>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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the jig hook really fishes nice, a lot less snagging and the articulation provides great motion
in the water. it has a tungsten bead which helps too.

Lackey's Grant Lake

Winged Wet Fly

Hook - Standard wet fly

Thread - Black

Tip - Gold tinsel

Tail - Light brown hackle

Body - Olive floss

Hackle - Light brown

Wing - Light brown turkey

Trout - Ray Bergman
Nfrechet's tye's are works of art. I'm not sure if I should look at his stunning work... before I go to the bench....as a source of inspiration......or mebby just tie up some Walt's Worms knowing that patter always looks "interesting"...and I can't screw it up!!
Nfrechet's tye's are works of art. I'm not sure if I should look at his stunning work... before I go to the bench....as a source of inspiration......or mebby just tie up some Walt's Worms knowing that patter always looks "interesting"...and I can't screw it up!!
Walt's worms flat out catch fish. Tie what catches fish! (although I know all those classic wet flies that Nfrechet's ties do catch fish too I just have so much confidence in Walt's worms!)

Teal & Blue

Winged Wet Fly

Hook - Standard wet fly, sizes 10-16

Thread - Black

Ribbing - Fine silver wire

Body - Blue floss

Hackle - Black tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - Barred teal barbs tied over the body


Teal & Red

Winged Wet Fly

Hook - Standard wet fly, sizes 10-16

Thread - Black

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet barbs

Ribbing - Fine gold wire

Body - Red floss

Hackle - Olive tied on as a collar and tied back and down


American River Special, Dark

Steelhead & Trout

Hook - Standard wet/nymph hook, size 8-10

Thread - Black.

Ribbing - Heavy black thread

Body - Dubbed with dark brown rabbit fur or yarn

Hackle - Furnace hen hackle tied on as a collar, two turns only, and tied back

Head - Black ostrich herl


American River Special, Light

Steelhead & Trout

Hook - Standard wet/nymph hook, size 8-10

Thread - Black

Ribbing - Heavy black thread

Body - Dubbed with light olive rabbit fur or yarn

Hackle - Natural black hen hackle tied on as a collar, two turns only, and tied back

Head - Black ostrich herl

Joe Shirshac of Sacramento, California, developed both of the above patterns.

In addition to the steelhead population they were intended for, they are effective for resident trout in the American River system and other streams as well.

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Wing - Barred teal barbs tied over the body

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson
In memory of Jack Gartside, one of the most innovative fly tyers in the modern era, here is a pretty traditional replica of Jack’s “Gurgler”. If I’m lucky enough to come across some Stripers this Spring bustin’ on a big baitball on the surface this will be the first bug that I tie on.


Colorock Midge

Bob Dye

Hook - Curved scud
Thread - Yellow
Ribbing - Tying thread colored with black marker
Body - Tying thread
Thorax - Brown sybai spectra flash dubbing

Colorado Guide Flies - Pat Dorsey


Atta Boy Midge

Bob Dye

Hook - Curved scud
Thread - Red
Body - Tying thread and pearl tinsel
Thorax - Black sybai spectra flash dubbing

Colorado Guide Flies - Pat Dorsey


Cream Cheese

Greg Blessing

Hook - Curved scud
Bead - Gold
Thread - Yellow
Shuck - Yellow krystal flash
Body - Tying thread
Wing - White uni stretch
Thorax - Yellow ice or super brite dubbing

Colorado Guide Flies - Pat Dorsey
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