>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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France Fly

Euro Style Jig Nymph

Hook - Gamakatsu J20-B or equivalent
Bead - Black nickel tungsten
Thread - Black
Tail - Coq de Leon fibers
Body - Black micro tubing
Thorax - Dark hare's ear dubbing

Use different color tubing and dubbing for other flies
NFRECHET......What is that black finish glossy "stuff" you finish off the head's with?
Biot emergers 20220401_144018.jpg

Dean River Lantern

Category Pacific Salmon/Steelhead

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent, Sizes 1/0 - 8
Thread - Matching
Tail - Black squirrel tail, long
Under body - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Fluorescent chartreuse, red, orange, yellow or green Edge Brite overlapped
Hackle - Matching hackle
UV Resin coated head

May also be tied with a wing matching the tail material.

The Dean River Lantern series was developed by Art Cohen for the Dean and other rivers of British Columbia. It has proven effective on a number of fish, including Steelhead, Sockeye, Silver, and King Salmon.

The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chriss Mann
Kalama River Dynamite

Steelhead Fly Pattern

Devised by Blackie Tidd around 1991

Hook - Any brand of heavy wet fly style hook
Thread - Red
Body - Tying thread
Under wing - Black wool or antron yarn
Over wing - Deer hair

The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chris Mann
I didn't have a specific fly in mind when I tied in the woodduck flank wing. Then I kind of went off the rails. What do you think? Maybe an Invaria?


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Size #14 hanak jig hook
3 mm pumpkin pie bead
Body is semperfli dirty bug yarn in pale olive.
Thorax is hends spectra dub in peacock.
New to fly tying. Just tied a bunch of Partridge and Orange. Next is Hares Ear, then March Brown. After I perfect those, it will be Black and Silver Spider, Silver Invicta's, and then Alexandra's for Brookies.

Classic Wet Fly Conversion to an Atlantic Salmon Fly

Tomah Joe

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant crescent
Butt - Peacock herl
Body - Flat gold tinsel
Throat - Red over yellow hackle fibers
Wing - Barred wood duck

Classic Wet Fly

Tomah Joe

Tail - Yellow
Butt - Peacock herl
Body - Gold tinsel
Hackle - Mixed scarlet and yellow
Wing - Barred wood duck or Mandarin
Forgotten Flies - Schmookler & Sils

"Tomah-Jo - Old Flies - Fly Angler's OnLine week 169 " (flyanglersonline.com)
In north eastern Maine there is a warm water fishery called Tomah Stream. I fished it as a young boy, with my Dad, and a guide in a huge square end canoe. I remember catching many pickeral and smallmouth on white bucktails.
Thanks guys, I was apprehensive about starting fly tying and spending the money as I didn’t know if I could do it and if so, be any good at it. I don’t have any depth perception and sometimes I must standup and look down at the hook to see where things are or where I am putting things on the hook. Also my old eye is not as good as it was when I was much younger.
If you buy a vise that is rotational you won't have to stand up to look down at the fly. Just rotate the head of the vise towards you. You can then see the top, far side, and bottom.
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St Mary's Fly

Atlantic Salmon

Hook – Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread – Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel with pumpkin floss or uni stretch
Tail – Golden pheasant crest
Ribbing – Oval silver tinsel
Body - Black antron yarn, uni stretch or floss
Underwing - 4 strands forest yellow krystal flash
Wing - Pine or fox squirrel tail
Collar - Yellow hen hackle
A brief interruption from trout flies. I just finished tying up the last of my fly rod jigs. These are marabou ones. I found marabou, as frustrating and messy as spinning and trimming deer hair, to work with.

Hook: 1/32 oz jigs, size 6 hook

Thread: Clear Polyester Thread

Flash: Crystal Flash

Body: stacked marabou

Dry Fly

Hook - Mustad 94840, size 8
Thread - Black
Tail - Red yarn or uni stretch
Rear hackle - Brown
Rib - Red uni stretch, corded and crisscrossed
Body - Yellow yarn
Wing - Deer hair tied as a post
Front hackle - Brown

Federation of Fly Fishers Fly Pattern Encyclopedia
Tied up these pats rubber leg jigs for Vermont opening day this sat .


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