>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

A batch of size 18 Mercury Chocolate WD-40s….
Lots of very nice looking really useful ties being posted lately! Love it!
What is the wing material?
I don't want to speak for DC410, but usually on this fly, and his appears to follow the basic recipe, the wing is deer hair. They actually sell deer hair labeled "comparadun hair," but coastal deer hair works, too.
What is the wing material?
Joe Ackourey’s Compara Dun deer hair - Light. It’s great quality deer hair for Comparaduns.

I think the wing on this fly was a bit too sparse - but it will still fish.

I bought some of Joe's Compara Dun hair at the Fly Tying Symposium. It is really good. His dubbings are good also. Good guy. Old school.
Another thread sent me into my first attempts at hackle stackers. It does take a little practice. This is my second one, well my second hook used anyway. The head is a little large and unkempt but overall I’m happy.

Hook - Size 12 emerger

Thread - 8/0 Olive Uni

Shuck - Light olive ice dubs

Body - PMD colored turkey biot

Hackle - Dun

Thorax - UV peacock herl
