>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part IV

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Strawman Nymph (Paul Young)

Hook - Your choice

Thread - Yellow

Tail - Woodduck, mallard etc

Body - Deer hair - may be tied sparser than shown

Melted Cased Caddis

Hook - Nymph style
Thread - Chartreuse
Case - Root beer pearl chenille or crystal chenille
Legs - Black hackle fibers
Head - Charteuse thread
UV Resin

Tying note - The chenille is tied on at the hook bend, wrapped forward and tied off. Cut off thread.

The chenille is then melted using a lighter to create the case.

Reattach tying thread and finish the fly.
nfrechet :I love the creative use of standard materials for the case. Much better than buying specialty materials or, worse, a pre-formed case. Kudos!

Do you weight the shank?
i did not weight the shank but it should work either weighted or unweighted

fly tyers option

Ray Charles (Peacock herl variation)

Hook - Your choice
Thread - Orange
Back strap - Flat pearl tinsel
Body - Bleached and dyed muskrat gray peacock herl

Ostrich herl is normally used for the body (all I had was the peacock herl, hence the variation)

Calcasieu Pig Boat


Hook - Streamer style

Thread - Your favorite color

Ribbing - Wire

Body - Tinsel

Back strap - Strip of rabbit/squirrel/ muskrat etc
nfrechet wrote:


Hook - Streamer style

Thread - Your favorite color

Ribbing - Wire

Body - Tinsel

Back strap - Strip of rabbit/squirrel/ muskrat etc

I tie several like that usually with a weighted head of some sort (bead, barbell, cone etc). Extremely easy to tie and very effective on the stream!

Mustang Pupa

Legs - Pheasant tail fibers, chenille and a black glass/plastic bead

Body - Peacock herl reinforced with tying thread or fine gold wire

Head - Pheasant tail fibers

Reference - FFF Fly Pattern Encyclopedia

Moose Bogan

Hook - Salmon/steelhead style
Thread - Red
Tag - Oval gold tinsel
Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel
Body - Flat copper tinsel
Wing - Green squirrel tail
Collar - Fluorescent green chenille
Head - Red UV resin

Reference - Hairwing & Tube Flies for Salmon & Steelhead - Chris Mann
nfrechet wrote:

Mustang Pupa

Legs - Pheasant tail fibers, chenille and a black glass/plastic bead

Body - Peacock herl reinforced with tying thread or fine gold wire

Head - Pheasant tail fibers

Reference - FFF Fly Pattern Encyclopedia

Interesting. The bead on the chenille is a neat design.
Sand eels.

I like patterns such as these as teasers fished above a weightier fly like a Clouser Minnow, crab, bunker, eel, or general baitfish pattern that is larger and gets down fast.


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FTD products crab fly on a size 1 hook


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same in a crawfish/ shrimp pattern


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congo hair blend shrimp with swannundaze for the body. mustad 8080 #2


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Purple Bead Walt's Worm

Hook: #12 Firehole 633
Bead: 3.0mm slotted tungsten
Dubbing: Zapal tan dubbing
Collar: Zapal light pink very sparsely
Weight: 0.015 lead, 12 wraps

I fish a lot of Walt's Worms of various styles and like playing around with different dubbing blends, beads, ribs (like in Sexy Walts). This purple bead version has been a performer so far!

That's a sweet fly there!
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