Why do people put fish on rocks for pictues????

Let's be honest nobody ever looks at the fish pictures they take. Do they? Life can't be that bad can it?
poopdeck wrote:
Let's be honest nobody ever looks at the fish pictures they take. Do they? Life can't be that bad can it?

good one.lol
Puppy mills?? For pity sakes.. Things just get taken to a new level lol. If throwing back a fish in perfect condition mentally and physically is your thing perhaps fishing isent for you?? I doubt very likely fish enjoy being caught in the first place. Personally I dont take pictures of 95% of the fish I catch. If I do catch one id like a pic of usually I get the nice hero shot. As to not respecting life well if thats your opinion of me than your are certainly intitled to that. I proudly admit I do not belong to peta. Although I feel I have a pretty decent respect for nature and living things. I wonder how many have thrown a fish back in a C&R section that floated away that died just from the fight? Or perhaps fished in a stream with thermal issues in summer? Ethics will always be a matter of opinion.
poopdeck wrote:
Let's be honest nobody ever looks at the fish pictures they take. Do they?
I look at mine periodically, but I have them more to show other folks who enjoy looking at them. I've gotten lots of complements on some of my wild trout/stream pics.
It's pretty simple. If you like taking fish pics, take them . If you don't that's fine, but don't chastise those who do.

soap box, meet dead horse.
9 pages, really? If you want the resource to be there for years to come you have to start by protecting it today.
There is nothing like the pleasure felt in throwing a gemmie against a hard rock. Try it, it will make you sit on the banks and watch the spectacle of nature more, and have you torturing the stream kittens less.
I will never forget the sound of a bunch of opening day good old boys smacking their little stockies on the bridge at the end of the FFO section of Young Woman's creek even though that was over fifty years ago... good thing I wasn't carrying...
And you have to ask whether the trout was merely an accent to the beauty of the stream-side rock.
When my one son was small I saw him stepping on bugs for no reason other than curiosity I guess. i told him to stop it and explained that all life is sacred (probably used other terms). I think if you kill something you should be aware of the fact and beauty of life.If you want to eat fish fine by me. I eat plenty. Kicking or throwing any kind of fish or animal is just disrespectful.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
When my one son was small I saw him stepping on bugs for no reason other than curiosity I guess. i told him to stop it and explained that all life is sacred (probably used other terms). I think if you kill something you should be aware of the fact and beauty of life.If you want to eat fish fine by me. I eat plenty. Kicking or throwing any kind of fish or animal is just disrespectful.

How do you feel about Mosquitos and termites, and for that matter the Orkin guy?
wildtrout2 wrote:
poopdeck wrote:
Let's be honest nobody ever looks at the fish pictures they take. Do they?
I look at mine periodically, but I have them more to show other folks who enjoy looking at them. I've gotten lots of complements on some of my wild trout/stream pics.
It's pretty simple. If you like taking fish pics, take them . If you don't that's fine, but don't chastise those who do.

Mr. wild trout, just where is the chastising in my post? Just a few simple questions that's all. It's just a way of saying I don't take pictures of fish because I don't look at them later. Now if there is a special moment captured with the fish that's different. You know like child's first fish or something similar but the fish is not the photo.

I agree if you want a picture take a picture. If you want to look at it and show it to others have at it. If you show me a picture of a fish I'm going to tell you what a great fish and picture it is regardless if i really believe that. That's just common courtesy. Fact is most people take pictures of fish and then never look at them again. Which is fine, I don't take pictures of fish but I'm not chastising anybody who does.
I saw an episode of Ancient Aliens the other night....those bugs could actually be either our overlords or ancestors.
I pick lots of ticks off of my Carhardt pants while driving home from work on a daily basis. As I catch and release them out of the drivers side window of my truck I find myself hoping that they somehow find their way safely off of the road surface and back into the roadside vegetation to fight again another day!
There must truly be a special place in hell, for the Orkin man.
1fish wrote:
There must truly be a special place in hell, for the Orkin man.

Probably tossed against a dry rock
Jack M....I nearly pissed my pants laughing after reading your last two comments... If you are not a comedian, you should be... After a tough day at work I needed a good laugh. Thanks.
good one John!!!
I personally respect life but ticks do not get that kind of treatment from me!! Roast and toast em!
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
When my one son was small I saw him stepping on bugs for no reason other than curiosity I guess. i told him to stop it and explained that all life is sacred (probably used other terms). I think if you kill something you should be aware of the fact and beauty of life.If you want to eat fish fine by me. I eat plenty. Kicking or throwing any kind of fish or animal is just disrespectful.

Next time I flush a live stink bug down the toilet, I will think of you... and smile. ;-)
tomitrout wrote:
soap box, meet dead horse.

Did I hear a mic drop?