Will be offering Free Tying instruction Cambria County February 18th.

  • Thread starter mike_richardson
  • Start date


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Hey guys.

I decided to get a table at a benefit event that my community is having for a young boy with Cancer. It was a $25.00 Donation and a donation of a basket. I figured why not, and will be donating a fly fishing themed basket. People who come can buy tickets and such to put in for the basket to win. I think I am going to try and put together a 40 Piece Nymph box, and a few buggers.

There wont be any other outdoor type venders there and most of the other booths are 31, norwex, tastefully simple, and stuff like that. I just wanted to help out, and see how it goes.

Anyway, I will be at the Portage Area High School Gymnasium, February 18th, from 10:00-4:00. I am hoping to get another Regal vise by then but if not I will have mine there as well. If you have your own vise feel free to bring it, but I suggest a pedestal.

Im going to be tying up buggers, nymphs, and a lot of Lively Legz nymphs while I am there. I don't foresee a lot of traffic so I should have some free time to sit down and teach how to tie. If I don't have two vises I can always just guide you through it and you can use mine.

If anyone in the Cambria, Blair, Somerset, or surrounding areas wants to come to this and learn, please shoot me a message so I can be sure to have the materials for the flies you want to learn.

Any fly that you tie you can keep, and I won't be taking any money for the flies you made, or for the instruction. I just don't want to be sitting there tying flies, in front of a bunch of women without having any fly fisherman to talk to. LOL

I just enjoy giving back, and figured there may be some guys on the fence about learning to tie flies and such, and I can help you all get started, and give you some tips on how to make them more durable and such.

I had a bit of a fall out with this page a few years, ago but am glad I did. I got some harsh criticism on my flies. Since then maybe 4 years ago I really focused on durability and consistency on my flies, and am actually forever grateful for the "blasting" I had received. It made me a way better tyer and upped my game. So for that I wanted to give back to the members and hopefully get to teach some of you.

Just throwing it out there, and hope to maybe get a couple of you to attend and get to meet you.

Tight Lines,

Just wanted to bump this as it is this weekend. Wouldn't mind helping someone learn how to tie. Thanks