Midge Fly Swap

Sorry Gene, the swap is full. FFJ mentioned earlier that he would jump in if someone backed out which is why he was just added. I didn't see your name or post when we first had sign up or I would have gladly added you. Maybe next time.
Looking forward to adding everyone's midge pattern to my arsenal
I got some midges in a bacon flavored mint tin last night(seriously, bacon flavored mints). They were tiny, green, wrapped in wire. I didnt see a name on them. Swanson, was that you?
HA! I was hoping you'd enjoy that. My wife bought me them and they're freaking terrible.

That's me....hope they're ok. Did I not put on label on the return envelope? I did forget to include my username on here.

My friend gave me one of those as a joke last year. Terrible is right!
satifies that craving and makes your breath all minty and fresh all in one !

Might good to rub on your fly's for catfish and carp !
No problem. I lost a sling pack on Penns Creek last May and need to tie a lot of flies to get close to what I lost. I think I lost 6 or 7 hundred flies. Oh well.

I'll check back. Maybe there will be other swaps.

I got burned on one a few years ago.
I have had these tied up for awhile, was going to try to meet with Dub to exchange, but that seems unlikely. Will mail tomorrow. Don't know how well the picture turns out I took it with my phone.


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Finished mine up finally.

Hook: # 22 dry fly
Thread: 8/0 UNI - brown
Body: stripped peacock quill
Thorax: tapered thread
Flashback: pearl mylar
Wing case: black goose biots (one on each side)
Finish: hard as nails or UV epoxy of choice.


jay348 wrote:
Ok I'm messing around w/ ideas. If this already has a name, let me know...but I think I'm set on this flashback-buzzer-style pattern.

Gotta work on the glue job, but I like how it looks so far.


i like those in black with fluorescent range cheeks.

you can also use doritos or cheetos chip packets ;-)
With Becker and Jay done, were down to four left. Reminder 1/15 is the deadline.
mine are out on monday. wife was away all last week so i was daddy day care. hadn't time to scratch myself, never mind tie flies....
Becker, yes.....and I got one other set....after Eunan were down to 3 outstanding.
Did my flies show up?
I think I'm still missing 3 or 4 sets and 3 people have messaged me and told me they were on the way but would be late. I'll get a count together tonight and post up who is still outstanding.

I did get a few packages I didn't open yet so if you mailed it last week, I probably got it. I know I got becker's.
1.jay348- received
3.FlyfishermanJ - (messaged saying they are en route)
4.NickR - not yet (messaged saying they are going in the mail tomorrow)
5.Ebrant10 - received
8.Eunan Hendron - not yet but says they were mailed
9.Becker -received
10.GRP - (Al's rat right?) - received

So, still waiting on FFJ, NickR, and Eunan. I'll update again tomorrow. and by the way, this is hands down the best midge swap I've been involved in. Awesome flies so far guys!
I did tie the Al's Rat.
Eunan, flies received. Thanks for the Spirit of 76! It's amazing.