Why do people put fish on rocks for pictues????

The shoes are grown ethnically on free range farms where they are fed the finest of natural gluten free grains.
steveo27 wrote:
The shoes are grown ethnically on free range farms where they are fed the finest of natural gluten free grains.

Hmmm. An ethnic workforce fed only bland white hippy food. And you think this can be done without a fence?;-)
LOL. I think a wall would suffice better ;-)

As would growing them ethically, but maybe ethnically would work too. [stupid autocorrect]
I don't, however I will put whisky on rocks....but never for pictures.
PennypackFlyer wrote:
I don't, however I will put whisky on rocks....but never for pictures.

You gave me an idea, but unfortunately it was taken.

fish rocks in pitchers picture.


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bigjohn58 wrote:
I am going to go so far as to cutting my hooks at the bend this year so all I get is the quick sudden tug on the line. No holes in the fish, no fighting so no stress, quick release, fish never leaves the water, and I can tell everyone it was a monster! Oh and I am going to go strictly synthetic with my flies so I am not using any animal products! Vegan flies!

No stress? Have you considered the mental stress that is induced on a trout when it goes for a food kabob and then finds out that tasty morsel is a fake?
salmonoid wrote:
bigjohn58 wrote:
I am going to go so far as to cutting my hooks at the bend this year so all I get is the quick sudden tug on the line. No holes in the fish, no fighting so no stress, quick release, fish never leaves the water, and I can tell everyone it was a monster! Oh and I am going to go strictly synthetic with my flies so I am not using any animal products! Vegan flies!

No stress? Have you considered the mental stress that is induced on a trout when it goes for a food kabob and then finds out that tasty morsel is a fake?

Eh...if you think hard enough you can always find a way to offend someone! lol
Listen, I don't believe its anything more than a bee sting in their mouth....and when the trout gets away or is let free - I think they are a happy trouter.
afishinado wrote:
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
I started taking pics of my trout because it took so long to set up my easel and mix all my oil paints....and you need fruit and tablecloths....by then fish is DEAD.

^^^^^^^^^that's the way Dave W does it!

I remember this it was Fishing creek right ?
PennypackFlyer wrote:
Listen, I don't believe its anything more than a bee sting in their mouth....and when the trout gets away or is let free - I think they are a happy trouter.


Maybe you need to switch to less toxic fly treatments and barbless hooks.
Its a fish people. Trout are not endangered in anyways. People act like every trout is the last of its species. How many of you double time as hunters I wonder? I never asked any duck or goose I shot if it hurt when I shot them. Also I find it funny how bass and trout people are all into catch and release and being so respectfull to the fish. Put these same people in the chesapeake catch a striper, striper goes into cooler. Stick them in a crappie hole every crappie goes into the livewell/ bucket. Heck you ever seen the tv bass guys keep a bass?? Hell no! Get them in there saltwater spin off shows there killing everything that swims. Sometimes people make no sense to me? All im saying. Im sure the trout laid on rocks are just fine.
Its a fish people. Trout are not endangered in anyways. People act like every trout is the last of its species. How many of you double time as hunters I wonder? I never asked any duck or goose I shot if it hurt when I shot them. Also I find it funny how bass and trout people are all into catch and release and being so respectfull to the fish. Put these same people in the chesapeake catch a striper, striper goes into cooler. Stick them in a crappie hole every crappie goes into the livewell/ bucket. Heck you ever seen the tv bass guys keep a bass?? Hell no! Get them in there saltwater spin off shows there killing everything that swims. Sometimes people make no sense to me? All im saying. Im sure the trout laid on rocks are just fine.

I find this post to be in rather, well, poor form.
Please inform us of how you view all people so we can get a better understanding of how you employ all your stereotypes. I'm a bass guy and I catch stripers out of the Chesapeake and I have never harvested one. I also have caught a few crappies in my time but I have never harvested a single one. Not that I have a problem with harvest at all. I think restricted to a sustainable level it is completely fine to harvest a fish.

That said, I think if you intend to release a fish you owe it to the fish to at least attempt to give it respect as it is a living animal. It has been well documented that dry hands and rocks do the fish a grave disservice before being released. If you are aware of this and intend to release the fish, then I think you owe the fish and everyone else the respect enough not to employ such a practice. By saying, its a fish or there not endangered anyways, then there is no limit to how you feel you can disrespect a living being. Will it be be fine to spend 3 minutes, in the heat of summer, after being on dry rocks just to get some good pictures and then release the fish? That fish will likely die and I would hope if a WCO saw such a practice he would make you included it to your creel count at the very least. As stated in another post, will it be fine to release the fish by "punting"? Are you ok with puppy mills with deplorable conditions? They are just dogs after all.
I'm sorry but I disagree. There ARE proper catch and release techniques and they should be employed to the best of a persons ability when a fish is not intended to be harvested.
I also do not think people should be chastised by crass postings from their peers just because they employed a bad technique. They should however be reminded to educated for future fishing outings.

