>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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i would clean up the head area a bit but the rest looks okay

These look very good aside from the heads. It should be relatively easy to improve the heads since you didn't seem to crown the hook eye too much. Use nfrechet's flies as a goal for your heads. His are fairly full and tapered nicely. They are glossy because of the lacquer (or whatever) he uses.

The reasons to "clean up the heads" are twofold:
  1. Whatever is sticking into or over the hook eye will make it more difficult to pass tippet through.
  2. Because you don't seem to have many thread wraps on the head of your flies, they may be less durable. The head of the fly is functional as well as cosmetic.
You said you are taking a tying class. If you are a beginner tier, these are overall really good!
Not bad for your first few flies.

Agree with above on the heads. Alot of new tyers ( and experienced ones) have trouble with heads. A mentor once told me to always leave a hook eye's gap for the head.

Fly proportion is the key to good flies. Master the head, and you are well on your way.
Thanks guys, I was apprehensive about starting fly tying and spending the money as I didn’t know if I could do it and if so, be any good at it. I don’t have any depth perception and sometimes I must standup and look down at the hook to see where things are or where I am putting things on the hook. Also my old eye is not as good as it was when I was much younger.
I have been tying various yellow stone fly imitations, Woven Perla, Randy Buchanan, and Lively Legs.


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These are from the last few days. Been tying for coming up on a year, and I finally have mornings where I wake up and don't think: WTF I should just throw away everything from last night


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These are from the last few days. Been tying for coming up on a year, and I finally have mornings where I wake up and don't think: WTF I should just throw away everything from last night
Nope. I'd fish those for sure. Keep tying and it get's like a light switch....suddenly things get easy and the fly looks good.
I've been tying these over the last week or so. Finally figured out how to resize my pictures on my new computer.
On the trout side, some Stimulators. These are tied on size 6 hooks. If we had giant stoneflies around here, they might work, otherwise they'll take up residence in one of my warm water boxes.


For the warm water side some fly rod jigs. Tied on 1/16 oz jigs with size 6 hooks.




Solar Panel Nymph

Hook – Mustad 3906 or equivalent

Bead – Black brass or tungsten

Thread - Tan

Tail - Brown hackle fibers

Under body – Gold krystal flash

Over body – Rust color v-rib or liquid lace tubing

Wing case - Gold krystal flash

Thorax – Tan ice dubbing

Legs - Gold krystal flash

Heavy Metal

Hook – Knapek G or equivalent curved scud hook

Thread – Black

Head - Gold brass or tungsten

Weight – Lead/lead free wire

Tail - Rubber legs

Body - 2 strands of different color copper wire

Thorax – Sybai peacock spectra dubbing or peacock herl

Hackle - Hungarian partridge
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Turkey Biot Nymph

Hook - Knapek W or equivalent, size 12-16

Thread - Brown

Tail - Partridge fibers

Abdomen - Turkey biot

Rib - Gold wire

Thorax - Squirrel or hare's ear dubbing

Wing case - Turkey tail feather

Adjust the colors and sizes of this generic pattern to match what’s hatching on your local waters

Apply a coat of crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the biot for added durability
Wonder Bread Perdigon

Hook – Favorite Jig

Bead – Silver Slotted Tungsten

Thread - Flo Orange Veevus 8/0

Body - Uni Soft Wire Small (Red / Chart. / Blue)

Tail - CDL

Over body – Semperfli No Tack UV Resin Thin

Wing case - Loon UV Fly Finish Black


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Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent

Thread - Blac
Tag - Flat silver tinsel & fluorescent orange floss or uni stretch
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Fluorescent green floss or uni stretch
Wing - Black squirrel tail
Collar - Grizzly hackle dyed fluorescent green

The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chris Mann


Buckskin Soft Hackle

Hook - Mustad 3906, 3906B or equivalent
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Gold wire
Body - Narrow strip of buckskin
Hackle - Brown hen


Buckskin Soft Hackle

Hook - Mustad 3906, 3906B or equivalent
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Gold wire
Body - Narrow strip of buckskin
Hackle - Hungarian partridge


Buckskin Soft Hackle

Hook - Mustad 3906, 3906B or equivalent
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Gold wire
Body - Narrow strip of buckskin colored with marker
Hackle - Black hen

Note: Any legal game bird feathers can be used for the hackle. Use orange thread for a hot spot. Try different colors of buckskin/chamois. Use different color wire. Be creative. Experiment!
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John Henderson Originator

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Golden pheasant tippet
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Red fluorescent floss or uni stretch
Throat - Brown hen hackle
*Wing - Brown calf tail dyed orange

*I used Rusty Brown calf tail

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner
The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chric Mann
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