Why streams with no harvest?

I applaud the collective brain power in this thread. I consider myself an avid fly fisher with about 45 days per year on 30-35 streams per year but you guys are on a different level especially on the management of the wild trout side. I fish several wild trout streams, 14 last year, but every one was for 4 hours or less. The points made in this thread and many other threads on wild trout have filled in many gaps in my level of understanding and awareness.

You have a lot to offer and I hope someone is open to your opinions. I also hope there is great care taken in implementing changes so we don’t end up like the PA Game Commission where they change the rules and open dates so often that when a rabbit flushes when I’m grouse hunting I have no idea if it’s legal to discharge my gun at it.
All the big name fly fishing streams get pounded 24/7. One Of the things I like about little ATW streams is after the truck chaser crowd leaves you have a lot of days to yourself.
I love posting of the stocking days. I avoid the streams around stocking days and fish nearby streams. All the crowds follow the trucks and leave the other streams alone.
I've never even fished the D yet sadly but I guess I'll have to try the circus once or twice before I leave PA. Spring is borderline unfishable on the weekends unless there is some form of Penn State game or something else going on but this is my first year going there so it's hard for me to gauge.

Seems like it's a decent time to be an exploring trout fisherman.