But hey who knows? Experts could be wrong.




keeping doing research and you will find that virtually every state, just about every fish agency has a link for proper catch and release techniques. Not a single one says its good to lay them on the ground.

Just my .02 cents and at my age with inflation it might be worth .04. :)
Lol well in all fairness, I was joking about the punting but not the Xanax.
Well Susq, if you never ate crappie or perch, or even bluegill, you have missed a real treat.

BTW, usually when I let people fish in my ponds, I tell them to keep everything they catch. They usually don't though.

When I catch some of the less desirable panfish in the one pond (pumpkin seed, green, etc), I often toss them in the woods. I'll admit I feel bad when doing it, but then I remember that raccoon and possum need to eat, too.

P.S. I liked your last line.
I really don't see what is so hard to understand. Keep the fish I don't care (where the law allows of course) and then do what you want. If your plan is to release it then don't beach it and put it on a rock. Trike youre way of basis with your points. Yes, putting a trout on a rock will do harm and probably kill them. If you want to keep it, put em on a rock and be done with it. If the point is to release them then dont chuck a trout on a rock.
Ive eaten them and do enjoy them when someone else makes them, but I have never personally harvested them. I hate carrying fish around the river while I'm fishing. Its an annoyance unlike any other during the hot summer months. I am also not a fan of cleaning fish, especially panfish or trout, they are way more trouble than they are worth. In fact, I hate to eat trout, especially stocked trout. I'd rather blacken catfish but to be fair I have never eaten wild trout. Which brings me back to my first point, during the rarity that I would fish for trout, I would be annoyed carrying around a stringer of 8 inch fish all day just to make a sandwich. If I caught a large one, I would surely return it for better breeding purposes.

P.S. I have enjoyed many of your political posts, though I am going to avoid those conversations altogether!

I aim to protect populations, not fish. I've got nothing against keeping fish. I don't feel badly for the fish. I don't care how stressed it was, just that if you want to release, it should live. I don't care if it has some mouth pains.

But I recognize if I killed all my fish, and others did the same, in a popular fishery, the fishery would be harmed. It doesn't make a difference if the death is due to harvest or poor handling. I do care about the fishery. When I release a fish unharmed I do not feel that I did the fish a favor. I don't even think about the fish's feelings on the matter. I do think about another fisherman gaining the enjoyment I just had. And hopefully the babies it will make that we all get to catch. A fish is too valuable to be caught only once.

Just like freshwater, I don't have a problem harvesting saltwater fish if the population is healthy and your actions will have no significant impact on the fishery. There's usually a much larger resource in an open body of water compared to a small enclosed one, and sport fishing makes a smaller impact. That said, for instance the offshore boats release billfish because there just aren't that many, and if they kept them all, they'd lose a fishery in short order. Same idea as freshwater, and I feel the same about it. As a sportsman, you should choose not to make a significant impact on a fishery.
All im saying. Im sure the trout laid on rocks are just fine.

Guy pulled over exhibits poor attitude. He is pulled from the vehicle and "tuned up by the officer" prior to being released. The guy was released and I'm sure he'll be just fine.

Sound about right? Lol
IMO, a sportsman will take care to release a fish unharmed or cleanly kill fish he wishes to keep. It is a waste to kill fish by not properly handling them or intentionally deep hooking fish and releasing them only to die.

Keeping fish is a judgement call and not always that clear-cut. The sporting thing to do is to only harvest fish where it will have little or no negative impact on the overall population.

One of the great things I appreciate about fishing is the fact we all can catch & release, allowing our quarry swim off unharmed with little or no impact on the overall population. Therefore fishing can be done pretty much year round, while hunting is limited to a season since the end result is to harvest the game. In the vast majority of cases, the game population would suffer if harvest was allowed for too long a period, thus hunting seasons are created.

Everyone should appreciate the fact that if we all do C&R fishing and selective harvesting, the fish and our sport will thrive for years to come; as long as we protect the fisheries by protecting the environment.

Taking care of the fish is part of protecting our fisheries, and is the sporting thing to do.
