Maurice wrote:
Nice Dave, that'll work.
Fritz and I were turning over rocks the other day and found quite a few orange caddis larvae. They were a bit more yellow thro.
Here was Fritz's imitation
fritz wrote:
Some cotton thread for the body. That is the closest color match that I could find in my materials. It was in with a bunch of materials that my brother gave me some years ago.
GenCon wrote:
Grape, looks good. I am sure trout will eat that. No doubt. But to me it looks like smallie candy.
nomad_archer wrote:
I tie lots of those since they are quick and easy. Trout love them and so do the bass.
Grape wrote:
Nomad - do you tie them with rabbit or squirrel zonkers? I have rabbit but I wondered if one was better than the other for this fly. Thanks!
!nomad_archer wrote:
I tie lots of those since they are quick and easy. Trout love them and so do the bass.
Grape wrote:
Thanks Nomad. Yes, that's exactly where I learned to tie this as well.