>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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deer hair snowman
Tied up a few “winter” Perdigons based off a pattern I saw on IG.

Hooks: 14 & 18 jig (Lightning Strike)
Beads: Slotted tungsten, silver, 3mm & 2mm, respectively
Thread: UTC Ultra thread, 70 denier, fluorescent orange
Tail: Pheasant tail
Ribbing: Sulky opal thread
Wing case: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails
Loon UV “Flow” over entire body


I guess this proves how much of an amateur I am but I just learned to tie eggs. I am pretty happy with them. Does anyone tie eggs with weight?
There are thousands of flies I haven’t tied. Nothing amateurish about it, now you learned to tie eggs. NICE!
Looks like a good carp bug!!
Dear dc410,

Knowing my brother Terry Murphy that buggy fly is on a 1/0 circle hook! 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂
Dear dc410,

Knowing my brother Terry Murphy that buggy fly is on a 1/0 circle hook! 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂
Gotcha, yeah a bit big for carp. I’d tie that pattern down onto a 2Xheavy, 1Xshort - heavy wet fly hook in a size 6 for carp.
I guess this proves how much of an amateur I am but I just learned to tie eggs. I am pretty happy with them. Does anyone tie eggs with weight?View attachment 1641233981
Those look pretty good. That was the first fly I learned to tie. And they work. I tied all mine with a bead head, and fish them under an indicator - yarn, New Zealand wool, or Chubby Chernobyl type fly - about 95% of the time. Although I have fished them solo in a semi-tightline technique in slow clear water, and that works too. Have fun with them!
@lars, that’s really cool!

Here’s another neat one that a guy just posted on Facebook.

View attachment 1641233984

Some amazing deer hair work being done these days. I always like seeing the creations from Joe Jackson (aka Sgt Bass Fisher) at the Tying Symposium.

Two different techniques of tying on the hair with this one and with Frosty. This one is stacked hair which since the introduction of gelspun threads, the ability to really pile on hair has become much easier.
The snowman is done with spun deer hair which is how i learned to tie it from the waaay back days of tying with Kenny Scwamm (aka 10x10) circa 1980.
Size 6 carp bug for the carp box. All fur and feathers, no flash or smell (head cement, uv resin or super glue) on this one. Tied totally with pheasant feathers, olive rabbit and gray squirrel fur. Medium black bead chain eyes to get it down into the zone in front of a feeding carp but still very subtle on the entry.

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