>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part IV

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I call this one pheasant fantasy, tied just for fun but a beautiful fly (IMO).

Tight Lines !!



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Hook - Streamer style
Thread - Red
Tail - Hackle tips
Body - Oval silver tinsel
Head - Red thread and painted eyes

May be highlighted with permanent markers or painted with craft paints

I copied an internet photo I found while Googling for fly patterns
bigjohn58 wrote:
Out4Trout wrote:
White Woolly Bugger

Not your typical woolly bugger but man thats clean!

I have met several people over the years who just tie in a collar rather than running the hackle the length of the bugger. I did this for a short time when I was poor and low on hackle and fishing a lot. And yes, these ties are WAY prettier than mine.
I have been tying Woolly's like this for a while now and from my own testing there is no difference in catch rate from a full body hackle vs just a collar. I like to see the color of the body more and also like the fact that most dont tie them up this way so it makes mine stand out more vs what everyone else is throwing and I think that helps my success in high pressure water.

Here is one of my favorite. Its my version of the thin mint or mafia bugger.


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Ned's Fancy

Hook - Wet fly style
Thread - Black
Tail - Tuft of #1 Glo-Brite floss
Ribbing - Silver wire
Body - Flat silver tinsel
Thorax - Peacock herl
Hackle - 3 turns of blue dun hen

Reference - Collins Illustrated Dictionary of Trout Flies - John Roberts

Bubble Bead Pheasant Tail

Hook - Swimming nymph style, size accordingly to the bugs in your area
Beads - Black brass or tungsten and mercury (silver lined glass bead) color
Thread - Black, brown, whatever color you want
Tail, body & wing case - Pheasant tail (apply CA glue to thread wraps prior to wrapping pheasant tail forward)
Ribbing - Copper wire (it was omitted in the original video but can be added for extra durability)
UV resin over wing case

Can be tied in a variety of colors of pheasant tail and other materials

From an internet video
nfrechet wrote:

Bubble Bead Pheasant Tail

Hook - Swimming nymph style, size accordingly to the bugs in your area
Beads - Black brass or tungsten and mercury (silver lined glass bead) color
Thread - Black, brown, whatever color you want
Tail, body & wing case - Pheasant tail (apply CA glue to thread wraps prior to wrapping pheasant tail forward)
Ribbing - Copper wire (it was omitted in the original video but can be added for extra durability)
UV resin over wing case

Can be tied in a variety of colors of pheasant tail and other materials

From an internet video

Thats a different one...I like it!
Norm...I assume u mean to wrap the pheasant and thread forward together when making the body?

Midge (Pheasant Tail)

Hook - Your favorite midge hook
Bead - Glass or tungsten, size appropriate to the hook (1.5mm glass yellowish topaz/pearl)
Thread - Fluorescent orange
Gills - White uni-stretch
Butt - Fluorescent orange thread coated with uv resin
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Pheasant tail
Thorax - Sybai Fine Flash, peacock

acesedgley wrote:
Norm...I assume u mean to wrap the pheasant and thread forward together when making the body?

on which fly?
Black Wooly Bugger with full Grizzly hackle and gold wire wrap.


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Fly type – Wet/attractor

Hook – Mustad 9672 – size 4-8
Thread – Black
Rear hackle – Soft grizzly
Rear body – White, brown or yellow chenille
Middle hackle – Soft brown
Front body – Peacock herl
Front hackle – Soft white, dun or grizzly

i had already advanced the thread to be behind the beads, applied a swipe of ca glue to the thread wraps and then wrapped the pheasant tail forward to be tied down with the waiting thread behind the beads
Tied a whole stack of estaz eggs this weekend. These and a new fly box will be a stocking stuffer for my son. We do some father son bonding for a week each September fishing for salmon. I noticed his box was getting low this year. He will put these to good use next year.


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Great gift! I'm tying my brother some euro style flies for stocking stuffer as hes just getting into it.
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