djs12354 wrote:
Adding my own poor efforts to the mix. Size 12 Hare's Ear Nymphs.
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
It ain't pretty, and the tail is a little long...but it'll do as a first tie!
Dave_W wrote:
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
It ain't pretty, and the tail is a little long...but it'll do as a first tie!
Well done sir! That will indeed do for a first tie. I'm impressed (really) as that fly has good proportions and will definitely catch fish.
Enjoy the hobby, it will keep you happy for years. 🙂
NewSal wrote:
Sense we are on the pheasant tail topic I Also finished my PT box for the season, now to finish filling the other side with hares ears lol
Pheasant tails rock