>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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White Moth

Ora Smith Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3906, 3906B, 94840 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Butt - Orange floss
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - White wool yarn
Throat - White hen hackle
Wing - White calf tail

Art of Angling Journal - Volume 2 Issue 1

Graveyard Midge

Hook - Mustad C49S or equivalent

Thread - Purple

Ribbing - Wine color wire

Body - Tying thread

Wing case and wing - White razor foam

Thorax - UV Dun color ice dubbing

I had no razor foam, so I used the thinnest foam I had. Fish won't care!


Olive Foam Wing Emerger

Emerger Fly Pattern

Jeremy Barela Pattern

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent

Thread - Olive

Body - Tying thread

Wing - White foam strip or cylinder

Thorax - Olive sybai spectra flash dubbing or equivalent

Different color thread, foam and dubbing can also be used


Olive Baetis Emerger

Mayfly Emerger

Jude Duran Pattern

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent

Thread - Olive

Tail – Moose body hairs

Abdomen – Tying thread

Thorax - Olive sybai spectra flash dubbing or ice dubbing

Wing case – Moose body hairs

Emergent wing - Clipped ends of the wing case

Witch Gold

Soft Hackle Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tag - Flat gold tinsel
Tail - Scarlet
Ribbing - Flat gold tinsel
Body - Light gray floss
Hackle - Honey badger

Witch Silver

(not shown)

Soft Hackle Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tag - Flat silver tinsel
Tail - Scarlet
Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Gray floss
Hackle - Gray badger

Trout - Ray Bergman
Last Chance Cripple Sulfur.


Squirrel May

Hook – Mustad 94840 or equivalent
Thread – Tan
Tail – Moose body hair
Body - Olive, tan, brown, rust, orange or black dubbing
Wing – Fox or gray squirrel tail
Head – Deer or elk hair

Rubber legs are an option that can give this pattern a livelier look


Iced Mocha Naked Stimulator

Hook - Mustad 94835 or equivalent, size 10
Thread - Brown
Tail - Brown cow elk
Body - Ice blue pearl tinsel
Under Wing - Razor foam
Wing - Bleached cow elk -
Head/Thorax - Brown dubbing
Hackle - Dun hackle

White Witch

Grayling Fly

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Red yarn
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - White hen

Mayer's Mini Leach

Landon Mayer Fly Pattern

Hook - Tiemco 2488H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Body - Black krystal flash
Wing - Brown mini pine squirrel
Collar - Brown ostrich herl

Fly Tyer Magazine - Spring 2022

Early Black Stonefly Nymph

Tim Flagler Fly Pattern

Hook - 2xl nymph hook
Thread - Black
Tail & Antenna - Black rubber legs (I used spanflex)
Body - Black hollow tubing
Wing case - Brown pheasant tail fibers
Thorax - Dark brown opossum dubbing

Fly Tyer Magazine - Spring 2022

Moy Green

Atlantic Salmon

Chris Downey Fly Pattern

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Golden Pheasant crest
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Flat silver tinsel
Throat - Orange hackle
Wing - Dyed green squirrel tail

The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chris Mann
Ginger Buggers. A color combination that seemed very popular with trout last year, perhaps because it is out of the usual. I used up all the ones I tied last year & I am trying to recreate the pattern.

tail - 4 tan chickabou feathers
body - tan chennille
rib - copper wire
hackle - bleached ginger badger
thread - orange

ginger bugger (2).jpg

Bo Diddley

Atlantic Salmon

John Johnson Fly Pattern

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Rear body - Yellow floss
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Front body - Black floss
Wing - Black bear hair
Hackle - Yellow and orange hackles wound together
UV Resin head coating

The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chris Mann
Ok, so the challenge or thought was to tie up a minnow pattern that looked as close as....say a Ralpha minnow....or like the real thing. What I ended up with goes from sorta ugly, to man....that's really bad. But I thought I'd stick my neck out to show what "failure" really looks like. Although the first one is what I feel the best one, it could still need some fine tuning to get significantly better. And my photography skills speak for themselves.

#1-This one was tied up with the underbody material of Orvis stretch tubing. Then I wrapped, following the tubing groves, a piece of silver flash from the back to the front. A strip of the stretch tubing tied across the top of the hook, then a full hook wrap of the tubing followed by another "reversing" wrap and one more to finish the front "belly", rabbit zonker tail (which on this one should have been twice as much material), "Living eyes" and when I say "living" it means at least two eyes popped off the fly and ended up on the floor never to be "seen" again!, Black marker on top, A clear, hard UV resin to complete.

#2-This one was tied up with the underbody material hot glue. I shaped and formed the body as best I could when the glue was soft.Then I slid over a piece of Silver Maylar Tubing (removed the inner fibers first), rabbit zonker tail, "Living eyes", Black marker on top, Clear UV finish. Maybe a trout will like an ugly minnow?

#3--The best for last. Underbody material hot glue. I shaped and formed the body as best I could when the glue was soft. Silver Mylar over body, rabbit zonker tail, "Living eyes", Clear UV finish. Maybe a trout will like not an ugly minnow.....but a hideous minnow. Perhaps a blind trout will go for it? Black marker on the top and red marker for gils. YOI..!!


Atlantic Salmon

Harry Kelly Fly Pattern

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel & hot orange floss
Rear body - Oval silver tinsel
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Front body - Black floss
Wing - Black squirrel tail
Collar - Bright orange hackle

The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chriss Mann

Humber Orange

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or Equivalent
Thread - Red
Tail - Flared ends of body tubing
Butt - Red thread used to tie down body tubing
Body - Silver Mylar tubing
Wing - Orange krystal flash under black squirrel tail or black bear
Collar - Orange
Head - Fluorescent orange chenille

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

Iridescent Chartreuse Bug

Atlantic Salmon

Marc Madore

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H
Thread - Chartreuse
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Pearl krystal flash
Tag - Chartreuse and red uni stretch
Body - Chartreuse Iridescent Dubbing (I use chartreuse ice dubbing)
Hackle - White
UV Resin coated head

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

Fluttering Caddis

Hook - Mustad 94840, 94833, 94835 or equivalent, size 10-18
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Fine gold wire
Body - Pheasant tail fibers
Wing - Brown hackle fibers
Hackle - Cree

The above is just one of many different recipes for a Fluttering Caddis.
A Google search will find the best one for you to tie.

This fly can be tied using different body and wing materials as well as different colors.

Mr Rapidan Emerger

Harry Murray Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3906B or equivalent size 10-16
Thread – Tan
Tail - Pheasant Tail
Ribbing - Copper wire
Abdomen - Dark hare’s ear dubbing
Wing - Mallard (I used teal)
Throat - Dark brown india hen cape

Mr. Rapidan - Rocky River Trout Unlimited (rockyrivertu.org)
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